Lvl 48 Cleric epic


Bleri McThrust

Does anyone know where to find the blue man in the lvl 48 Symbol of the broken, quest ??

Cant find it listed anywhere and got a friend (yes I do have friends :p ) who has been all over pennines looking for his cave.

{EDIT} Ok so i looked on a map and found him marked south of Berkstead lol.

Hopefully that should be enough information for him {EDIT}


The Blue Man can be found south of Caer Berkstead...just go down the hill and you will see his cave. Good Luck

Herbal Remedy

shock horror have u never killed ellylls before? if u have u must be blind because they smack bang between ellylls and caer berkstead

Bleri McThrust

Killed ellyls a thousand times and we found the Blue man.

If you didnt actually walk south from Berkstead you probably wouldnt see him. He is hiding in a cave there. Must have approached Berkstead so many times but always from south going north so never seen him till now :).

I always said I should have been a scout lol as I always walk around with my eyes closed :D

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