Lsoa Bug


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2004
hi all, just wondered if there is a solution to LSOA BUG.

did the norm, took my scout <Tallbow> to wearyall village, talked to npc, then n'cheaver, ran diogel, quick chat with inconnu on rampart. flew to demon on fly with a few guildies, waxed the big red guy, :cheers: gratz'd all, went to see inconnu on rampart, ported to wearyall, gave scroll to n'cheaver who gave me a v nice necklace and a scroll for sah'ilia ..... gave scroll to her, clicked on all [typos] and gets the the bit where you choose a weapon..... FREEZE....

tried typing the word, all of the weapons in open chat, everything i could and the grp could think of doing besides burning wearyall down.

if you have a solution... i would love to hear it.

thx all for even bothering to read this thread.

<for soulfly.... :m00: >


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 3, 2004
maybe clicking on the npc and /say the word, or /send <npc> the word, not sure of course, but if thats not helping, try rightnow.
although i think you should just forget the sword, it's crap according the new items toa brought in, many rog drops are even better now than that one.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
I had same prob with my minstrel 2 days ago.

Requiel was on and tried to fix it but he wasnt able to solve problem and told me to rightnow it for further investigation.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2004
Righthandof said:
maybe clicking on the npc and /say the word, or /send <npc> the word, QUOTE]

tried, wouldnt have it

cant be assed tbh.. was after the longbow to see the stats... but no matter.
final temp done for scout, just awaiting a good friend to oc sc it for me :cool:

thx for the replies guys... just a shame that these bugs still exist 8-(

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