LVL 5 encounters


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 21, 2004
Any1 planning on doing .1 to .9 before tonights raid?
Suposed to be able to be done with just 1 grp but i aint seen any1 flaggin, any1 trying to do the previous steps to .10 or am i the only 1 that h8s this new grp flag system lol
Well il be lingering around styg for few hrs and hope some people also try as i pmed billions and flaged for 3 hrs and nobody wants in, maybe its coz im a wizza:D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Its a very easy raid, just requires 1fg of totaly random gimps (2 clerics, 2 shield tanks and anything else u wanna throw in for the "gimp" effect).

This dungeon is a Duel dungeon, meaning it can have 1 raids going on at the same time as there are 2 halfs which have exactly the same bosses etc in them.

Almost all of ML5 is group based thou, but raid only takes 2-3 hours max even with the gimpist of groups.

VoS has all the info required to run a raid, even for a complete newbie so if you cant get a group set one up self and do it, im sure theres alot of intrest out there :)

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