M$ Japanese Xbox Launch Bumpf



Microsoft Announces Details of Japanese Xbox Launch on Feb. 22
Japanese Pricing, Launch Games, Presales and Special Edition Xbox Announced

REDMOND, Wash. -- Jan. 11, 2002 -- Following a record-breaking launch in North America in which the company shipped 1.5 million Microsoft® Xbox™ video game system units and sold more than three games with every Xbox unit through the end of 2001, Microsoft Corp. today announced details of the Japanese launch for Xbox. The future-generation game console will go on sale at retail outlets throughout Japan Feb. 22 at a price of 34,800 yen, with 12 launch games available from the best names in video games, such as Sega Corp., Konami Corp., Capcom Co. Ltd., Tecmo Ltd. and Microsoft Game Studios.

At a news conference in Tokyo, Hirohisa Ohura, managing director and head of the Xbox Division at Microsoft Japan, announced the availability of a special limited-edition console designed exclusively for the Japanese market.

"Xbox has become a cultural phenomenon in North America that we’re confident will spread around the world,” said Robbie Bach, chief Xbox officer at Microsoft. “From that position of strength, we’re working with our industry partners to tap into the growing excitement for Xbox and Xbox games in Japan."

Launch Titles

The Japanese launch portfolio is highly anticipated around the world. Most of the great games have global appeal and will be localized accordingly. The powerful launch lineup includes the following:

"JSRF — Jet Set Radio Future™" (from Sega) is a unique graphical street-skating action-adventure game with the unique visual style of Japanese “manga” comics.

"GENMA ONIMUSHA™" (from Capcom) is a new interpretation of the war survival action series that garnered worldwide acclaim.

"SILENT HILL 2: Saigo no Uta" (from Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo) is the hit adventure game that shook the world with its spine-tingling horror and real-world environment as they can only be presented on Xbox.

"DOUBLE-S.T.E.A.L." (from Bunkasha) is a car action game modeled after the thrilling trademark car stunt scenes of Hong Kong cinema.

"AIR FORCE DELTA II" (from Konami) is an incredibly realistic 3-D shooting game that incorporates amazingly intense air battles using real-world fighter planes.

"HYPER SPORTS 2002 WINTER" (from Konami) recreates 10 sporting events in a realistic, easy-to-control manner. Gamers will appreciate the beautiful atmosphere of winter, with attention to graphics such as the view from the slopes, snow-capped mountains and skating rinks complete with reflections on the ice.

"ESPN Winter X Games Snowboarding 2002" (from Konami) is a realistic snowboarding game modeled after the ESPN Winter X Games and based on comments and participation from world-class snowboarders.

"Nobunaga’s Ambition: Chronicles of Chaos" (from Koei) is a historical simulation game in which powerful leaders do battle to become the victorious feudal lord who can bring together various warring factions.

"Nezmix" (from Microsoft) is a comical adventure in which players take on the role of a mouse who must recruit, lead and battle with a team of fellow mice to defend their town against a band of enemy invaders.

"Tenku: Freestyle Snowboarding" (from Microsoft) is a snowboarding game that focuses on freestyle riding, in contrast to traditional race-based games.

"Project Gotham Racing™: World Street Racer" (from Microsoft) is a game that is the ultimate test of gamers’ driving skills, style and risk-taking, featuring a unique Kudos System, in which players earn rewards not only for getting to the finishing line first, but also for displaying skill, style and daring while driving.

"DEAD OR ALIVE 3" (from Tecmo) is the third title in Tecmo’s popular tournament fighting action game series.

After launch, a quick succession of games will be available, with an expected 22 titles in Japanese stores by the end of March. On average, Xbox games will be priced between 6,800 yen and 9,800 yen.

"Microsoft’s commitment to the global success of Xbox is evident in the support that the best Japanese game development companies have given Xbox in a short time," Ohura said. "We are working with these companies to create unprecedented games that can only be achieved on Xbox."

Special Edition Consoles

Microsoft announced that 50,000 Xbox Special Edition consoles will be available to commemorate the launch in Japan. The special console will be greenish-black with a translucent textured casing. The jewel portion of the box will have a silver logo with black lettering. In addition to the standard AV adapter and the HDTV- and Dolby Digital 5.1-compatible expansion AV pack, a silver-plated key chain will be included in the package. The key chain will feature an engraved serial number and signature from Microsoft Chairman and Chief Software Architect Bill Gates. The Xbox Special Edition will be available for an estimated retail price of 39,800 yen.

Preorders of Xbox Special Edition and the standard Xbox console can be made through Japanese Xbox retail stores Feb. 2.

About Xbox

Xbox is Microsoft’s future-generation video game system that delivers the most powerful games experiences ever. Xbox empowers game artists by giving them the technology to fulfill their creative visions as never before, creating games that blur the lines between fantasy and reality.
Woo Uncle Bill signature, great selling point or what? :rolleyes:


Whats with the '$' ffs there there to make money like everybody else:)

Plus the fact using the $ for the S went out in the stone age.

Sell the console?

Just think there's thousands if not millions what don't have a pc, and will welcome the Xbox with open arms.

Unlike the closed minded people such as yourself:)

The X-box has many plus points from what iv'e seen, but only time will tell i spose, so lets make your mind up later, instead of the average boring hate microsoft bit.

It's so old:p


$ was there simply because I couldn't be bothered to type Microsoft, thats why, way to rant about nothing


Originally posted by Kurt_Angle
Just think there's thousands if not millions what don't have a pc, and will welcome the Xbox with open arms.



Or you could just be lying:)

Pressing both the shift and 4 key is a whole lot more tiresome than pressing just the s key:)

Way to lye:)


Ps custy dood, it's just a local slang thing, i presume your refering to the word 'what'.

Just a local thing, you prolly say 'that' or something round your end.


well considering I would have typed 'MS' it would have been shift S, so.... shift S vs shift 4, not that much of a difference really, so back in your hole.


Whats with the people hating each other on this forum, pish its not very nice

so Don't do it

drink beer instead


Originally posted by Kurt_Angle
Sell the console?

Just think there's thousands if not millions what don't have a pc, and will welcome the Xbox with open arms.

Unlike the closed minded people such as yourself:)

Yes, but there's millions of console gamers who want to play decent games. And Xbox doesn't offer any except Halo, and no one is going to shell out 300 quid for one game. Plus if you already own a PS2, and the last time I checked there were 20 million people who did, there is no point in getting an Xbox. Nice try tho M$.


Originally posted by MYstIC G
$ was there simply because I couldn't be bothered to type Microsoft

LOL one more 'mistake' :D

Originally posted by MYstIC G

well considering I would have typed 'MS' it would have been shift S, so.... shift S vs shift 4, not that much of a difference really

Just what are you typing, the FULL microsoft in which case you DON'T need to type a capital letter for the 'S'.

Sorry just just seem to be changing your story everytime i catch you out.

Guess your just one of those people who can never admit to being in the wrong and will argue the toss forever more till you have spun enough bs to think you have upperhand whatever your talking about.

Guess your hole is a whole lot larger than mine:)

Well till that is you bullsh!t your way out again, hey who needs a ladder, when your around:p

Ps, remember the great Ps2 collection of launch titles, just about the lamest collection of lauchers ever to grace such an event:)

Still some top games now though, init.


my story hasn't changed at all, I used an $ because I didn't want to type the full word, if I had typed MS it would have been a capital S because I don't like Ms because its like in 'Ms Kurt Angle'.

Quite frankly I think its pathetic that the only thing you ever contribute to any discussion is a heap of shite & then try to slag off anybody who spots your crap. Then again I guess you couldn't find a way to cheat at filling in the reply box so it would appear your IQ's higher than it is.


Fucking shut up arguing about an acronym you pair of spastics.


They don't think XB will be too bigg over in Japan, only the GC will match PS2 in Japan.


Indeed there's only one spastic here, that being me, as mystic is waaaay above it:)

My point was about the xbox/ms haters in general, as allways he chose to ignore the issue and jump right into the shit.

He seems to enjoy the shit for some reason :rolleyes:


"Quite frankly I think its pathetic that the only thing you ever contribute to any discussion is a heap of shite & then try to slag off anybody who spots your crap. "

Read above, did i not make any points reguarding the X-box?

Or did i, and you overlooked it?


"Just think there's thousands if not millions what don't have a pc, and will welcome the Xbox with open arms. "


"The X-box has many plus points from what iv'e seen, but only time will tell i spose, so lets make your mind up later, instead of the average boring hate microsoft bit. "

It was YOU SIR that choose to go down the spouting crap off topic bit.

Stop thinking your above me IN ANYWAY, the fact you allways choose to argue the toss with me PROVES that everytime.

If you dislike what i have to say then, do me and yourself a favour and add me to your ignore list.

Belive me i won't miss these CHILDISH '2 way' conversations.

Opps i said '2 WAY' i forgot it only takes one person to argue doesn't it :rolleyes:

Well thats if you ingore whats in your profile anyway,

INTERESTS: "Pissing People Off (not a hobbie, more a tallent)"

Like i say iv'e allready added you to my list.

Have a nice day:)


Stop thinking your above me IN ANYWAY, the fact you allways choose to argue the toss with me PROVES that everytime.

No disrespect Kurt but, you started it with the....

Whats with the '$' ffs there there to make money like everybody else


*runs and hides*


i hate the way people say the x - box has no good games coming out for it. To your knowledge there are no good games but its usually the unknown games that are the best.


Originally posted by UKTwister
i hate the way people say the x - box has no good games coming out for it. To your knowledge there are no good games but its usually the unknown games that are the best.

Like Kubiki Warriors you mean? :)


The ps2 didn't really have any good games on release and now look at it. I'm deffo not planning on buying an X-Box in it's current state, but if it becomes big, which i doubt, then i will go out and buy one.


Who wants an X-Box at £299 when both the PS2 and the GC will be £199?


Originally posted by Kez
Who wants an X-Box at £299 when both the PS2 and the GC will be £199?

Even if the X-Box and the GC were the same price I would still buy a GC.


Well, i wouldn't buy a GC because the 1% of releases that arn't anything mario(or similar)/pokemon/zelda come out on the PS2 or PC anyway.

As you can guess i don't like mario(or similar), pokemon or zelda.

Maybe Goldeneye on the N64 was good but i would hardly say it was as fantastic as most people say and certainly not worthing buying a console for.


I will buy an XBox. And I'll probably enjoy it too, just to spite Bodhi :D

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