LW Damage Dependance, Help :P


Fledgling Freddie
May 14, 2005
What does LW hero damage depend on? As in do i have to spec a damage style line as well? And also any good specs would be great?

Or is a LW weapon hero just no use in DAoC anymore?




One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 27, 2004
from what im aware you dont have to spec Blunts, Blades etc to increase LW damage like the polearm shit in alb - it's on it's own independant line and you can use crush or slash it's like fun!

no clue about the hero spec though I guess and probably wrong that its 42 shield, 39 weapon, 50 LW :)

think BG champs or wardens > heros :p


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
LW hero just spec 50 LW 42 shield 39 parry 6 blades or 50 LW 42 shield 39 blades 6 parry. I am the first one atm, which i think is the most usefull. shit blades damage 30-60 if your lucky but the best all round imo. STR is your damage so get that as high as you can, aim for at least 400 str buffed.


Fledgling Freddie
May 14, 2005
Hi Raven, i've always wanted to play a LW hero but wasn't sure if they were effective or not. Watched your video and it gave me the guts to give it a go, was wondering how you get 400str buffed with a celt? :p Any tips for RvR as i plan to solo :p




Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
well i wouldnt give up my hero for any class, saying that i wouldnt tell anyone to make one, better off being a blademaster or champ. as for 400 str

60+10 from start
55 from levels
101 from SC
22 from aug str 3
=248 unbuffed
+ buffs (156?)

404 str

cba to login, taking a break from daoc atm but i think that adds up.

Cant remember my STR but it was 4xx when i had aug str 4, dropped down to aug str 3 now an increased mastery of pain. I would say the average damage is 4-500 depending on the resist tables, heaters vs stealthers it usually goes for 6-700 damage.


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Raven said:
well i wouldnt give up my hero for any class, saying that i wouldnt tell anyone to make one, better off being a blademaster or champ. as for 400 str

60+10 from start
55 from levels
101 from SC
22 from aug str 3
=248 unbuffed
+ buffs (156?)

404 str

cba to login, taking a break from daoc atm but i think that adds up.

Cant remember my STR but it was 4xx when i had aug str 4, dropped down to aug str 3 now an increased mastery of pain. I would say the average damage is 4-500 depending on the resist tables, heaters vs stealthers it usually goes for 6-700 damage.

remind me not to fight u on my stealther....


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Raven said:
well i wouldnt give up my hero for any class, saying that i wouldnt tell anyone to make one, better off being a blademaster or champ. as for 400 str

60+10 from start
55 from levels
101 from SC
22 from aug str 3
=248 unbuffed
+ buffs (156?)

404 str

cba to login, taking a break from daoc atm but i think that adds up.

Cant remember my STR but it was 4xx when i had aug str 4, dropped down to aug str 3 now an increased mastery of pain. I would say the average damage is 4-500 depending on the resist tables, heaters vs stealthers it usually goes for 6-700 damage.

aug str 3 = 393str fullbuffed
aug str 4 = 407str fullbuffed


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Raven said:
well i wouldnt give up my hero for any class, saying that i wouldnt tell anyone to make one, better off being a blademaster or champ. as for 400 str

60+10 from start
55 from levels
101 from SC
22 from aug str 3
=248 unbuffed
+ buffs (156?)

404 str

cba to login, taking a break from daoc atm but i think that adds up.

Cant remember my STR but it was 4xx when i had aug str 4, dropped down to aug str 3 now an increased mastery of pain. I would say the average damage is 4-500 depending on the resist tables, heaters vs stealthers it usually goes for 6-700 damage.

Its 45 from lvls :)

45from lvls
101 from items(with 26cap)
22 from aug
155 from buffs
=393 ;) (gimp celt!)


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