lvl 45 cleric OTD



Hello all!

Would like some help in locating the mob that drops a nice cleric helm with adds in smite. It's lvl 45 OTD, saw it once in gamebanshee, but now i cant remember where to find the mob or it's name.

So if you know anything about that drop please post where the mob can be found, it's name and if possible the loc.

Thanks for any help.

Ormgod (Lamh Dhearg)


It comes off Saffron the named cockatrice in the Pennine Mountains. You can find her spawning in the Teg valley just south of Sursbrooke. Just be aware if might take a while, I spent 5 hours there before she spawned. If you are level 45 you might want to take along a friend or two since some of the Tegs will be orange/red to you.


Thx for the help Revz.

Got the helm now, and now I just need to hand it to my friend (And see the look on his face <grin> )

And thx to Talath for helping me fight Saffron.


its totally random spawn i think in that i went with a group with 3 clerics all over 45 - 1 had the helm already. we killed it first time (i wasnt group at the time and i got the helm). Within a minute Saffron had spawned again so after a quikc bout of smiting all three of us were adorned in glorious +4 smiteness


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