[LTD] are a bunch of...



What a F****** Joke this is, in the last 2 weeks we have played nothing but Llama clans, that Either

1) Dont field the right amount of Players.
2) Moan About the Server.
3) Just F****** MOAN!

We are here to have fun! Like 99% of us, but assholes like [LTD] just take the piss, and i mean big time! BAN me from there irc room (i did nothing bad! - infact i hardly spoke!), We beat them fair and Square in a BWTFCL match, but we only played 1 Map, then they complained about the Server! So we wnt to another Server, still not good enough! Then off all the Childish shit i ever read, i gets an ICQ from [LTD]Hicks, stating that they were gonna cause trouble betweeen us and [DW].

Like i give a fuk anyway!

All these "Clans" should be ignored!



I don't know exactly wot is happening but I can say we are moving to get admins in all games so this kinda scenarion doesn't happen

clans misbehaving will be kicked, no 2 ways- we do not want any flame wars, no continual swearing or slagging off of clans, let alone walking out of servers

that is not directed at [LTD] as i do not know the full scenario, it is just a warning to any clan who thinks they can "cheat" to win


Ok I'll explain to everyone else what I said to ViRuZ and Tazz.
About a fortnight ago [LTD] played [Dtm] we being a Wireplay clan went in using Wireplay Direct and basically the server was shafted for us. Half our players couldn't get and we had no defene or attack captain. Somehow we scrapped 6 players and we still allowed [Dtm] to play a [MERC] to make it 8 vs 6 (Very Sporting of [Dtm]). So after one map of utter hell with none of my command there and everyone hardly able to move we demanded the second map be posponed. [Dtm] found another server but we were aunder the impression only Barrys World servers could be used so we rejected their offer. Then tonight we had a server booked so I cancelled our game with -21- to play the second map with [Dtm]. However, last night I read ViRuZs news about servers not being up untill Saturday so I was under the impression all games would be off as only Barrysworld servers could be used. So anyway at our game against [JMC] last night I told everyone [Dtm] was cancelled and they could have the night off. I came online tonight at half time in the football to check my mail and I get an ICQ from [Dtm]Demo saying they have a server and I check the news to find out that ViRuZ says we can use any server but by now its too late theres no way [LTD] can get a side together as I've told everyone the game is off. So I accepted responsibilty and offered [Dtm] a default win as its my fault. Unfortunatly that Demo bloke is basically a nutcase he ran to ViRuZ and Tazz crying trying to get us banned and then he sends his whole clan into our IRC room.

As for the accusations made against me personally you were banned from our IRC for spammin and callling us twats and on the [DW] accusation eeerrr I have no idea what your talking about are you delusional by anychance.

[LTD] themselves have a great repertation and any of the Wireplay clans playing here or even [MUF] will vouch for that. We're are basically considering leaving BWTFCL because we really don't need this hassle (Or IRC room being invaded, posts liek these, this Demo character claiming he'll destroy our repertation) and the only thing keeping us here is that we don't want [MUF] to lose the points they gained against us.

Oh yea and finally about your 'Clans' and Llama comments. We've been running 12 months now son if you faced any kind of full [LTD] side you would absolutly canned but you'll never get the chance as all we see BWTFCL as is a testing ground for tactics and a chance to give fringe players a game all we really care about is Wireplay. You clan are good though yea you managed to batter a 5 man [LTD] reserve side (and even the [MERC] was your best player) and I love that result of clanbase you lost 400-20 I've never seen a score from an organised clan game reach 400 LOL :) Llamas

Sorry if this sounds harsh but I've had a hell of night with all this I missed all the second half of the football and all extra time as I've been here having abuse shouting at me by some 14 year old who thinks hes tough behind a computer.

"Trying is the first step on the road to faliure" - Homer Simpson

TFC: [LTD]Hicks[CL] | [JPF]Hicks | Firearms: [SA80]Hicks[CL] | Q3F: vYv Hicks | Email: hicks83@hotmail.com | ICQ: 50444954

All credit for this sig goes to [PVC]Sidekick


"What a F****** Joke this is, in the last 2 weeks we have played nothing but Llama clans"

You mean MaR too? I enyoyed our battle and got some new tfc pals from your clan, cause u r great ppl. Cant even think you mean MaR too when u say u only met llama clans...


old.[JPF]Arnold Rimmer

well said Hicks............ instead of steaming in and accusing ppl, try finding the facts out first [DtM]Demo. You have no idea do you.

*** Togther We May Parp! **


There is only one thing worse than llama clans, and that is ppl who see llama's everywhere! They are the true whinners!


ditto to Round's comment

the worst, most annoying thing, here is that u insist upon calling each other llamas, and for some reason brought other clans into it thru the comment to which gonzo was rightly offended by (altho i'm sure it wasn't at all meant to be directed at MaR...)



Gonzo, no our match with u was a fun game, but at least it was a game. And MaR are a clan we have respected Greatly.

But now i read a load of Bullshit by Hicks! I never spammed there irc room, oh and it was Hicks who went to Viruz complaining about us!

Fukit this is sad, im 27 not 7.


I never went to ViRuZ whineing only time I talk to ViRuZ is when I want to laugh at Ipswich Town :p

Viruz (ICQ#58339414) Wrote:
events concerning your clan have been brought to my attention
an explanation?

So eeerrr I went to gim whineing but he ICQs me first


/me *yawns*..
Would you act like this if it was face to face?
No didnt think so.
Why do people think just cos theyre on the net they can act like an asshole? I mean shit its only a fookin game do you all really need to get so worked up?
/me wanders off again



old.TGC Snow

i act like an asshole in real life

Demo: if nobody believes u, it's best just to shut up, even if u think u are right. Coz whatever happens now, ppl will think you're a twat.

Go flame the uktfcl boards, slag off a few ppl in #uktfcl and #wptfc, and generally take the piss. You will return a changed man. But don't slag off RA coz they 0wn, and me thinks Gimp is an 0wnerage name.


So Snow, the man who dont know what a Joke is, Yeh i dont see whats wrong with the name Gimp, and Gimp himself is a good guy. So easy to get the wrong impression by a few characters on the screen :)

Pah, Snow go spam the UKTFCL Forums :p


Calm down guys, there's enough of me to go around :)

Heh, but seriously, there does seem to be a few gh3y clans crawling about the pools (dunno what the prem is like, but it looks sound) and there's not much you can do about them except avoid them. :)

Pool A has TGC for example :) hehe

old.TGC Snow

yer i know, Pool A is shite. I saw RA floating around there too... bwahahahaha


hehe - Snows forum posts are just soooo cool, shame he cant play aswell as he yaps :)

The Rebel Alliance

old.TGC Snow


xs, we all know you're only in RA to make up the numbers. Anyway... care for some R O C K 2 training? :p

old.TGC Snow

P.S. No I haven't been awake all night (was last night) I just wake myself up whenever i like if TFC is involved. Without an alarm. Actually... that's a bit worrying. Hmmmmmm... why can't i do it on weekdays...


I would like to add a reply to this thread, as I was the MERC in the original LTD vs DTM game. I have a few points to raise;
a)The first map started with even numbers, but LTD members dropped. It began in good humour, but moods soured when the game became one sided. LTD complained about the server, which in my opinion is a little out of order when it was an official league server. If you can't play on BW servers, don't join the league. LTD requested a new server. I tried to sort this by offering the SLH server for the second map. This was then accepted, but after I organised the configs etc only a couple of LTD bothered to turn up. I sorted the server as a favour to both clans, and I think LTD were a little unfair in their non-appearance. However I accept they are a wireplay clan, Using a league some take seriously 'as is a testing ground for tactics and a chance to give fringe players a game' is bound to cause friction.
b)I know nothing about the squabbles that happened afterwards, bar what I have read here. My only reply is that no matter how lame either party was - I am more lame.
c)Demo mentions llama clans. I think this is aimed squarely at [SLH] so the rest of you don't worry. I am King Llama from the land of lame.
c)Hicks says 'the [MERC] was your best player'. I thank him for this comment, but it is a lie. I was a scout, and unforunate scripting left me with +jump and +prime2, meaning I did nothing but conc jump. So whilst appearing to be [TA]Amnion I am actually king ... (see above).
d)Gimp 0wnz<--Fact.
e)Snow 0wnz<--Factish, apart from failing his Mr Men* trail (allegedly). ( Actually I made that up. Snow does 0wn.)
*Mr Men are a ficticious clan invented purely for illustrative purposes in this context.
f)The only truthful thing I will write in this reply======I act like an aggressive arse in real life. I start on anyone. This is due to TFC(hehe). The only thing that saves me from death is being extremely large. Ask yer man Doogie lol.
g)Long replies suck.

I would like it to be known that all facts are either absolute truths or tautological linguistic fallacies, and consequently the above is lies.


I think the 1st map started with even numbers neway, but if it didn't I feel sure a zealous member of LTD will correct me below.

old.TGC Snow

actually, it's true
i failed the trial at the last moment...

<Mr.{censored}> So you're not gay!?

<[TGC]Snow> Well, not today

<Mr.{censored}> damn, u coulda been a really 0wnerage master Lord Scout player for us

and so ended my trial for MrMen. oh and it's also true that Hat0 is King Llama, and SLH are The United Llamas of Llamism


P.S. RA are shite :p


I didn't request a new server and I'm sure I can direct [KTIT]Tuntill here to comfirm how many we had.
And the reason no one got to the new server is that idiot Demo spammed the wrong IP for the server and all [LTD] left going to the wrong server. FOOL
And the rest of you quit hijacking my flame war :)


Seriously now, did you actually have a trial for MR Snow? I was joking about that muck about we had with the MR boys, but ffs I'll be God Llama from the land of the llama gods who rule Llamadom if I knew that was a trial. /me eats foot.

old.TGC Snow

no it wasn't a trial. I pleaded for a trial, but they ignored me, like most ppl. So we just had that pissabout instead where i 0wned.

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