(From the 1.69 patch notes)
<quote>We have added three new, lower level artifacts to Oceanus</quote>
Artifacts for the younger players, what a joke, they are always camped by lvl50 players, yes they are usefull for those lvl50 players maybe, but are all those lvl50 Arties/ML drops not enough to choose from?
Dont be so greedy and give lower lvl players a chance to have an Artie that helps them in leveling to.
<quote>We have added three new, lower level artifacts to Oceanus</quote>
Artifacts for the younger players, what a joke, they are always camped by lvl50 players, yes they are usefull for those lvl50 players maybe, but are all those lvl50 Arties/ML drops not enough to choose from?
Dont be so greedy and give lower lvl players a chance to have an Artie that helps them in leveling to.