


omfg at monday night - ok i went to DF to go get some exp , i was invited to prince raid i though ye sure why not... so i get in group...

the hunt is lead by CAlamore and his Faithful sidekick CAves ,

may i add they are both new owners (and cough total noobs cough)...anyway more to the point , we killed prince etc got some loot - when we died etc we met PK bridge to sort loot -

this is were i start laughing! CAlamore and Caves Great plan (may i add that caves wanted one of the drops and is blatently buddys with calamore) the way they planned to sort lotto was liek this - anyone who would like a bid on the item woudl send a number to calamore and the closet number to what 'CALAMORE' himself had chosen were to win the drop! lmfao!! omfg i couldnt believe they thought that was a correct mannar! .... basically he chose who won! so i tried to explain that we kill a mob etc, and do it by the Copper amount - that way its the same for everyone in the group - 100% fair - 'quote from Caves 'thats not fucking fair! thats bollocks, ours is fair' omfg! cough BIASED BUMCHUMS! i mean cmon - btw i am writing this jusat after lotto so im umm slightly angry ... the reason i am angry is becuase leather arms were dropped and obviously i went fot them, and so did anohter infi - wont mention name cause hes awight, at this point i had got quite pissed off with this way of thinking and expressed my feelings very formally! basically i lost the item and the other infi got it, im not saying this isnt fair - oh wait yes i am! anyone CALAMORE AND CAVES! NEVER GROUP WITH THEM! THEY ARE TOTAL NOOBS! and plz just so i know im not mad! can anyone actually tell me honestly - is that fair - yuo both choose and number ... send it to someone and they say who was closest!

plz give opinions! cause im uber pissed i didnt get a fair chance for the sleeves - and infact i will name 'Fragbait' , i was talking to him in pm cause they wernt listening and i said do you want to give up the loot or i will whatever and we go lotto it between ourselves, fairly with copper etc. he said no - and he also won the lame way - and imo thats gay! hes just as bad - if i had by amazment won i would have taken him and relotted it between ourselves fairly - not that cheap NOOBISH CALAMORE / CAVES LOVERS WAY!

kthx bai


well normally id jus do my usual "k" dave... .but yer this is kinda lame, not that id expect much more tbh..... thats no fair way of doing a lottery, if your going to do it like that you shud ask someone thats not in the grp, someoen ever1 knows to pick the numbers insted. Copper lotto or XP lotto is by far the easiest way to do it, and the most fair.


May i Just clear this Im Not CAVES any more i SOLD him and now in HIB called CaveZ


omg wtf - i wrote taht long reply then deleted it and replaced it with "k" ..... wtf barrysworld hax! FO!



yes dave you have a point, but i have seen it donw both ways before and when i did the guess the number it was done fairly and was some1 trustworthy outside the grp.

I know fragbait and he is a nice bloke and doubt he would have been in on it, i expect if they where fixing it they would be more inclined to give it to him as i doubt he would have kicked up much of a fuss and we all know that dave likes to go on when something is done wrong.

oh well good luck perhpas u will get em anothertime matey :D


God (for that read Mythic) willing lottos will be easy after tomorrow with the patch:

- The "/random" command is now in, which will give you a random number. Type "/random #" to print out a number between 1 and the number you chose.

In saying that, maybe you would prefer a game of poker for the drops? ;) :

We've added a few new "fun" commands to Camelot that allow you to roll dice and even play cards.

- a "/roll [number dice]" command is in, which simulates a dice roll. You can specify how many die rolls you want. This command simulates a six-sided dice only.

- "/shuffle [number of decks]" will create the number of decks you specify and automatically shuffle them. Please note you must use this command before using the /deal command (see below).

- "/deal [name] [u/d]" will deal one card to the player of your choice. u/d determines whether the card is up or down (whether it is printed to the other players or not). Please note you must use the "/shuffle" command first to actually create the decks of cards. Also please note that the "cards" are text-only; there are no graphics with the card system. Also, you may play cards only with your group members.

- "/held" gives you a list of all the cards in your hand. Each of your cards are listed with a number beside them. "/help g" gives you a list of all the players in your group and what cards they are showing.

- "/discard [#] will discard the card in your hand that you specify. "/discard all" gets rid of all your cards.

- "/show" shows your whole hand (turns all your 'down' cards to 'up').

I was thinking of setting up a gambling den on Excal but time constraints and PvP will get in the way ;)


Originally posted by Caves
May i Just clear this Im Not CAVES any more i SOLD him and now in HIB called CaveZ

Yeah.. I know :( I liked old Caves. New Caves is a disgrace to your name coz you had a fantastic reputation. Not just because of the above post, but other things too. We miss the old Caves

:( :( :( :( :( :(


Originally posted by jilson
yes dave you have a point, but i have seen it donw both ways before and when i did the guess the number it was done fairly and was some1 trustworthy outside the grp.

I know fragbait and he is a nice bloke and doubt he would have been in on it, i expect if they where fixing it they would be more inclined to give it to him as i doubt he would have kicked up much of a fuss and we all know that dave likes to go on when something is done wrong.

oh well good luck perhpas u will get em anothertime matey :D

not saying fragbait was in on it just saying if ihad won as he did i would have lotted fairly between us both.....


slam me calamore=P, or would you perfer to shoot me with your uberly specced crossbow?

I think you choose the second!


Yog: You did PM a number and took part in the lotto. So you lost... After this you PM the one that won and wanted to lotto again. Even if your idea was better this would give you 2 shots at the leather drop which isn't fair either :D


Originally posted by old.Astrix
Yog: You did PM a number and took part in the lotto. So you lost... After this you PM the one that won and wanted to lotto again. Even if your idea was better this would give you 2 shots at the leather drop which isn't fair either :D

ummmm FO! no i didnt i offered Fragbait to do the lotto privately between ourselves bout 5 minutes before that, and he declined, and seen as he declined i had no option to do the lotto if i wanted the drop . .... but please ask Fragbait if i asked him before hand ....and ummm kthx

i have not the problem with Fragbait - he is a nice guy .... my problem is with Calamore and CAves, its up to Fragbait if he wants to win a way i know not to be fair ( and im not saying is fixed) just unfair....were as i did offer him the fair way of using copper......


I've noticed Caves behaviour also, he's unbelievable item whory (the new caves don't get me wrong please). He was constantly talking about items and which he wants and if it dropped he would get it and no one else.

My opinion avoid him what ever cost.


Originally posted by Caves
May i Just clear this Im Not CAVES any more i SOLD him and now in HIB called CaveZ

Wish you told me that before I grouped Caves yesterday and I don't suppose I'll see my 200g again now either :(


Hrm, I did some lottos the other day, the random number generator was my gf sitting next to me ;)

it's not a very good system (relies a lot on trust, OK for in-guild hunts but not so good for when you have others around), but didn't want to spend an hour getting a monster to kill for copper...

roll on /random :)

or you could play blackjack for it ;)

Madonion Slicer

Been on a few Guild/Alliance hunts where the same system was used, it comes down to trusting the person doing the numbers the last time was on a Dartmoor hunt and Bowen was the number caller and it seemed fair to me, or tho i did come out of it will empty hands but hey thats the way it goes sometimes.


new caves = blackstrike

probably the worst retard to ever play on the excalibur server.


Caves = Blackstrike = noob buying an account
Calamore = Sword and Shield Armsman = More trains in Xbow then shield = no slam = zerg+calamore = 'Calamore fires his xbow - Calamore has died and is worth no realm points because he is a noob kthx


Originally posted by yog-hurt
Caves = Blackstrike = noob buying an account
Calamore = Sword and Shield Armsman = More trains in Xbow then shield = no slam = zerg+calamore = 'Calamore fires his xbow - Calamore has died and is worth no realm points because he is a noob kthx



i always wondered why calamore was so shit hot for those pygmy xbows back when i first showed him the way to the pygmy house. Only after we got 50 in the next few days he stopped asking for EVERY godam one :)


i just want calamore to post here and flame us all for being fucking idiots :D


Will never happen since he has to remember a password bigger then 4 letters :uhoh:


Yeah blackstrike is a guild hopping idiot, and once claimed to be Fatbelly's brother when he has no brother. What a tool.


Might this be your guy ^^

pRo-caves is * dfsdfs
pRo-caves on #CE-pvp #celticfist +#nm! @#2ndG #camelot #daoc.exc @#pRophecy @#excaliStats #spontanctf #bwra3l.admins #bwra3l @#utp @#t15 @#=DA=
pRo-caves using * QuakeNet IRC server
pRo-caves is authed as Lio
pRo-caves End of /WHOIS list.


Originally posted by kedal
new caves = blackstrike

probably the worst retard to ever play on the excalibur server.

OMG... blackstrike...

He was once in our guild... he wanted loads of items... didnt do anything in return, just asked for items.

And the idiot indeed claimed to be Fatbelly's brother... we poked through that lie quite fast. Then he deletes all his chars with the items we gave him...

So we closed the door on him permanently. After that he went out of his way to give my guild a bad name. He even spammed it on IRC telling me and my guildmates suck.

Nothing more to say really.... quite sad... the old Caves was in Flemish Lions... was a good guy in a nice guild... now there's a new Caves running around played by a total noob. (if it's indeed blackstrike).

This is one of the reasons i will never ever ever ever ever ever sell my account.


Once asked Calamore for a group at Trees when he was lvl 49 and so was I - the nice reply I got was "we don't need a healer we have 2 already" He was in my guild had grouped with me before knew I tank solo oranges as a Friar and assumes therefore, logically, that every group I ever joined was to heal lol


Noob noob noob noob noob. Jeez u guys are so sad. Yeah, the new caves might be a total prick (cant say i know the other bloke so wont comment) but do u really think he will be offended by being called a "noob". Calling people noob's is about as offensive as being called a "twit". If you wanna do sommat constructive, complain to the guild master of RE and tell him/her what Caves is like and how he is giving Rombos a bad name. Dont just piss and moan on here. Do sommat about it.

<<100th Level Bad Boy>>

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