Lurikeen Mauler


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
has astral weapons buuuuuuut I made it in such a way you can put 2x matter legendary weapons in there and lose 0 stats also :p so in short its fully weaponless as none of the weapons require specific sc'ing (beyond +af but that comes naturally from legendary weapons)

p.s it has dreamsphere in \o/

Config Report

Hits: 394/400(+200)
STR: 101/101(+48)
CON: 101/100(+25)
DEX: 15/83(+8)
QUI: 63/75
AF: 60/50

Body: 26/26 Energy: 25/26(+5) Crush: 26/26(+5)
Cold: 25/26 Matter: 24/26 Slash: 26/26
Heat: 26/26 Spirit: 26/26 Thrust: 26/26

20/11 All Melee Weapon Skills

Other Bonuses
11 / 10 Melee Combat Speed
18 / 10 Melee Damage
20 / 10 Style Damage

Piece Listing
Name: Astral Jerkin of Withering
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 21 Constitution
Slot 2: 3 All Melee Weapon Skills
Slot 3: 8 Strength Cap Increase
Slot 4: 8 Constitution Cap Increase
Slot 5: 8 Dexterity Cap Increase
Slot 6: 4 Melee Damage
Slot 7: 4 Style Damage
Slot 8: 4 Melee Combat Speed
Utility: 29.0

Name: Dragonslayer Cruaigh Sleeves
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 22 Strength
Slot 2: 40 Hits
Slot 3: 5 Cold Resist
Slot 4: 5 Heat Resist
Slot 5: 5 Spirit Resist
Slot 6: 1 Melee Combat Speed
Slot 7: 5 Strength Cap Increase
Utility: 54.7

Name: Crafted Item3
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.0 of 32 Overcharge: 5
Gem 1: 20 Hits - Rough Blood Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 19 Quickness - Faceted Airy Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 9 Body Resist - Polished Dusty Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 11 Matter Resist - Faceted Earthen Shielding Jewel
Utility: 57.7 SC Cost: 35g 95s 40c SC Price: 35g 95s 40c

Name: Astral Torporific Leggings
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 3 All Melee Weapon Skills
Slot 2: 40 Hits
Slot 3: 16 Strength
Slot 4: 16 Quickness
Slot 5: 2 Melee Damage
Slot 6: 2 Style Damage
Slot 7: 2 Melee Combat Speed
Slot 8: 7 Strength Cap Increase
Slot 9: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 46.3

Name: Crafted Item5
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 36.5 of 32 Overcharge: 4.5
Gem 1: 22 Constitution - Precious Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 28 Quickness - Perfect Airy Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 7 Cold Resist - Imperfect Icy Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 5 Slash Resist - Flawed Watery Shielding Jewel
Utility: 57.3 SC Cost: 55g 2s 0c SC Price: 55g 2s 0c

Name: Crafted Item6
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 36.0 of 32 Overcharge: 4
Gem 1: 9 Heat Resist - Polished Heated Shielding Jewel
Gem 2: 11 Energy Resist - Faceted Light Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 5 Crush Resist - Flawed Fiery Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 5 Thrust Resist - Flawed Airy Shielding Jewel
Utility: 60.0 SC Cost: 25g 8s 0c SC Price: 25g 8s 0c

Right Hand
Name: Astral Kinetic Wrap
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 3 All Melee Weapon Skills
Slot 2: 10 Fatigue
Slot 3: 15 AF
Slot 4: 10 Strength Cap Increase
Slot 5: 4 Melee Damage
Slot 6: 4 Style Damage
Utility: 15.0

Left Hand
Name: Astral Kinetic Wrap
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 3 All Melee Weapon Skills
Slot 2: 10 Fatigue
Slot 3: 15 AF
Slot 4: 10 Strength Cap Increase
Slot 5: 4 Melee Damage
Slot 6: 4 Style Damage
Utility: 15.0

Name: head 5 con cap, hands 15 dex, feet 10 af
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 5 Constitution Cap Increase
Slot 2: 15 Dexterity
Slot 3: 10 AF
Utility: 10.0

Name: Potent Deathwatcher Chain
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 21 Strength
Slot 2: 21 Constitution
Slot 3: 6 Crush Resist
Slot 4: 6 Thrust Resist
Slot 5: 6 Slash Resist
Slot 6: 5 Body Resist
Slot 7: 5 Spirit Resist
Slot 8: 3 Constitution Cap Increase
Slot 9: 3 Strength Cap Increase
Utility: 84.0

Name: Astral Cloak of Heroes
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 4 All Melee Weapon Skills
Slot 2: 60 Hits
Slot 3: 22 Strength
Slot 4: 22 Constitution
Slot 5: 60 Hits Cap Increase
Slot 6: 2 Melee Combat Speed
Slot 7: 4 Melee Damage
Slot 8: 4 Style Damage
Utility: 64.3

Name: Dream Sphere
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 5 Fatigue
Slot 2: 15 AF
Slot 3: 40 Hits
Slot 4: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Slot 5: 5 Matter Resist
Slot 6: 5 Spirit Resist
Slot 7: 5 Body Resist
Utility: 40.0

Name: Soulbinder's Belt
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 7 Cold Resist
Slot 2: 7 Matter Resist
Slot 3: 7 Body Resist
Slot 4: 7 Spirit Resist
Slot 5: 35 Hits
Slot 6: 7 Heat Resist
Slot 7: 7 Energy Resist
Slot 8: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 92.8

Left Ring
Name: Ring of Tarka'oz
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 21 Strength
Slot 2: 4 Crush Resist
Slot 3: 4 Thrust Resist
Slot 4: 4 Slash Resist
Slot 5: 35 Hits
Slot 6: 4 All Melee Weapon Skills
Slot 7: 5 Strength Cap Increase
Slot 8: 35 Hits Cap Increase
Slot 9: 5 AF
Slot 10: 2 Style Damage
Utility: 66.8

Right Ring
Name: Trollstone Ring
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 80 Hits
Slot 2: 80 Hits Cap Increase
Slot 3: 9 Constitution Cap Increase
Slot 4: 1 Crush Resist
Slot 5: 1 Thrust Resist
Slot 6: 1 Slash Resist
Slot 7: 1 Matter Resist
Slot 8: 1 Body Resist
Slot 9: 1 Spirit Resist
Slot 10: 1 Energy Resist
Utility: 34.0

Left Wrist
Name: Agramon's Demon Soul Crafted Bracer
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 15 Constitution
Slot 2: 44 Hits
Slot 3: 6 Cold Resist
Slot 4: 6 Spirit Resist
Slot 5: 6 Heat Resist
Slot 6: 6 Energy Resist
Slot 7: 44 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 69.0

Right Wrist
Name: Cyclone Bracer
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 11 Crush Resist
Slot 2: 10 Thrust Resist
Slot 3: 10 Slash Resist
Slot 4: 2 Melee Combat Speed
Utility: 62.0


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
It is a must in most templates if you ask me..


Part of the furniture
Mar 28, 2009
That is why i made it in my Hero group template too...

Sadly Mauler isn't any good for fg :<


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
I'm actually making a mid mauler template myself this looks pretty awesome any mid items i could swap in here to match the temp?


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
I'm actually making a mid mauler template myself this looks pretty awesome any mid items i could swap in here to match the temp?

you can get all of the required items on mid aswell (even the hib necklace) if the ML10 vest and leg stats are the same you can just directly copy it I think.

"Belt of the Protector, Soulbinder's Belt, and Potent Deathwatcher Chain: These items have had their Realm requirement removed. They will now drop from all 3 adult dragons and are available for purchase from the Dragon Scale stores."


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
That is why i made it in my Hero group template too...

Sadly Mauler isn't any good for fg :<

Lol, you're kidding right? mag maulers play fucking havoc on casters if they dont get peeled :p not to mention their op as fuck RR5.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Needs 10% SP Is one on vn somewhere with 101 str/con 400hp and 10/10/10/10 bonus capped resists and such i use it on my briton mauler which i never play :p


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
10% SP or some dura/heal effectiveness will be win in there ;D


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Whats a general spec for a mauler anyway? im 34 FS 45 AM 33 PS


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
2 matter legendarys equipped and some of the sc jiggled around, pay no attention to the low imbues there isnt anything else to cap (unless you really want + magic skills)

Config Report

Hits: 400/400(+200)
STR: 101/101(+26)
CON: 101/100(+25)
DEX: 83/83(+8)
QUI: 63/75
AF: 50/50

Body: 26/26 Energy: 26/26 Crush: 26/26(+2)
Cold: 26/26 Matter: 26/26 Slash: 26/26(+3)
Heat: 26/26 Spirit: 26/26(+5) Thrust: 26/26

11/11 All Melee Weapon Skills

Other Bonuses
10/10 Melee Combat Speed
10/10 Melee Damage
10/10 Style Damage

Piece Listing
Name: Astral Jerkin of Withering
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 21 Constitution
Slot 2: 3 All Melee Weapon Skills
Slot 3: 8 Strength Cap Increase
Slot 4: 8 Constitution Cap Increase
Slot 5: 8 Dexterity Cap Increase
Slot 6: 4 Melee Damage
Slot 7: 4 Style Damage
Slot 8: 4 Melee Combat Speed
Utility: 29.0

Name: Dragonslayer Cruaigh Sleeves
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 22 Strength
Slot 2: 40 Hits
Slot 3: 5 Cold Resist
Slot 4: 5 Heat Resist
Slot 5: 5 Spirit Resist
Slot 6: 1 Melee Combat Speed
Slot 7: 5 Strength Cap Increase
Utility: 54.7

Name: Crafted Item3
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.0 of 32 Overcharge: 5
Gem 1: 20 Hits - Rough Blood Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 19 Quickness - Faceted Airy Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 9 Body Resist - Polished Dusty Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 11 Matter Resist - Faceted Earthen Shielding Jewel
Utility: 57.7 SC Cost: 35g 95s 40c SC Price: 35g 95s 40c

Name: Astral Torporific Leggings
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 3 All Melee Weapon Skills
Slot 2: 40 Hits
Slot 3: 16 Strength
Slot 4: 16 Quickness
Slot 5: 2 Melee Damage
Slot 6: 2 Style Damage
Slot 7: 2 Melee Combat Speed
Slot 8: 7 Strength Cap Increase
Slot 9: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 46.3

Name: Crafted Item5
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.0 of 32 Overcharge: 5
Gem 1: 22 Constitution - Precious Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 28 Quickness - Perfect Airy Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 19 Dexterity - Faceted Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 4: 5 Slash Resist - Flawed Watery Shielding Jewel
Utility: 56.0 SC Cost: 64g 28s 60c SC Price: 64g 28s 60c

Name: Crafted Item6
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 36.0 of 32 Overcharge: 4
Gem 1: 9 Heat Resist - Polished Heated Shielding Jewel
Gem 2: 11 Energy Resist - Faceted Light Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 5 Crush Resist - Flawed Fiery Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 5 Thrust Resist - Flawed Airy Shielding Jewel
Utility: 60.0 SC Cost: 25g 8s 0c SC Price: 25g 8s 0c

Right Hand
Name: Crafted Item7
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 28.0 of 32 Overcharge: 0
Gem 1: 28 Dexterity - Perfect Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 2 Matter Resist - Uncut Earthen Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 9 Cold Resist - Polished Icy Shielding Jewel
Utility: 40.7 SC Cost: 38g 71s 20c SC Price: 38g 71s 20c

Left Hand
Name: Crafted Item8
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 21.0 of 32 Overcharge: 0
Gem 1: 28 Dexterity - Perfect Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 12 Hits - Uncut Blood Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 1 Energy Resist - Raw Light Shielding Jewel
Utility: 23.7 SC Cost: 29g 79s 40c SC Price: 29g 79s 40c

Name: head 5 con cap, hands 15 dex, feet 10 af
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 5 Constitution Cap Increase
Slot 2: 15 Dexterity
Slot 3: 10 AF
Slot 4: 20 AF
Utility: 10.0

Name: Potent Deathwatcher Chain
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 21 Strength
Slot 2: 21 Constitution
Slot 3: 6 Crush Resist
Slot 4: 6 Thrust Resist
Slot 5: 6 Slash Resist
Slot 6: 5 Body Resist
Slot 7: 5 Spirit Resist
Slot 8: 3 Constitution Cap Increase
Slot 9: 3 Strength Cap Increase
Utility: 84.0

Name: Astral Cloak of Heroes
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 4 All Melee Weapon Skills
Slot 2: 60 Hits
Slot 3: 22 Strength
Slot 4: 22 Constitution
Slot 5: 60 Hits Cap Increase
Slot 6: 2 Melee Combat Speed
Slot 7: 4 Melee Damage
Slot 8: 4 Style Damage
Utility: 64.3

Name: Dream Sphere
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 5 Fatigue
Slot 2: 15 AF
Slot 3: 40 Hits
Slot 4: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Slot 5: 5 Matter Resist
Slot 6: 5 Spirit Resist
Slot 7: 5 Body Resist
Utility: 40.0

Name: Soulbinder's Belt
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 7 Cold Resist
Slot 2: 7 Matter Resist
Slot 3: 7 Body Resist
Slot 4: 7 Spirit Resist
Slot 5: 35 Hits
Slot 6: 7 Heat Resist
Slot 7: 7 Energy Resist
Slot 8: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 92.8

Left Ring
Name: Ring of Tarka'oz
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 21 Strength
Slot 2: 4 Crush Resist
Slot 3: 4 Thrust Resist
Slot 4: 4 Slash Resist
Slot 5: 35 Hits
Slot 6: 4 All Melee Weapon Skills
Slot 7: 5 Strength Cap Increase
Slot 8: 35 Hits Cap Increase
Slot 9: 5 AF
Slot 10: 2 Style Damage
Utility: 66.8

Right Ring
Name: Trollstone Ring
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 80 Hits
Slot 2: 80 Hits Cap Increase
Slot 3: 9 Constitution Cap Increase
Slot 4: 1 Crush Resist
Slot 5: 1 Thrust Resist
Slot 6: 1 Slash Resist
Slot 7: 1 Matter Resist
Slot 8: 1 Body Resist
Slot 9: 1 Spirit Resist
Slot 10: 1 Energy Resist
Utility: 34.0

Left Wrist
Name: Agramon's Demon Soul Crafted Bracer
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 15 Constitution
Slot 2: 44 Hits
Slot 3: 6 Cold Resist
Slot 4: 6 Spirit Resist
Slot 5: 6 Heat Resist
Slot 6: 6 Energy Resist
Slot 7: 44 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 69.0

Right Wrist
Name: Cyclone Bracer
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 11 Crush Resist
Slot 2: 10 Thrust Resist
Slot 3: 10 Slash Resist
Slot 4: 2 Melee Combat Speed
Utility: 62.0


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
made yet another version with the same stats more or less but its fully MHI and has matter leggy locked to offhand so you can swap mainhand out for a celerity proc etc.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
doing fine with 0 spell pierce :p took a rr10 sb down at rr1 and still had 60% health left at the end :< was quite lolable really... dual legendaries are mucho love.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
If I can be arsed I'll get you mine that was 10% sp with similiar stats and mhi.

cast speed > dex also.

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