Low level (25-) Vault clearance!



Hey everyone.
Since my vault is hopelesly crammed full with keltoi drops and quest items below level 25, im giving away any item in my vault free or for a VERY low price (stress on VERY LOW).
Here are the items up for grabs:

Fiery crystal pendant (wizzie, +fire)
Chitin Mail
Armsman Sleeves
Gyrgs cloak
Ringed spider chitin mail
Boots of the forlorn
Ruined roman hauberk
Branded keltoi shield
Dark spine breaker (2handed hammer)
Keltoi honed halberd
Dark short sword
Necklace of the pious
Dustwalkers gauntlets
Vindi chest, arms, legs, gauntlets (in a few days prolly the rest too)
Dark shod staff (friar)
Theurgist staff of the Imposter

If you are interested in any of these Items please contact me INGAME, and i will see what i can do for you :) I cannot guarantee that the item will still be available. First come first serve.

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