Ludicrous prices for stuff


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Am I the only person who thinks some of the prices for scrolls (that are no longer as rare as they were) and items (which the people posting them curiously forget to mention will soon be changed in 1.68) are well out of order at the moment?

Why is there such profiteering here? I've seen the same items for a lot less on boards for all the other realms...

Ok, you went on the raid and you got the item etc, but 15-20plat for a moderately ok vest/weapon or scroll thats going to have its stats lowered very soon is a joke.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 28, 2003
Shagrat said:
Ok, you went on the raid and you got the item etc, but 15-20plat for a moderately ok vest/weapon or scroll thats going to have its stats lowered very soon is a joke.

Not all items will be nerfed, and some people think it's worth spending 25p+ on items just to have them before they become 'common'. Also, can you define 'very soon'? I haven't seen any date posted yet for 1.69, but maybe I've missed it. It will probably take months till we get 1.69 though. Months of RvR/PvE with really good items might be worth the extreme cost, for some people.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
There has always been and always will be greedy morons, just have to live with it. Nobody forces you to buy them tho!


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
Mid/exc is a very rich realm tbh, ofcourse stuff will "cost more" then, however it's due to the inflation in our economy.

On the other hand, I agree that it's very sad, with so many people "forgetting" to inform potentional buyers about the nerf which'll hit most of the (currently) very good items - and even sadder the guy who claimed that the item he were auctioning wouldn't be nerfed at all =P


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Yea mid/Excal got alot higher prices than most but i find it mostly to being the fact theres more hardcore gamers who spend nothing but play all day and they can afford it :) Attitude on mid/Excal are lso worse than other realms and servers but u have to live with it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
hib is so cheap moeha
i'm shopping like mad ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
THX LIVING, for calling +/- 800 players ppl with bad attitudes.

u just showed us a great piece of intellect.

now something else

mid/excal is indd a lot richer then other realms/servers seem to be.
and yes that is because at daytime hardcore players/players that cannot play at night love to be in DF.

that imo has 2 reasons

1. the money is great

2. All Hib/Alb Stealthers love being in df when mid has it (wich is 70% of the time for the last year i think) because it gives them nice RvR options. With killing mids and actively being chased :)

p.s. as for the attitude part : yes i took it personal. We as Bokkerijders pride ourself at being a social Guild wich wil help anyone at all times.

offcourse we have bad apples, but we try.

Seeph, Proud Officer of Bokkerijders, still often surprised by the kindness u get when u give it.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004

yep thats good prices ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
The thing with prices is that its mostly supply&demand - E.G: I remember when... urr... well you know, that Troll Warrior with all that cash: name started with a P maybe... Anyway, remember when he was putting up 50plat(?) for an Agmunder Foe Slayer Sword? Its still a pretty uber sword, but no way it would sell for that these days.

Just like TL weapons used to be 'fortehwin' and sell for loads, if I tried to sell one for the prices they used to sell for i'd be laughed into /cancelling.

New/Better items will always start off at high prices, its a basic rule of business and regardless of how things might seem they will eventually go down. You can either wait for it to happen, or farm what you need yourself. But DAoC is a very 'seller' orintated market - regardless of any actions you take there will always be people willing to pay the high prices.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
(Money I can make by farming one hour) * (hours it takes to farm the item) = price of the item.
Ofc there is times where I cant set the price like that. In that case I just check the ME and set the price after the common price there is.
If ppl don’t want to pay that price, well that’s up to them :)
Ohh and the prices on my CM is sometimes way too high. That’s because I want to store stuff on it and if ppl want to buy the stuff that’s fine too.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 17, 2004
I agree prizes are in general way to high but it is a personal opinion and such can always be discussed without any solution ;)
Don`t buy it if you find it too expencive. trust me you CAN live without it.
10 or 50 P may be alot for some who find it terrible boring farming but others are willing to pay that amount for a piece of picsels.
I would never pay 10-20 P for a weapon or single armor-piece ( but then again that`s just me ) and definetly not for an artifakt which you need to get the scrolls for and then level up to have any use of.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Its normal if prices are really expensives at the begining of farming toa, cuz if there is 1 rare scroll ( ej Bences 1 of 3, for goldens carab best, most wanted by hunters, SB, zerkers and savages ) and there are arround 100 guys who need that scroll, well, i will sell it for 50p and for sure some of those 100 guys will pay it.

After 2 weeks or so, 50 of those 100 guys already got that scroll, so only 50 looking for, and not only 1 scroll found yet, now will be arround 5 or so. then u will lower ur prices

that till there is only 10 guys looking for bences 1 of 3 and there are 4 at C Merchants. So the prices are really low.

That is applied for all the items. When demand is really higher than the product, the stuff is expensive, time will set the right price for each stuff.

And tbh, be the first in a server of 800+ guys who shows with Golden Scarab Vest, that dont have any price, u can see 200 greddy guys asking how u get it ;) rly funny.

P.D. If u think is expensive, just wait or go farm urself, is the way i use and i got all the stuff i want and many cash ;)


Loyal Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Its not just mid/excal that has greedy people. Some guy selling bane of battler scrolls for 100p on prydwen. That is just pathetic imho.


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Like the other guys said - yes the prices are insanely high, and it hits the people that can't play the game 24/7 the hardest.

BUT, eventually after everyone has their uber items in the first month or so, then prices will come down - simply due to the fact that the ppl that wanted the items now have them and are playing, and not camping the spots of the artifacts for 10 hours, so - eventually - everyone will have the items that they want and the scrolls needed to activate them in the end.

In the meantime, I've managed to get 1 item I wanted, the other 9 are on hold, and I'm enjoying RvRing - it's almost zerg free......

The only people I feel sorry for are all the new people to the game. Not only do they have to magic the time to get to level 50, but in RvR - they are going to have a really hard time getting some xp, as a lot of ppl are uber buffed and uber itemed out there, so I hope the new people stick through it and enjoy the game instead of getting really frustrated at dying millions of times.

Oli - Illu/sb


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
emma said:
Its not just mid/excal that has greedy people. Some guy selling bane of battler scrolls for 100p on prydwen. That is just pathetic imho.

Well some ppls do like this, if they have an item they wont need to use right away but knowin they might have use of it the CM can work as an 2ndary vault. I mean if it gets sold for that price u get happy or smt but if not its no big deal really since u know that u ll have use of it soon.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Remem said:
Well some ppls do like this, if they have an item they wont need to use right away but knowin they might have use of it the CM can work as an 2ndary vault. I mean if it gets sold for that price u get happy or smt but if not its no big deal really since u know that u ll have use of it soon.
could always just put the item there without a price ;p cant be sold then ;p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
emma said:
could always just put the item there without a price ;p cant be sold then ;p

no cause its win win situation for em , if someone pay that lot its great for the 1 who sells if noone pays that silly price sure u still got item left

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