Dont give a cow, man :m00:
S suicide121 Guest Mar 5, 2002 Thread starter #2 Lol, I think this calls for a good old m00 thread m0o0o0o0o00000000000
S Summo Guest Mar 5, 2002 Thread starter #5 Gad, no! Not in General! Lock this thread, Camazotz! LOCK IT! :uhoh:
T Testin da Cable Guest Mar 6, 2002 Thread starter #13 old news heh. we had those in arnhem yonks ago. they are pretty cool tho
C caLLous Guest Mar 6, 2002 Thread starter #14 I'm completely with Summo on this one. Stop the madness and lock the thread. And Suicide121, you're a complete cunt because you just don't get m00ing.
I'm completely with Summo on this one. Stop the madness and lock the thread. And Suicide121, you're a complete cunt because you just don't get m00ing.
T throdgrain Guest Mar 6, 2002 Thread starter #16 Very very boring way for some people to amass posts without having to say anything. Yawn...