Hmm, I am on a cable modem and normally get a ping of 30 on your servers, however today for a praccy session I got a ping of 450.
So reverted back to my old 56k and got a ping of 150. So the server was ok...but it wasnt with my cable modem?
It wasnt the modem that had the fault either, because I logged into other servers (Gamesinferno,Jolt etc) and I got my ping of 30.
Anything similar happened to anyone else? Or are Barrysworld capping their servers so lpb's like myself can't play
So reverted back to my old 56k and got a ping of 150. So the server was ok...but it wasnt with my cable modem?
It wasnt the modem that had the fault either, because I logged into other servers (Gamesinferno,Jolt etc) and I got my ping of 30.
Anything similar happened to anyone else? Or are Barrysworld capping their servers so lpb's like myself can't play