LPB / HPW servers



Just to post a suggestion (which has prolly been mentioned before), what would be wrong with designating FFA servers for LPB's and HPW's?

At the moment BW operates two FFA servers, the standard map one which is always full and usually with a high percentage of LPB's, and the custom map server which probably ranks as the Mary Celeste of servers.

Why not give them both a similar map rotation but allocate one for LPB's(or masochistic/good HPW's) and the other for modemers only. I admit you'll prolly still get the odd thick LPB entering the modemers server but a torrent of abuse should see them off :)

Just a suggestion, tell me to fuck off if you want ;)



Prolly wouldnt work. Cos if an lpb did join a modem server then even a torrent of abuse couldnt FORCE them off.
I admit that the custom map server has sufferd from minor lack of use :)


theres a lot more lpbs now than there has been what would be the point in having a server for hpw's if its never gonna be full/busy.

qw's pretty much dead anyway so probs better to leave em as they are anyway

also personally

i love it when i go on a server with loads of lpbs on and still win :p

although not on th l33t bw ones of course :p


Firstly, I don't reckon QW's dead. Seems to be different people joining/returning all the time. (Unless its the same old knobs aliasing....but thats another topic ;) )

As for LPB's theres certainly a lot more than there used to be but it still only seems to be about 50/50 now I reckon.

Horus, I reckon LPB's would stay clear who would want to be known as an LPB scared to fight in their own server picking on poor defenceless modemers? (Unless again they alias...another topic etc etc :) )

And Kais, there prolly wouldnt be anything to stop you joining the LPB server and owning all ;)



I've seen servers that make sure your ping is above 100 before they let you in, it seemed fairly effective, but then I'm not sure how much use a HPW server would get, maybe the second server could have a slightly different gameplay- I'd like to see an ffa server without powerups....


maybe dead isnt the correct word but it certainly aint getting much bigger as a community and is now pretty much played by the diehards amongst us and a few newbies (which is kewl if were all nice to em and help em) u never know they might even carry on playing :) )

so i do apologise for the dead comment :p



i reckon the main reason the custom map server doesnt get much use is the map rotation. sometimes ppl play on the smaller, fast paced maps like punish, ztndm5 etc but when huge 3yr old tp maps like androm9,ukcldm2/4/6,titan2,mgbase come round the server empties. stick smallish hi-octane maps like ztndm series, aerowalk, ultrav etc on and it will get a lot more use im sure. just look at the connectfree ffa server, that is laggier than BW and yet still gets a lot of playtime.

having said that, an hpb server is probably a good idea, as it means ppl who dont want to play against lpbs can go there rather than just moaning about them on the normal servers :) unfortunately a lot of modemers end up playing on crappy servers like gi globalnet because its always populated and they cant compete with the best players on bw ffa, which is a shame as that server is dmm1 and has crap physics etc...

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