Lurikeen Cooking Competition!


Roo Stercogburn

What is the best recipe for cooking Lurikeens? How do you eat yours?

Please post your recipies here!

Prize is lvl50 cloak, winner will be anounced next weekend and will be anounced on our Alliance Channel.

An example:

Luri Kebab A la Roo

Take 2 Luris, carefully skewer the first one with a GA Spear and gently roll it in powdered Firbolg musk gland mixed with egg. Sprinkle cayenne pepper and powdered arachite generously.

Pulp the second one with a large cricket bat.

Glaze the exterior of the first Luri with Avalonian pituatary fluids and leave to marinade for 1 hour.

Hit the second one with the cricket bat some more.

Go back to the first Luri, and then start to roast it over a roaring fire. Leave for 4 hours, or until the juices run clear.

Go back to pulping the other Luri.

When the first Luri is cooked to taste, cut off as required and serve with Dwarven Pitta Bread (tastes like rock, lasts for hours) and, for the more effete amongst you, salad if required. Don't forget a generous dollop of Galplen Tabasco for that extra zing.

Hit the other one some more if you feel like it. Dispose of it when bored: it was only there for something to do while cooking the kebab

The entrepreneurs amongst you I'm sure will already be setting up your stalls outside the Jordheim Inns


Grilled Luri with Elven Salad

Grilled Luri:

One luri - fresh, remember if its a Nightshade to clean it an extra time to get it all clean.

Ables - from the garden of Freia

Seasoning mix - Dryed Highlander, salt, pepper, grounded Werewolf, and a bit of elf bar maid (not to much tho)

Glaze - Avalonian pituatary fluids (ask Roo for a merchant)

Light a a good boon fire and let it get realy hot. Glaze the Luri with the Avalonian pituatary fluid and let it hang over the fire for 5min on a stake. Then add the seasoning mix and let it grill for an hour, remember to rotate it once in awhile.

While the Kuri is getting grilled you start on the salad.

Elven Salad:

An Elf - spellcasters are best, but others can do.

Crab shell - Rockcrabs for small potions, and Giant Snowcrab for large parties. If you cant find a fresh crab ask your local Troll Kebab dealer.

Skona vegetables - what ever you like.

Elven Vine - Hench the spellcaster since they normaly carry it around.

choop the elf in little bits along with the vegetables and mix it, place it in your crabshell and sprinkel it with the elven vine.

Once the Luri is roasted you take your Golden Alloy warcleaver with build in BBQ, cut out the luri is even sizes to make the most of your luri. The build in BBQ in the cleaver will give each piece a since crusty surface. Server it on a Paladin platmail with a nice Mug of Dwarfen Spirits and let people help themself to as much salad they want.

With this meal you can always impress your loved once.


Luri BBQ:

Grab a Lurikeen and put him in your pocket.

Travel to Muspelheim and place it in front of a Fire Giant for a fast way to make the roast tender.

After a while move to nearest lava river and let it stew until it's done on all sides.

Enjoy with beer or for the non-alcho version, water from the icey Lake Mularn.


Lurikeen stew, Viking style

Lurikeen stew, Viking style.

Ok, this one is very nice but tough to make as it involves Lurikeen brain and the word goes it is VERY rare.

Gather a party of the finest people and have a ball. When you are snotfaced, go hunt some Lurikeens. Do not fear about being drunk as they should not be that big a threat.

30-35 Lurikeens should do for one person so be sure to hunt enough of them. Gather the head substance in a helmet and stir it to a pulp with your dagger. For larger portions a club should just do fine. If you are making a meal for 10-12 people, use a troll helmet.

Take four flaming swords and put them on the ground in that order so you can put the helm in between. Leave it on the fire for some minutes.

Find some carrots, remove the dirt and wash them clean. Take well sharpened knife and remove outer carrot skin. Cut them fine and add some salad, which you of course first wash and free of hard center. Mix the whole. When finished serve it to your horse.

The brain should be boiling by now. Take some lurikeen flesh and cut it to small pieces, let the fleshcubes swim in the hot substance. It is adviced not to take flesh from the upper limbs as it will probably be underdeveloped. Instead use flesh from the legs as they are used to running away. You should have plenty of choice there.

Add some herbs, spice with pepper and salt. If you are serving to strong stomachs, you can serve it in their very heads.

Wine will be out of the question here as Avalonian body fluids really take this dish to the top! Be ready for a gastronomic orgasm.

Ociri 41 Runemistress



Prepared Lurikeen Hunter Style

Being a stealther class, we cannot afford the risk of starting fires, since smoke and flames attract unwanted dinner guests. Since those luris are tough little bastards, chewing them can be a very long meal.

The best preparing requires
32 level beastcraft
1 hibernian medallion of passage
41 level megafelid
1 glass with 50 capers
1 tube of mayonaise
1 loaf of bread
1 shaker of salt
1 shaker of pepper

The hard part of preparing the luri is that you really have to do it while he is alive, so send the megafelid after the luri, let it tear him apart piece from piece, if nessesary chop him down with spear, so the megafelid can better claw at him (but it is better to remain stealthed and let the megafelid chop him).

Then when he is dead, keep hitting the attack button so the megafelid can turn him into mincemeat (if he isnt already, but better let it chop a bit more).

If you have followed the steps correctly this far, there should be a bloody pool of luri tartar on the ground, spread the glass of capers out evenly on the meat.

Take out your Golden Alloy Butter Knife (aka Short Sword), chop a slice of the bread, then scoop up some meat and spread it evenly out on the bread, finish off with mayonaise, salt and pepper..

Enjoy :)

ps. i recommend using grey con luris, since they are not as hard to swallow
pps. never try this with a saracen, they are just way too bitter



ingredients :

-one lurikeen, alive
-3 pairs of grannies (to be found in the hibernian frontier)
-two giant lusus tits
-one moss faery
-one troll (no younger then 30)
-some olive oil
-one young blademaster
-two buckets of njessie drool
-salt, pepper, some lemon
-black powder,dropped from svartskogsfru

tools : oven, big barrel, wooden box (some people like oak, others like other trees)

first, we're gonna make the stuffing :

put the blademaster with the grannies in a cage, and let the grannies reduce him and the other grannies to a pulp, help where needed.

use the mossfaery to get all the moss from the troll's toes and squish it out over this delicacy afterwards, season with pepper salt and mix it with the mashed blademaster and grannie pulp together with one diced tit.

undress the luri , and let it marinade in a bath filled with njessi drool, to give it that extra twist. leave it in for about 2 days

give the luri a pipe with black powder so he relaxes and ... eh... insert the stuffing using olive oil where needed.

put the still sedated luri in the box and let it come to temperature slowly, if it wakes up, kill it by perforating it's artery so the looks of the dish arent harmed

after about a week on a small fire it should be all soft and ready to eat.

serve with the leftovers from njessie juice with a twist of lemon and dices of tit


I actually ain't got a good recipe at the moment, but all of you BBQ types (especially useful on that 1st Kebab stuff), then there has been rumours that if you want to maximize the taste of your delicately prepared Lurikeen meat, then you should make the fire from a pile of dried Gjalpinulva dung.


Lurikeen Ale

This recipe can be made with the second Luri in Roo's recipe.
Instead of discarding it, do the following - believe me it's worth it.

Take 10 gallons of nearly-brewed ale and a pulped Luri, the older the better.

Flay the Luri and if not quite pulped enough get a Troll friend to stamp it in a stone mortar until the bones are well broken. You must draw and gut it when you flay it. I've not found any creature that likes those bits, so send them back in a pretty box with a bow.

EDIT - Don't worry if you don't find much inside, many Lurikeens are quite gutless.

Put the rest in a canvas bag with 5 pounds of Mularn raisins, and a bunch of your favourite Midgard herbs. Put the bag and the ale in a large barrel and leave for about 2 weeks

After this time fill a mug and give to a dwarf to drink. If his eyes glaze over and he falls down it is ready.



yeah, guys i don't want food poisoning,:(

how bout giving them to pet scavs???:)



I'll give you food poisoning...


-Venemous Shadows-
Lords Of England

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