Lvl 44/45 Merc slash weapons



I'm wondering what slash weapons all you lvl44+ Mercenary people use.

At the moment, at lvl 44, i'm still using Tuskers Old Wound and Spark of Midnight.

I've got a few other swords lying around:

Infernal Malison Short sword from DF - this doesn't proc till 50 and is still orange to me, so effective DPS slightly lower than Tuskers.

Brilliant Caller Shard is yellow, but lower DPS.

Shard of the Stonewatch is orange, but again, has lower effective DPS and no proc.

I'm presuming I want to try and get the Feather Light Granite Axe's from Dartmoor asap, but i'd imagine the effective DPS on them will be pretty low till I gain a few lvls.

So what do my fellow Mercs use? Should I get some player crafted swords, but lose the nice bonuses I get from my two current swords?


use the 2 you have...due to the 100%qual they will still kick ass


Netherium jambiyas (15.0 dps 30% enchantment bonus) or arcanium daggers (15.0 dps 35% enchantment bonus). The daggers are a bit faster than the jambiyas and don't look as good, but have better enchantment bonus and are also much cheaper to get. Ask Boney or Yussef to make you two. Or if you can wait a week, ask me :) I used my handmade netherium jambiyas from 42 to 49.

Edit: A little addition on crafted versus drop/DF. If you plan to do RvR lots while you are under 50, I suggest you get some arcanium crafted stuff because of the 35% bonus which gives you much better chances to hit someone. If however you plan to level up in peace with just an occasional bash now and then, you may want to save your money and invest in some DF stuff (which I can't comment on since I never really used it). That will see you through to 50, but you won't operate on your maximum effectivity since you will never do the damage you would do with a good quality crafted weapon, even with the +X to slash or str or whatever. A pair of high quality arcanium jambiyas, which is what you will want once you ding 50, is quite expensive though, so the drops could help you save coin until it really matters.

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