lvl 30 gear?



well.. just hit 29 and tomorrow will be my big day when i ding 30 and will be able to rez and help out a lot of people :)

But all my vindi just turned green, and so did my dark short sword and even my epic quest gear is green/blue....

So my question is, where in earth shall I get new gear?

I hear that at lvl 30 i can do the lion fang quest... but what about the rest? :)

Any help is appreciated


30 is that inbetweeny stage for armour of most classes in alb - u may need to get some player crafted to tide u over (not hard now the games been going a while)


i see, what kind of player crafted should I aim at?

Madonion Slicer

I had the same thing when my Armsmen turned 30, had to spend a fortune on some crafted Scaled Mithril Plate, still cons blue at 35, but as soon as you can get you self into the barrows very nice armour drops in there and swords, or though myself i prefer a decent quality crafted one myself my Mithril Barstard Sword rocks.


what was the bill on that party? Sounds like a blast and hope I can afford it


Crafted scaled mithril will be yellow at 30 Lusse and there are a fair share of people who craft it at a fair price.

It surely beats running round in green vindi. You will lose the extra stats of the vinde but a high quality crafted armor gives a nice bonus. From mithril, I also started to enchant my armor which is very nice. Round 34, switch to crafted adamantium I suppose if you have the gold. It will last you till you can get e.g. the mortification pieces from barrows.

Also, look at possible quests/drops. Lvl 30 epic will give great pala gloves (AF62) and the Decurion in catacombs drops you the Breatplate of the legion (AF62).

You can always pm Egidius, our lead crafter for the armor. He's a tailor but knows all good armorcrafters.

Madonion Slicer

Off the top of my head for Scaled Mithril armour from a merchant you wont see much change from 200G i would say you should also be able to enchant it for that too.

It is damn good armour will see you into the barrows no probs.

Contact Mcdoom in game, he did mine for me and was very good on the price compared to the merchants. You can tell him i sent you, you may even get a discount.

You can even trade you vindi with him as he will salvage it and take the price of the new stuff


I suggest asking the price for regular adamantium plate or fluted before getting mithril, it'll last longer and has higher bonus % (mithril 15%, adamantium 20%). Also, kill Decurion in catacombs, he's got a very nice AF62 breastplate otd. The armsman & paladin lvl30 epics give great gloves too.


lvl of item = AF/2

so adamantium would be best around 30 .. for 35 get asterite :)

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