Lucid dreaming


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Recently in conversation, this topic popped up and my mind started to open as I heard more and more of peoples opinions. Before I start, I would like to add that I am not religious. I'm a non-believer in god trying to understand my mind a bit better hopefully to feel happier with myself in the long term. Don't get me wrong, I'm not some depressent cut myself kinda person, I'm in fact quite happy with myself atm :D I just would rather know what my grey matter is doing atm :cool:

I myself am puzzled by it but I guess I should really start off by describing what a lucid dream is. These dreams are when the dreamer has complete conciousness within their dream. The dreamer therefore has control over many aspects of their dream with no described limitations, apart from what their mind permits; When you control your actions, sometimes to induce things subnormal such as flying which can be a weird experience to wake up after.

I've had these dreams throughout my life enjoying them as I go but really, I have never sat back and thought about what they're trying to point out. Whether there is a deeper pattern to them or not.

I have experienced that I cannot punch someone in a fully concious dream. I have difficulty writing and I see a distorted picture of myself in a mirror. Apparently when you look at text, look away then look back, the text will change in a lucid dream, if not then completely disappear but I haven't experienced this.

Has anyonelse had one of these lucid dreams and would like to share their views or experiences on them? No dictated from a book crap please and be as honest with yourself and us as possible or don't bother posting.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
I have had lots of lucid Dreams, and my little brother and his friend are real experts at seeing dreams.

They are very interesting indeed but I dont agree with the "full counciousness" part, sicne you might understand at certain points that you are dreaming, and then for awhile you can do what you want. But if you try to alter the dream too much you´ll wake up. At least that´s what goes for me.

I have same kind of thing while dreaming, I loose all my stregnht if I ever get into a battle(once I tried to cut some dude with a katana but I was too weak to give him actually a scratch).

The meanings of dreams are very.. well, wierd, but I´ve understood a lot of certain things after waking up ;)
(Such as that I´m really hooked on daoc since I saw a dream in which I played it for several hours :p )


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
I write about my dreams in my blog. Weird things such as meeting lots of people in a car park and all getting into old fashioned aeroplanes, or living with ogres. Dunno about lucid but just downright odd :)


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
i have hallucinations so there :p oh yeh, i also get lucid dreams too. like kalba, i lose all my strength in fights and i cant run fast either. as soon as it comes down to something physical, everything goes in slow mo and i get my arsed kicked. although i have died a lot of times in my dreams, so the story about dieing in your dreams means you die irl is crap :) a few of the ways ive died - got shot in the knee and i died :eek:, had my head chopped in half (downways). that really fucked me up as i could feel the bone cracking and i could hear it. it was on my mind for days because i couldnt forget the feeling/sound. ive also died when knowing i will die then everything goes white and im dead, although not knowing how i did die. the common feeling i experienced when dieing was like a rush going through my body, like when your on a roller coaster.

btw when i was dead, i was in no particular place. it was like in the matrix where they are stood in a big white room.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
I also found in dreams like this i cant hit people and even if they are infront of me i seem to miss which is quite odd :p Also when i die i normaly wake up and feel hot :eek7:

Healer McHeal

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
ive had dreams like this, when i was younger i dreamed about being in a school playground and it going pure black, i mean like night, but no light at all, and i couldnt move, that freaked me out bad for weeks, also yes, ive died in my dreams, when i was younger i dreamt of a huge robot with spikes for fingers who impaled me with them against a wall, and for like a month after i could still feel pain in my stomach after that :(


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
forgot too add, i cant drive in dreams either. i go too slow or too fast. it can also take stupdily long times to break aswell AND AND i cant stear (sp?) propley :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
I have had a dream kinda like that throughout my life but it usually involves flying and I can control it until I realize that I am flying and controling it. Then I fall or wake up :D


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Another interesting fact is if you were in an eternal dream it's apparent that your brain would create twice as much activity as if you led your normal life.
Maybe this is where people have their 'light at the end of the tunnel' experiences, or maybe heaven is in fact a place in or a state of the mind.

For 10 minutes after death, the human brain is shown to still be active. Maybe this is your brain preparing for something :eek6:

No matter what it is, I still think these dreams no matter how 'real' you may see them to be, are fantastic.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Most of my dreams involve me dying or being killed in some way - usually by being gassed, burned to death, thrown off a cliff, blown up, tortured, eaten alive, beaten to death, pecked to death by killer birds, hit by a car or bus, dropped out of a plane, eaten by demon avatars (usually BI's), or sometimes even being stabbed to death by crazy midgets.

Oh and let's not forget being crushed to death by a printing machine - that one is reccuring.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Only time i can remember dying in a dream i had my arm cut off by some guy with a normal eating knife, i know ive died in other dreams but never seem to remember how, it just happens :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
hmm most of my dreams is me killing, dieing in glory, watching female orgys and general random stuff :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Never had any of those types of dreams I dont think. When I am about to die, normally by something moving very fast i wake up. :p


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
kirennia said:
Maybe this is where people have their 'light at the end of the tunnel' experiences, or maybe heaven is in fact a place in or a state of the mind.
when you die, your brain release a load of chemicals and does some crazy stuff to keep you calm. if it didnt, your body would be in shock and you would be going crazy. this is why when people have near death experiences, they always see the same things as other people. apparently if you drown to death, its supposed to be the most painful way but you see more "trippy" stuff when your about to die.

i say trippy cos i cant thing of anything else to describe what youd see.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
wow thats weird two of you have described exactly things ihave in my own lucid dreams, going to fast/slow and lack of steerign in vehicles and lack of physical energy. i can recall a dream where for some reason or another i was running up a hill and i got to a certain speed and my legs just wouldnt move any faster, was a very odd sensation - the speed was MUCH slower than i can run irl awake - when on a motorbike or car or wotever in a dream i tend to have a feedback effect on anyhting i try to control about it, if i want to speed up it gets uncontrollably fast and ic ant stop thinking about going faster. Like wise if iw ant to turn left i inevitably turn right and get very annoyed and it only ever occurs to me to think of turning right to turn left after its too late.

Of course my favourite ones are the sex dreams :) although it can be a bit worrying to wake up and realise youv been dreaming about having sex with some very odd people (names not disclosed for fear of being taunted by evil e-OT'ers)

Perhaps the lack of control and energy is something to do with being partially paralised while you are dreaming. I know for a fact that dreams just before you wake up are a defense mechanism - for example i bet most people have dreams of falling then waking up 6 inches from the floor and ....thump :D Or dreams about going to the toilet at 4am after u get in from teh pub and waking up just in time to realise you were about to piss yourself.
More to the point, if you were asleep in the jungle or out on the savannah and you ahd a dream about big ass monsters and sharp teeth there are probably some lions nearby and your asleep brain has heard/seen these (you blink very fast while dreaming) and decided to tell you by inserting them into a dream - much like when u wake up to hear your alarm clcok going off and in the dream 5 seconds ago you were running away from a burning building or something with the fire alarm ringing.

All very intriguing!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Chilly said:
for example i bet most people have dreams of falling then waking up 6 inches from the floor and ....thump :D
i hit the ground ;x am i strange?:p


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
thats what the ....thump bit is u goon.

On a slightly spooky sidenote my mother once woke up from a dream where I was falling (we were staying overngith on our narrow boat) and she got up and walked 60feet to my bunk just in time to see me fall flat on my face :)

very odd was that


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Pippic said:
nerf :/ i almost never remember any of my dreams :(

Stop smoking so much weed :p

I have bizzarre dreams .. often.
I get these two rather odd 'semi-dreams' before falling asleep. They're more like a sensation than actually seeing anything. The environment feels very far away and enormous. I move through it forwards and as I continue, the space stretches out farther and farther and I get smaller and smaller... kinda. Very hard to describe. The other one is a sensation of roundness and again enormity..the roundness is almost just keeps getting rounder and rounder! Eww! So freaky. When I was little I got the 'far away' dream alot and used to wake up screaming! :eek7:


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
On the same note of fighting, during my dreams, I cannot punch at full speed. If I attempt to punch anyone, my hand slows way way down as I am a couple of inches from them. You can however of course stab or shoot someone in your dream.

In my dreams, the only way I can die is by falling. And not very far either. I'm talking about falling just a few feet can wake me. I have however been shot, stabbed and all sorts in my dreams and dang is it a strange sensation but I always kept walking.

Would love to know exactly what these dreams mean. However do NOT get one of those dream books. They're a pile of poop :p Whilst around a friends house, I told them a dream I had of a good friend chasing me and then finally catching me then stabbing me. Their sister had one of those books and it came up with a really wacky explaination saying that I hated him really o_O But I never had done and don't currently either.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Sometimes I'm driving to/from work and get annoyed at myself for being a really crap driver, then i wake up in my bed and feel relieved :)


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
Exioce said:
Sometimes I'm driving to/from work and get annoyed at myself for being a really crap driver, then i wake up in my bed and feel relieved :)
can you even drive?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Black !!! It's all gone black mother !!! ~runs away screaming~


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Not directly on-topic but one thing ive always wondered, how can your brain know what something feels like if youve never experienced it before?


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
How do you really know what chicken tastes like? Whoa, too deep :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
How do you know the colour blue which I see is the same as your colour blue? :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
people could see things completly differently to each other, its just your parents show you something when your a baby and say what colour it is, then you remember what you are seeing as that colour


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 22, 2004
i've told quite a few people this, but none of them belive me at all, can't blame them really..

every now and then,maybe twice a month or so i'll have a dream that shows me the future... no shit. it only shows me only about 10 or so seconds of whats going to happen sometime in the next few days, but it ALWAYS actually does happen!

maybe im phychic? lol dunno but i sware im not making this up, first time it happened to me was when i was in primary school, still remember what happened... =o

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