

Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
You've probably seen this guild, recently lv50 and hunting for artifacts. I heard someone complaining about them pulling a camped Danos last week. This morning I had the dubious honour of watching them in action.

They arrived before we pulled Danos and asked if we wanted to merge groups and lotto GoV, which we weren't willing to do. So I pulled Danos out of the camp ...and these guys jump in and start attacking him anyway. Didn't help that they kept him close to the camp and we got zerged by adds :x

Watch out for them if they're loitering around an encounter you want to pull. It's fair to say they aren't interested in camping rules or the CoC.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
You pulled a mob - they lept in and started attacking, thats a clear breach of the CoC if ever i heard one, screenshots and logs to rightnow and get them the reward they deserve.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 21, 2004
Hmm... unfortunately I was sleeping this morning, but I'm really sorry about that... will have to speak a little to them as soon as I'm ingame...

I'll PM to after that, maybe later this afternoon.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Escape said:
So I pulled Danos out of the camp ...and these guys jump in and start attacking him anyway. Didn't help that they kept him close to the camp and we got zerged by adds :x

If it happened as you explain it that is stealing an encounter after it was started. As far as I know that's a bannable offence. Send screenshots and the exact time this happened to Rightnow and it will get looked at.

Rightnow > name and shame .. plenty of examples for that .. if they really did something breaking the coc the entire freddyshouse crew can do nothing ... 1 GM can.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Escape said:
You've probably seen this guild, recently lv50 and hunting for artifacts. I heard someone complaining about them pulling a camped Danos last week. This morning I had the dubious honour of watching them in action.

They arrived before we pulled Danos and asked if we wanted to merge groups and lotto GoV, which we weren't willing to do. So I pulled Danos out of the camp ...and these guys jump in and start attacking him anyway. Didn't help that they kept him close to the camp and we got zerged by adds :x

Watch out for them if they're loitering around an encounter you want to pull. It's fair to say they aren't interested in camping rules or the CoC.

Can you give me a /send in game Escape - ill be on one of the alts listed in my sig - thanks


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 21, 2004
Ok, let's see...

At the time when it happened, there were 2 people there : One of my guildmates with the minstrel and a buffbot logged and some reaver named Xrystofer. A FoP cleric was coming but not there yet.

So, first of all, there was 1 member of Lumpanic, not Lumpanic as a guild...

And this is what I was told : That reaver was standing really bad and had one of his auras activated... so it happened that Danos added him and my guildmate sent his pet at him in order to take the aggro away from Xrystofer.
Of course, they wiped.

Sounds pretty strange to me. But why should 2 (+bb) people try to steal Danos? That doesn't make any sense imo.

And if it really went this way, there is absolutely NO reason to blame Lumpanic for this... but I'd like to know if this is true.

And btw ...

Watch out for them if they're loitering around an encounter you want to pull. It's fair to say they aren't interested in camping rules or the CoC.

This is crap anyway.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 2, 2004
never had a problem with the guild, until i saw them in AC once.

Got a PM off 1 of the members asking to borrow my account just for FoP, after 10mins of telling that person to politely get lost, they then went on to offer in game plats to buy it :eek2: 30mins after this instance i get another PM from another member asking why i didnt do the deal.

The guild them selves might be fine, but if thats how 2 of the guildies act then :twak:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Danos seems to be a hotspot for assholes.
Thats happened to me before, we were waiting for the pop, another group arrived and asked us if we were camping him, we replyed yes, they didn't move. He poped, i pulled him with my sorcs 2300 range lul ( remember when you could solo pull him for no adds..) the other groups pally jumped him as he was running towards our group and claimed since i didn't do damage to him he was was within his right to take him. (Ironhand and Lal)

Oh and Shanaia is right, Rightnow it (it worked for me)


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 9, 2004
I am really troubled now.

Was asked today to help at Danos.
Needed about 10-15 mins to log and go to spot.
When I arrived, where was a mixed group, 2 Lumpanic, TDS, rest i do not remember, and GoV was set on Random.

First time I saw a Oo Imo oO was when Danos was nearly down.
From my point of view it was a clean pull at Danos night spot near Eremai.

And in the end, GoV was won by another player, not by Lumpanic.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Brolundar said:
I am really troubled now.

Was asked today to help at Danos.
Needed about 10-15 mins to log and go to spot.
When I arrived, where was a mixed group, 2 Lumpanic, TDS, rest i do not remember, and GoV was set on Random.

First time I saw a Oo Imo oO was when Danos was nearly down.
From my point of view it was a clean pull at Danos night spot near Eremai.

And in the end, GoV was won by another player, not by Lumpanic.

lol, why am i not surprised that brolundar would be involved in something like this. it really isnt unusal be why i spose.

I will take Escapes word for what happened as i know what he is like, whereas i dont these. And it can be done with 2people and a bb if you know what your doing, got plenty of time and are careful.

If it was pulled by a reaver aura then you need to get that reaver to learn how to play the class better then, they should know better. And if they did pull aggro by mistake they should run to the group that pulled it and let them take it of them, not fight it yourself.

And judging by the fact there multiple people saying things about the guild doesnt do much to support your people. Maybe you should speak to them abuot how reputation is important in this game, especially on a small server such as this.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 21, 2004
Corran said:
If it was pulled by a reaver aura then you need to get that reaver to learn how to play the class better then, they should know better. And if they did pull aggro by mistake they should run to the group that pulled it and let them take it of them, not fight it yourself.

And judging by the fact there multiple people saying things about the guild doesnt do much to support your people. Maybe you should speak to them abuot how reputation is important in this game, especially on a small server such as this.

I'm trying to find the sense, hold on a second ...

So it is the fault of the guild Lumpanic that someone of TDS can't play his reaver properly in a random group ? And do you really think they "fought" it... I rather think they wiped in seconds... come on... what's wrong with you...

And so it gives MY guild a bad reputation if someone from ANOTHER guild steals danos ? Speechless...

And btw, we don't even know what is true...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 12, 2004
Corran said:
lol, why am i not surprised that brolundar would be involved in something like this. it really isnt unusal be why i spose.


And judging by the fact there multiple people saying things about the guild doesnt do much to support your people. Maybe you should speak to them abuot how reputation is important in this game, especially on a small server such as this.

So that's why you blame Brolundar for anything that he didn't do? He is realy a nice guy and up to help nearly everyone. Not realy his fault, when he was asked from "wrong people" to help them.

And with Lumpanic, I had no problems with them. So I will see how they act near me. I know Seksual is a good one. But I believe Brolundar more, cause I know him better (and sure, he is in my guild). :cheers:


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 9, 2004
Corran said:
lol, why am i not surprised that brolundar would be involved in something like this. it really isnt unusal be why i spose.

I will take Escapes word for what happened as i know what he is like, whereas i dont these. And it can be done with 2people and a bb if you know what your doing, got plenty of time and are careful.

If it was pulled by a reaver aura then you need to get that reaver to learn how to play the class better then, they should know better. And if they did pull aggro by mistake they should run to the group that pulled it and let them take it of them, not fight it yourself.

And judging by the fact there multiple people saying things about the guild doesnt do much to support your people. Maybe you should speak to them abuot how reputation is important in this game, especially on a small server such as this.

Why do I not wonder about this?

Bad things happen, and only because I couldnt name the player who pulled Sebak, I am still a bad guy for you?
Tried to get the name and tried to convince group to give the artefakt to your group, and left group after this.
But I am cleric, so I did not pull him and ofc, as cleric I did not leave group while engaging a mob.

Do not see anything here I did wrong, in past and today.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
I know that Brolundar has been in a group that pulled Sebak while u waited for em corran.

But Brolundar is known as a guy who helps a lot and is a fair and friendly player. He has helped much more ppl in our ally then hardly anybody else.

And as Injana wrote - blaming a whole guild when just 1 player was involved is pure crap and u know that corran.

I cant see Escape blaming The Dragon Senate - why?

I was told it was a reaver from TDS wasnt able to handle his ae effects. I would never blame TDS for this.

I know what its meant to start with a bad reputation. We have been blamed for everything when we started and main reason was we started as a german guild but i m sure now we have a really good reputation not just in our ally.

It would be nice and fair if Escape would change the title of this thread cos it isnt true.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Brolundar said:
I am really troubled now.

Was asked today to help at Danos.
Needed about 10-15 mins to log and go to spot.
When I arrived, where was a mixed group, 2 Lumpanic, TDS, rest i do not remember, and GoV was set on Random.

First time I saw a Oo Imo oO was when Danos was nearly down.
From my point of view it was a clean pull at Danos night spot near Eremai.

And in the end, GoV was won by another player, not by Lumpanic.

i was there and grouped with seksual so some things i want to make clear. first of all Brolundar you showed up on the second attempet coz on the first one when they took him we all whiped from adds and danos never died. i logged after that attempt. second of all as i was standing beside the reaver and mini when we pulled i know for a fact that it was no reaver thing that pulled danos. mini send his pet on him, dont ask me why but he did. it was a coc rule break 1st class.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 9, 2004
[Cinderella] said:
i was there and grouped with seksual so some things i want to make clear. first of all Brolundar you showed up on the second attempet coz on the first one when they took him we all whiped from adds and danos never died. i logged after that attempt. second of all as i was standing beside the reaver and mini when we pulled i know for a fact that it was no reaver thing that pulled danos. mini send his pet on him, dont ask me why but he did. it was a coc rule break 1st class.

I was not told by group mates about this, when i arrived, spot was free of other groups.

Beside this, how many attempts are granted by coc for an Artefact?

p.s. would not post at all, but tried to show my view on this situation, and after that i got flamed by ppl who did not attend at all and had to satisfy myself.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Brolundar said:
I was not told by group mates about this, when i arrived, spot was free of other groups.

Beside this, how many attempts are granted by coc for an Artefact?

p.s. would not post at all, but tried to show my view on this situation, and after that i got flamed by ppl who did not attend at all and had to satisfy myself.

as i said this happened on the first attempt. i didnt say we should have more attempts and i didnt care as i logged after first one but they broke the coc on the attempt when i was involved. bro you are not involved in this at all as you came later.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Circulous said:
I know that Brolundar has been in a group that pulled Sebak while u waited for em corran.

But Brolundar is known as a guy who helps a lot and is a fair and friendly player. He has helped much more ppl in our ally then hardly anybody else.

And as Injana wrote - blaming a whole guild when just 1 player was involved is pure crap and u know that corran.

I cant see Escape blaming The Dragon Senate - why?

I was told it was a reaver from TDS wasnt able to handle his ae effects. I would never blame TDS for this.

I know what its meant to start with a bad reputation. We have been blamed for everything when we started and main reason was we started as a german guild but i m sure now we have a really good reputation not just in our ally.

It would be nice and fair if Escape would change the title of this thread cos it isnt true.

You know me well enough to know that i give people the benefit of the doubt till i been given reason not too. Hell i done what i could to make many of your guild welcome when first arrived and became friends with a good many of you no matter what others said.
however, on more then one occasion i been given reason not too give Brolunder the benefit of the doubt, but only made my feelings clear on the one occasion. It may not be him directly but he has to be careful with whom he gets involved with as it to coincidental if it keeps happening.

I not blaming the guild either, if i worded it like that then thats not what it means, however i do know that the actions of a few can effect the guild and that is why i advice the GM's of said guilds to get involved before their reputation is shot to shit by actions of the few. It especially more important for new guilds to be careful this dont happen as people will get stuck in their views quickly. This thread as given a couple of examples of negative things Lumpanic have been involved in, hence why i commented on the GM's needing to take action.

Anyways, i cant be arsed to get in a flame war. I said what i think and will leave it at that for now. At least till i get bored :p


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 21, 2004
Corran said:
I not blaming the guild either, if i worded it like that then thats not what it means, however i do know that the actions of a few can effect the guild and that is why i advice the GM's of said guilds to get involved before their reputation is shot to shit by actions of the few. It especially more important for new guilds to be careful this dont happen as people will get stuck in their views quickly. This thread as given a couple of examples of negative things Lumpanic have been involved in, hence why i commented on the GM's needing to take action.

Get involved... I was almost shouting at him in TeamSpeak... but he still insists on that it wasn't his fault. So what am I supposed to do ?

And btw, such actions don't really ruin our reputation, a childish thread in this forum with lots of stupid comments from people that weren't involved at all does ... because this is what people read, and unfortunately it is what people believe...


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
First off, Brolundar is innocent, he wasn't there when this happend ;)

Injana said:
And this is what I was told : That reaver was standing really bad and had one of his auras activated... so it happened that Danos added him and my guildmate sent his pet at him in order to take the aggro away from Xrystofer.
Of course, they wiped.

Sounds pretty strange to me. But why should 2 (+bb) people try to steal Danos? That doesn't make any sense imo.

And if it really went this way, there is absolutely NO reason to blame Lumpanic for this... but I'd like to know if this is true.

The Reaver Xrystofer was there for a while and he didn't use his auras at any point, he was just a bystander who didn't interfere.

Injana(your 'brother' ofc) came over with his bot and started asking if he could join ...and kept on asking... and asked some more. At this point I was clearing some agro from the camp and Injana charms one of the mobs I'm fighting, buffs it up decides to 'help' us by attacking some of the agro I've pulled. Later when I pulled Danos out, Injana pets him and messes up the encounter for us. I was pissed off at that point and didn't PM him with what would have been abuse. But I did PM you later and you said "it was my brother' :p

I'm not interested in getting people banned unless they're complete twats. Normally I wouldn't mention the guild's name if only a couple of members have been involved in an incident. But given that I've heard about people from your guild acting like this before, I can only assume the worst. You'll find most people will make your guild feel welcome here so long as you're not taking the piss... in which case you'll have trouble progressing. Talk to those people in your guild(and their brothers) who want to misbehave and this can be forgotten here.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Injana said:
Get involved... I was almost shouting at him in TeamSpeak... but he still insists on that it wasn't his fault. So what am I supposed to do ?

And btw, such actions don't really ruin our reputation, a childish thread in this forum with lots of stupid comments from people that weren't involved at all does ... because this is what people read, and unfortunately it is what people believe...

Firstly, it is said actions that do ruin your reputation, simply because the more it will happen the more people that will want nothing to do with you. Afteral this thread was made because it happened more then once. If the actions didnt happen then there wouldnt be a thread, and as such it is the original actions that is the catalyst.

You got involved, good. However considering there multiple people saying that this is how he acted, and just him saying that he didnt, are you saying all the others are lying? As long as you made it clear that it cant happen again then it will be fine and your reputation wont be hurt anymore.

And this server is more community orintated then most others due to the fact there a hell of a lot less people on it, and as such this kind of action will be let known to others in one way or another.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Circulous said:
I know what its meant to start with a bad reputation. We have been blamed for everything when we started and main reason was we started as a german guild but i m sure now we have a really good reputation not just in our ally.

No one had a problem with EL so far as I remember. Some people might've been scared when they saw 3fg XP'ing :p
There're alot of decent people in EL and the first time I met Lumpanic, I told one of them to contact you guys as you could help them settle in.

Having spoken to someone from LP ingame, I doubt we'll see a repeat of this with other encounters! The whole point of the thread was to warn anyone who's camping an arti and may end up in this situation. Apparently this will not be the case anymore ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 24, 2004
Haven't been there, dunno what happened. But still I want to apologize. I don't care whose fault it was but somehow someone of my guildmates was involved and i hope it won't happen again. Although i think there was no need in creating a thread for this. But anyway I hope that we'll be able to show that we're no bunch of idiots at all (at least some of us :flame: ) and i hope to see you alle some time IG without beeing flamed or whatever. So, cya around :wij:



Fledgling Freddie
Sep 21, 2004
Corran said:
Afteral this thread was made because it happened more then once.

Well, this is the first time I know of anyone complaining about Lumpanic... so if there have been other things, and I don't care what, please let me know... just PM me please. I don't expect anyone to like us but this was one thing I said when we leveled together for the first time: The only thing I want is a good reputation concerning fairness and politeness...

Corran said:
You got involved, good. However considering there multiple people saying that this is how he acted, and just him saying that he didnt, are you saying all the others are lying?

Did I ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
I was sure that a guild group of lumpanic tried to pinch gov from a group i was in the other day also .. but before we pulled it turned day .. We did offer to share gov and let everyone roll .. but they said no. .. then they went off to try day camp ( and got wiped ) . :mad:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Escape said:
No one had a problem with EL so far as I remember. Some people might've been scared when they saw 3fg XP'ing :p

A few had Seksual - they told us not to put towels at all spots ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 21, 2004
Woo woo woo...

Hold on a second, I was the first one to be there and we were ready to pull long ago before your FoP cleric arrived...

Well Danos was at the day spot at that time so we had to wait...

And then you just sat in front of us without listening to anything we said so that we had to find another spot to pull Danos to...

So don't put this like WE were the ones that took it... YOU unfortunately were...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
Afaik my mate had been camping it all day :/

"So don't put this like WE were the ones that took it... YOU unfortunately were..."

Perhaps a missunderstanding, but thats not the picture i got ..


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 21, 2004
Well sry but that's absolutely not true, when I arrived, there was nobody, otherwise I wouldn't have told my guildmates to come.

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