Lvl 50's leaving the server



Might seem harsh.....but well fook off then if ya gonna be all moaning and whining all the time about Albion and how shit it is etc

We all know its full of wankers, just don't need u coming on here reminding us and bringing morale down, proclaiming ur leaving its far more dignified if ur just humble about it, and delete ur characters quietly

Getting on my bloody nerves

Flame Away! WOO:flame:


Oh come on someone argue with me I am bored at work and just want some excitement injected into the last hour!



I totally agree

if a person just playes to get to 50 and then find it boring and wanna move, ffs move, dont come here whining :p

on the other hand RESPECT to those 50's outthere staying and helping their realm even if we are poo at the moment (chainging lately though :))


Aha nice one mate yeah, I mean come here and say goodbye I don't mind but don't come here bashing Albion and then fook off to Hibs or Mids and then say goodbye its pathetic and pointless and shows weak character!

Plus it makes u look like the twat everyone thought u were anyhow, certain people excluded

Madonion Slicer

i have to say..............................i totally agree!

I have only been on the boards a few weeks and they are alot of moaners about, you do remember it is a game right?

Myself i am having an excellent time with it, and it keeps getting better and better.

Patches take a long time, oh while cant miss what you dont have so get on with it.

So called "Nerfing", i say learn to play you characters better, i mean for pitty sake you manged lvl50!!!

RP Farming and Grey Killing, Bug abusing, we know who you are and we will not be grouping with you, sell you items or give you items, no need to moan at them use /ignore and get on with your game.

Every realm has it good and bad players, but that comes down to the person at the key board and god only knows who they are, or what they get upto in RL.

Dont have ago at so called "Noobs" there is a big difference from a Noob and a New Player, even a lvl50 can be "Noob", i know i have spoken to a few of them.

Guys this is a game and i think it is a great game with the 3 realms and all the classes you can play i cant see how anyone can get bored, maybe if you have taken every class to lvl50 then i can see the point.

We have so much more to come Battle Grounds, Realm Abilitys, Darkness Falls, Guild Housing, New Trades, etc etc

End of the day if you want to leave just go, it is not like i am going to shed a tear, i dont know a single one of you and i cant bring my self to miss a pixelated version, but dont come on here and expect people to wipe your tears for you, if your bored go to the shops buy a new game and have fun.

Wow i typed a fair bit there better stop now, sorry if you all asleep, but hey you where bored anyway.


Favourable input I must say I thought I was going to be flamed to hell, but it seems the community at large, all be it 2 people at present feels the same!!

OMG :clap:


Just the thread i wanted to see ;)

Ahh, i hit 50, aah been there done that
Ahh, rvr- nah.. sick off it
hmm, what to do then? my alt isnt fun anymore- hell! lets quit the game!

Sure, i understand why ppl get tired of it, but u may wanna try having a break for some weeks? It does have a positive effect

I aint playing that much atm on EU, its summer and kinda sick of the usual emain-story, so i hope that 1.48 will bring the spirit back and hopefully GOA will speed up with next patch (actually i think 1.50 will be much faster, dont think they can afford another patch after that one if u get my point ;) )


If ur bored just go play another game for a bit till 1.48

Granted there is little to no enjoyment for a level 50 on 1.45 but 1.48 should bring more enjoyment and 1.50 should be even better

Patience is key, and the rewards will be great

Madonion Slicer

Becarful with this thread else it will come across as if we are moaners.

But i dont moan i love it


Lo Lonewolf
Remember a Maximilian from UO. SL? ;)

Just recognised your nick and if u are the same as the one from UO I just wanted to say hey.......


Just speculation here...
Wondering what percentage of lvls 50s have fulltime jobs and hectic lives...U would think not too many judging by the amount of time they spend online...
So if we continue this line of approach then these guys who got to level 50 like weeks ago have prolly been playing alomost 12 hours a day. Something u do 12 hours a day for weeks isn't a game it's a way of life and eventually I would think a chore that rapidly becomes tiresome. Guys FFS go and get a job/gf/bf/gimp or whatever but go and do something that ain't DaoC and make sure whatever it is makes you glad to be back at your keyboard in front of the game.


Get up at 6, work at 9 till 5, play from 6 till 1, sleep from 1 till 6, etc.

Ok it took me some time to get to 50 but I have to work all day so it ain't that hard to get to 50. And btw anyone noticed the /who command the last couple of weeks? It's been going down from 800 till 300.


i really have faith in patch 1.48
think the keep claiming and upgrading is gonna be much more fun then our current situation in rvr where keeps can be taken with one group


bah we need the patch and some more challenges in RvR. More relic activity and stuff.
I wanna wake up and see relics taken, ppl stresing about taking the relic back or taking a extra relic. I miss this least in Albion.

let's go RVR...kill that was fun..ok back to exping.... :sleeping:

Who cares if it is keep pingpong , it's more fun than just killing each other. Kill each other while taking/defending keeps.


Hopefully Tilde's right there. GOA can't afford to take 3 months translating 1.49, the loss of customer confidence would be appalling. Let's face it.... £20 and any of us could be off to the US servers. If there's nothing to do on our high-level chars, then i think an awful lot of people will just bugger off... :(
Which would be a fairly sad sight D:

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