Lotto Rules (fixed)

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We have several Raid Leaders now, all using difrent lotto rules. All with they're own reasons. I will Highlight the big difrences.

Who Lotto: 50+
Alts: Theurgist, Cleric, Paladin, Necromancer

Who Lotto: Weapons 48+, Armor/Jewelry 45+
Alts: Theurgist, Cleric, Paladin, Necromancer, Ice Wizard

Who Lotto: 48+
Alts: Theurgist, Cleric, Paladin, Necromancer

Who Lotto: 48+
Alts: Theurgist, Cleric, Paladin

What should the rules for all the open invite raids be? Becouse if we want a system like Tilda's proposal, we also need to use the same lotto rules.

Maybe the above Raid leaders can comment why they use these rules for lotto. And maybe after that a vote?



I think anyone should be able to lotto for an item they want, no matter what their level is, aslong as their presence has some use for others (like lvl 44 tank/caster won't help much, besides taking heals etc). But i think 46+ or 48+ (for all) is the best if you want people happy :)


Says nothing about the raid leaders themselves...
Every Falcor raid ive been on we got to apoc and he's dropped under Falcor a few times.

never got that far in an Aligro raid, and i haven;t been on the other two leaders raids.

Also due to the fack you place Falcor at the top as opposed to any alphabetical order suggests to me that you just want to have a pop at Falcor for the RR5 rule on Apoc weapons.


Originally posted by swords
Also due to the fack you place Falcor at the top as opposed to any alphabetical order suggests to me that you just want to have a pop at Falcor for the RR5 rule on Apoc weapons.

TBH he should've swapped Catakina's & Lizia's place and find 2 leaders whose names start with O and R.

Isn't that reading a bit too much in to it?


Fagane who whined and moaned on Falcor raids in cg about the Rr5 while we were trying to kill the mobs...
Fagane who whined and moaned about Falcor in BW a while back.
Fagane who is continually bringing up this Raid rules bs...

No i dont think so considering.
(ps. he tried for some reason to suggest a guildy of mine didnt pay up on bids he won on the trade forums which we found to be false information by his 'friend')

This is just him trying to reignite the Raid rule whine again.

Why dont you let the raid leaders be different in their methods and rules and if you dont like it dont go to that leaders raid simple enough.

*edit* no wonder he doesnt do open invite anymore, hagving to deal with individuals like Fagane. Oh and read his sig if you dont believe he has a grudge against Falcor...


Fagane is just being sad.
All that has happend is that Albion/Excal will not slay Apoc anymore, and now he is trying to appear noble by "fixing" rules (the way he likes them to be).
Very sick, very sad, but that is the way Fagane is.
Regards, Glottis

Cap'n Sissyfoo

The very fact that he/she has a grudge against Falcor means that Falcor is more than likely to be the first person Fagane lists. Probably no other reason than that.


I see loads of people lie and keep having grudges? Not even reading the topic?

The list is on order who has done the most public raids (I mentiond Lizia by curtsey becouse she has done no public raid jet), and maybe got the best idea for it.

No ill in this post, But if Swords and Glottis what to flame or boost they're post count, thats they're bisness, I can not stop them.

And if people want an other order of the raid leaders or remove them, its fine by me.



Originally posted by swords

This is just him trying to reignite the Raid rule whine again.

Well if he did do it for that reason guess who was the silly bugger that bit the bait


If i wanted to boost my post count i'd make a FOA Fagane stop posting shite threads please every 2 days...

As it is i think the rules dont need fixing its the fighting over Sidi as if it were some playschool toy being tugged at till it breaks.
Sidi raids are shit enough as it is becose of the complaining tossers like fagane, and people telling the raid leader what to do as is.

Why cant people who go on a raid just STFU and DO AS THEY ARE TOLD? maybe we would kill Apoc more often and actaually get some of these magical apoc weapons as opposed to sitting at the entrance arguing over a bloody loot distribution rule.


Originally posted by swords
If i wanted to boost my post count i'd make a FOA Fagane stop posting shite threads please every 2 days...

As it is i think the rules dont need fixing its the fighting over Sidi as if it were some playschool toy being tugged at till it breaks.
Sidi raids are shit enough as it is becose of the complaining tossers like fagane, and people telling the raid leader what to do as is.

Why cant people who go on a raid just STFU and DO AS THEY ARE TOLD? maybe we would kill Apoc more often and actaually get some of these magical apoc weapons as opposed to sitting at the entrance arguing over a bloody loot distribution rule.

Becouse people like you start to flame. whine, insult in the hope other people do the same? Becouse people like you start to create elite rules? Frankly becouse of you!



Again one thread destroyed becouse of swords/glotis.
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