


How comes that since becoming an LPB all I seem to get is abuse , or people disconnecting after calling me a LPB C***.

Does the fact that (ok Im an LPB) I just happen to be extremely lame not even matter ?

oh and btw ... is this 'l33t , I 0wn j00 ' stuff just another case of 'little penis' syndrome ?



You better get used to it and yeah it is penis envy. I used to play action quake which I enjoyed a lot but after I had home highway installed a few months back every game just turned into a slagging match with constant cries of 'no skill lpb bastard' and 'I fucked your mother last night' type shit. Amazingly most of this came from clanned people and people that I had played against for months. Lot's of 2 faced people about.

One sad little man even went so far as to e-mail me telling me to 'back off' on clq as he was worried I would beat his rating due to my lpb status (if you don't believe that I still have the e-mail). Pretty sad that someone thinks clq ratings are that important. Funny thing was we used to get along pretty well - you figure that out.

I wonder how many of those same dickheads would turn down a decent connection if they had the chance to get one. Not many i'll bet although that type are so lame they'd probably claim that they would turn it down.

I read an e-mail apology a while back to some guy who had been playing some CTF and had constant abuse from a so called clanned player. In this e-mail the clan leader apologised and said that the guy had since been booted from the clan. With the exception of a handfull, most that play on the Barrysworld Action servers would never show that kind of maturity or decency, and their players certainly don't.

The only advice I can give you if it pisses you off too much is try playing on the American servers which is where I go now. There is far less abuse and the gaming community seems much larger so you don't keep meeting the same twats. Still it does defeat the object of getting a faster connection because you're straight back to having a modem type ping at best.

Let's face it - most of us play the game for fun and we enjoy it. But having to listen to some prick tell you how he's going to arse rape your mother kind of take's the fun out of the game pretty fast. Add to that the type of person I mentioned earlier bleeeeting on about lag, lpbs, packetloss and how it's all caused by no skill lpbs and you end up wondering what the point is anymore. The only way around it is if the server is moderated but I don't think i've ever seen an admin on the BW Action servers (just one dickhead who decided to call himself 'console').

Anyway - best of luck man - I hope you can get used to it.


Yep, the next thing to expect is someone calling you a bot.

I was actually accused of shooting rockets round corners once ffs.

On second thoughts they might have been trying to tell me I can't shoot straight hahahah


Hello .. HPB SOLER here
well I think people like that (abuse givers) are the pits .. I think they call it jealousy don't they?? I do find my self saying LAAAAAAGGG alot but thats only to explain to people why I stoped inches from the flag and let the op get theres back LOL ... just don't listen to em lads ... just remember they only jeaslous that they have no isdn or what ever ... just keep railing em LOL


Well what can I say?
Having allways been an lpb I cant really say I know what its like to play on a modem, a proper response to these people is...
'this means-for having a job, and earning enough money to be able to afford HH, and TBH if you can afford to be online at all you can most likely afford HH anyway, on the other hand however, these people have a point, as long as you dont go around thinking you can spell with alot of numbers instead of proper English, personally I think theres alot of old people out there that are one hundred and thirty three plus.... or 133+ ? wow thats amazing TBH
These people seem to have real good reactions though


personally im a HPW, always have been always will be more than likely
to be honest i can't understand what most people whine about when they're getting their arses whupped by a LPB... i mean sure, there are times i will bitch a little at someone who has got a low ping and who is constantly tearing me to pieces but A.) i dont let them know it and B.) its more than likely just a focal point for me letting out some anger at this person being better than me... So if some little twat is hurling abuse at you just laugh to yourself and make a point of tearing them to pieces even more
that should get rid of the abusive little f*@!'s a lot quicker

hehehe, but like i said, i cant understand what the whining and bitching is about, you pay for your ping, thats the way i see it.. i personally cannot justify the extra money per month just to increase my ping, some can but i personally cant, besides, im quite content at playing with a ping of 150+, just keep cool with it... most players these days seem to be under 14 years old anyway... and hello Sturty, long time no speak



[fake intelligence]There is no need for the ' in LPB's, if you were describing something belonging to an LPB such as an LPB's ping it should be there but not when describing a group of LPBs[/fake intelligence].

Sorry I am bored



hehe , look pal , english isnae my strong point
o'k is th'at cle'ar ?



Recently, since i have been playing a lot better, I have been getting the shouts of BOT and LPB - till they hit x/f1 and see my 200-300 ping, then its just BOT!
Still, some people just dont realise its only a game, on which you have fun. Still no excuse for using/claiming to ise a bot though.

Q2BAttleUK Admin


Hi, I'm an LPB and I get called names quite often as well. I feel that I don't deserve the name calling because I am kicking ass fair and square. As a result of this name calling I have changed my game name to:

The Annoyer

Now when the shitbags call me names as I stomp their balls, I simply press "t" and with a few simple keystrokes the top of the screen displays:

The Annoyer: Annoyed?

This usually makes them so mad that they disconnect within a minute or two. I also get extreme satisfaction from this.

It's fun to be the LPB.


As long as LPBs realise they have an inherent advantage and all the times I've been killed have been due to that, or lag on my part, I can't see the problem

Seriously, I think people are too quick to blame the phone line rather than their own (lack of) skill, and thats coming from a modemer - I've witnessed all the abuse you mention and it pisses *me* off.


Slightly bending the topic a little, I don't have a problem with LPBs as such. Everyone knows they do have an advantage in a match (still no substitute for skill tho), but there's no need to throw abuse about.
What I don't like at the moment, which is becomming increasingly common, is that clans are turning up with 3 or 4 LPBs when it is commonly accepted to have 2 i.e. in the ukccl (unless free cup etc).
This has now happened several times where we have played 2 LPBs against 4 LPBs and got beaten.
If anyone complains, they start getting abusive (even by a div1 ukccl clan). This has even happened in league matches where the LPBs have requested they put a rate limiter so as to be a HPB.
That's the only side I feel really unfair now. There are plenty of good HPBs out there and a clan should have no problem providing them for a match. If they can't they should play a man down rather than have an advantage by underhand means.
Anyway...like I said I have nothing against LPBs...I would be one and hopefully will be if BT get their act together. But clans should still stick to rules and play HPBs fairly.
Just my two pennth worth..


Hello there. I'm a hpb, and because my dad's a poor bugger, its highly unlikely i will be getting ISDN anytime soon.
I do, however, play ISDN a lot, at a good friend of mines, so i do know exactly what i'm talking about here.
Basically, too many times have i been told that ISDN does not give the player that just beat me 'extra skill'. Indeed, isdn does not make the player any better, it just gives them a little advantage. If i mention this to almost any lpb, they go apeshit saying all hpbs are jealous, and are so crap they have to blame their shite performance on their shite ping (which admittedly, is generally the case). But not with me, i've played with both connections (and LAN, and ASDL, and 14.4kps modems) and i know find it very offensive when told that i'm just a hpb c**t, because i commented that there is an advantage with ISDN. Its also annoying, as now it would appear that lpbs are suggesting that when an ISDN player beats a hpb, it is the same as a HPB player beating an lpb. Its not. Who are we trying to kid ? Its damned offensive peeps telling me that i don't know what i'm talking about. When i get to play on ISDN its an absolute joy.
I'm not completely sure what my point is here, but i'm sure you can understand, for me (a reasonable person
to be called rude words for something that i know full about is 'a little annoying'. Stop denying honest facts lpbs, and ffs hpbs, stop calling lpbs naughty things because of their ping. Otherwise we're gonna end up having different servers for different connections, which quite frankly, is like having Nazi Germany all over again (don't ask me how


Yep I agree , being an LPB is an advantage BUT you do need a certain level of skill all be it a low level in my case



How does being an LBP make someone play that much better? It doesn't really make all that much difference.

here's me theory

I have a modem, a 56k one! and my pings to BW DM are usually 150-200. I also have a 2 station LAN at home running on an RJ45 back to back cable with 100mb/s network cards, obviously my ping on the network is <<10.

I also consider myself to be an average player usually finishing in the middle of the scoreboard, and when i play on the lan my play is the same, plus, i don't really notice the difference between my 150 ping and my <10 ping, even when playing with a map full of erasers with 300 pings.

Add to this the fact that as far as i can see when playing Q2 online most ISDN users get a ping of between 50-100, this really can't make people play much better and doesn't warrent abuse from the modemers out there.

And in any case, i know people that can ALWAYS rail spot on nomatter what there ping, not mentioning any names of course ([GA]Kryten

I wonder if i've forgotten anything!


For more information about this new Quake 2 Team Deathmatch League Email Q2BattleUK@barrysWorld.com
Or visit #Q2BATTLE on QuakeNet (irc.barrysworld.com:6667)

[This message has been edited by [GA]KillMachine (edited 29 June 1999).]


I'm sorry but i must disagree.
I have a 33.6k modem(!) and I am normally middle/top third or the scoreboard, when I join a game on gamespy/wireplay/whatever, but when I host a net game, and I get a ping of <<10, and everybody else gets a ping of 100-400, I kick everybody's butts!

I know this is a very contoversial topic, and if you wish to discuss it further, ICQ me. 40454676



You won't notice a difference on a LAN cos everyone else has the same ping as you. I tend to notice the lack of latency on LAN games, so I don't have to adjust my railing at all, etc. Especially when I set my cl_maxfps to 60 and RATE to 50000 on the LAN , that certainly makes gameplay smoother. Those sort of numbers are fine for a 10Mb/s full duplex connection.

On the internet when u with a ping of 150+ come up against someone with a ping of 50, how many times can they fire at you before you get a shot off? At the worst of times you feel like an OAP and get so frustrated cos you simply can't move around the game anywhere near as fast as some of these ppl.


What can i say - LPB by day, HPW by night ! -(perks of the job). During days I've had abuse, complaints that LPB's ruin the connection for modem'rs, called a Zbotter , then seen abuse directed elswhere when i'm modemin'(and missing with the rail every time)
ok so ISDN costs a packet - HH may be too much for some !(me included - not a perk of the job), ASDL has been shelved - people are always goin to complain if someone elses wallet gives them the edge - but what can you do ?
seperate servers for modem'rs ? isdn ? - server kicking ping restrictions ? - Nah !
if you play in a league and are a modemer you are goin to face LPB opponents - best just get used to it - most of playing is still down to the skill of the player - If you cant shoot straight then isdn aint goin to help ya !!


exactly, practice, not connection speed. i beat my ISDN m8s and i got 33.6k bad connection!!! Mind you quake 2 is the main game i play and i have practiced lots. there you see, that little word practice popped up again! I think there is no call for abuse to so called LPB's who are really LPP's who are not normally B's by any means.. nevermind...


Well as far as I am concerned there is no call for abuse on public servers at all.

The only thing I would say and most LPBs do this anyway, is to try and find servers with a evenly matched skillz to your own.

Also in team games like CTF and battle etc, I find it good natured for LPBs to split themselves evenly across the teams. Sometimes I see 3 LPBs on one side, none on the other. But that can be said just about skill as well... There is no point having all the skilled players on one side none on the other.

Quake2 is about fun and even sided competition for me...and sometimes I must admit there is certainly a lack of both on some servers.

Chill people and enjoy the game. And also don't let your egos get the better of you like a lot of people.

Just one question which I'm interested for the LPBs with HH....what made you decide to go for the switch from modem to ISDN?


Just switch the messagemode off.

What is the command....msg 4 , msg 0...can't remember offhand.

That way, you can continue playing and eventually not even care what ppl are saying.


Mainly to WeirdBeard~ (action servers):

A lot of the players on AQ2 servers are now LPBs so it's not much of a problem anymore. Sure, you get the odd wanker shouting abuse but it's unusual and most ppl are fairly decent. Thank god Zbot is useless in AQ so the odd llama who accuses usually gets a slap from everyone on the server

Come back we all miss your headshots you cheating bastard


Ok ok, enough of the LPB sob stories about being called nasty names by the evil HPBs.....Lets face it LPBs do have an advantage and a BIG advantage at that. Once a player reaches a certain skill level the reaction times decrease and that extra ms makes a lot more difference. If you have 2 players of exactly the same skill (impossible I know) and have one on a modem and one on ISDN, the ISDNer will win every time I guarantee it.

Many people forget that having more bandwidth also allows you to have a higher cl_maxfps setting which is probably one of the biggest advantages you can get in Quake 2. I have to set mine at 35-40, most ISDN players could have it at 70 and greater without any increase in ping. Thats an enormous difference when you consider that weapon changing times etc are (I think) determined by your framerate.

Try to put yourself in the place of the HPB for a change, they can't afford ISDN (or as in my case, don't WANT to blow 500 quid a quarter on a computer game) and yet have to put up with being disadvantaged when playing an LPB. Fair enough, they pay for their connection and they don't deserve abuse just for taking advantage of that, but it is bloody frustrating for the rest of us.

I'm just glad there are plenty of utter shite ISDN players out there to make me feel better


hehe i played as a modemer for quite a while as did stu (well as long as stu is sturty) so we both know the problems with the hpb/lpb thing.
I agree that there is an advantage being lpb but all these whingers can get isdn too, it only costs £40 a month including £15 worth of calls.
I've just been made redundant from work but i'm keeping the line (although being an alcoholic too it's gonna get a bit tight), i see ppl who seem to be constantly online then say they cant afford ISDN, why dont they just spend a little less time online then they too could easily afford it.


Wow what a interesting thread

Like I said before I am HPB usually about 150-250 . I have to say that I really don't mind my ping being like that. It's more than playable ( I like the less time online for ISDN as my last phonebill was £450)
LD50 play in the savage accademy and on sunday we played =PS= . They had 3 lpb's we had none. (two of our lpb's couldn't make it) They kicked the living S*&T out of us . It was a big disadvantage to us but at the end of the day the rules say 4 lpb limit and thats that . I'm not going to moan about it and I'm certainly not going to call people names . and I have to say that ok yeah they had 3 LPB'S but they also played bloody well and deserved the win without a doubt. As for fair play on publics I always join the side with the lowest score (and make thinks worse for them hehe) . god knows what my point is but i'm sure you'll all make up your own minds


I really must read the messageboard more often...

Look at formula 1 racing. Some people have better performance machines than others. When you actually stop watching the lead cars you'll see that everybody is basically doing the same thing. All the drivers are highly skilled but some get that extra edge which allows them to perform better than the others.

LPBs have always had a bad deal, partly because of the HPB jealousy thing, partly because a small majority create bad vibes, and also partly because it's an easy excuse for a HPB when losing.

But mostly I find it's because there is that little bit of extra give that makes a difference in a closely matched battle. The little advantages will often make the winning difference when you get two highly skilled players slugging it out.

Ping difference is the only factor that is apparent. Don't forget about differences such as system spec, GFX spec, cfg setup, monitor size (it does matter boys), lightning conditions, posture, star sign, etc. Nobody complains about this, but I suspect you'd get it at any LAN you went to.

I'm HPB, and I'm not actually arsed about who has got what connection.

BUT despite this I certainly know how frustrating it can be to be outmaneouvered due to connection difference. In those few seconds that follow these instances you would have to be very very stong willed not to instinctively react "LPB BASTARD!!!"...

The bottom line is that being LPB provides a good opportunity to enhance a player's in-game reactions.

Apart from TearDrop, 'coz he's shit. ;p

"Mostly Harmless."

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