Lottery in Alb, check it out =)



Ok guys time for a funny game, Leopol and Maerans Lottery
If you want to join, PM Leopol/Maeran/Shana/Quardy/Arges and we will come forth so you can get to join.
It costs 50 g to join, and we will the add you to a nice slip of paper, whit your VERY OWN name on it =)
When the final day has come, and the winner is to be found, we will then mix all these paper slips and take out 3 names, 1st, 2 and 3 price will then be found in the order we pull the names out .
I expect the 1 price to be around 1 plat the first time, though it TOTALLY depends on how many players that are joining =) Might aswell be 3 plat =)
The first lottery will start at Friday the 6 of december if im correct =) And the winner will be found at Saturday the 14 of december
(Not sure im correct of that date though, but i'll guess you can figure it out what i mean)

Now.. PLEASE don't start copycating this, well we dont mind if it's on other servers/realms ofcourse =)

Note1: Remember to join the game, pm the Lottery guys and pay, then your in :p
Note2: GL to you all
Note3:All are welcome to join
Note4: If theres not enough players to join, it will be cancelled and you will get your money back ofcourse =) (though i dont think it will happen)
Note:5 Sorry if my english is not totally perfect (im not english after all). Though i can hardly imagne me making any mistakes.. (jk)

Leopol lvl 50 Wuzz.. hrmm.. Wizard even
Arges lvl 25 Scout


my own post

I just read about loxley's christmas bazaar, and i just dfound out THIS sound like a copycat, but it was indded not intended to be, im very sorry if you think that loxley, i first read your post AFTER my own =/



Mate, its a gr8 idea........

Why not add this lotto to Loxlys bazaar??


I was thinking of making a special christmas edition of this, would be a cool idea to make the edition at the bazzar, thx :p


Comeon guys, get some posts in here, im getting unpatient =)
I_ wanna hear what you think of the lottery =)
Wheater its a sucky idea, its to expensive etc. :p


maybe people are thinking that theres a high chance u cud just say u or one of yur friends won ..i.e no proof that u actually do anything other than pharm money :)

just a thought


maybe people are thinking that theres a high chance u cud just say u or one of yur fr

Yes, i could most sertenly just give all the money to my guild mates lol, but that will only give me the money for a single lottery, then people will stop playing it.
If i want to pharm money i should keep it going, not cheating everybody so they wont play it again...

And im sorry i forgot to mention it: My own guildmembers/closest friends will not be able to join the lottery ofcourse...

I hope thats a good enough ensurence for you m8 =)
Otherwise come up whit a better idea please =)


There's a way to make it less open to abuse.

Have all players select some numbers (3, 5, 6 doesn't really matter) in a certain range. Then at a set time/place you 'draw' the same number using the random command if people match they win if they don't they lose.

You could set it up like the national lottery here where you win fixed prizes for matching a certain amount of numbers. This way even your guild mates and close friends could play too since you can't rig the random numbers ;)

So you pay 1g to enter and choose 5 numbers if you match 3 you get 10g back etc (someone with more time than I've got can work out the odds and prizes and profits)


Hey, sounds like a cool idea to me javai =)
Thx for your tip mate, im gonna do that then, just need to find a place. Theres a stage in cammy as far as i reckon, but prolly to laggy, anyway i'll figure out.
But i think the prize should be raised a little(there more money we get in, the bigger will the prices that are given out be hehe =) , i will firgure it out so we can be ready on friday wïth the very first lottery =)

Again thx m8 for this great idea =)



great idea host it in salisbury plans behind the tower thingy just before camp forest
its the most empty place i know of ---- except for dartmoorlol!!


Originally posted by Javai
There's a way to make it less open to abuse.

Have all players select some numbers (3, 5, 6 doesn't really matter) in a certain range. Then at a set time/place you 'draw' the same number using the random command if people match they win if they don't they lose.

You could set it up like the national lottery here where you win fixed prizes for matching a certain amount of numbers. This way even your guild mates and close friends could play too since you can't rig the random numbers ;)

So you pay 1g to enter and choose 5 numbers if you match 3 you get 10g back etc (someone with more time than I've got can work out the odds and prizes and profits)

Take total prize money

split 60% between everyone that gets 6 numbers
split 25% between everyone that gets 5
split 10% between everyone that gets 4
split 5% between everyone that get 3

or something like that :)
might want to massage the figures etc..

might want to start with less numbers too - say 4 numbers,
60% between those that get 4
30% between those that get 3
10% between those that get 2 :)

so, say you have 500 gold
1 person hits the jackpot
5 get 3 numbers
20 get 2 numbers

The one person gets himself 60% of 500 = 300 gold
the 5 get 150 guild split between them = 30 gold
the 20 get 50 gold split between them = 2gold 50 silver :)

can probably think of better percentages to make it a bit fairer for the low number rollers/make sure there's not too many people getting the cash.


One of my m8's is studing mathematics, he just wrote a report about a word im not sure im transelating correct: Procent/Chance based math. I hope you understand what i mean. Anyway I told him about the lottery, and I also said that we might even expect about 300 players to join it. Then i asked him how many numbers each player should turn in. After some calculation, he said 3 numbers each. So i'd say 60 % to the 1'st, and 30% of the incoming money to the second one. Then 10% for number 3 (1 number correct),

What you think of 3 numbers ? The procent idea i got from Figonel (something like that), thx to Figo guy =)

The watchtower near the entrance to camp forest, in salisbury plains sounds good to me =)

I know it sound of much, but i was thinking of 50 g each to join the lottery ? We need some BIG and good cash to split out to the winners =) Otherwise it's not that fun :p


Final changes

Ok now these are the final rules for the lottery!
60% to the winner(s). 30 % to second(s). And 10% to the third(s)
If theres no number 1 and 2, the money will go to number 3 price.
If theres no winners AT ALL, the money will be saved for next time lottery, that mean even bigger prices. They will not be used by me or Maeran, dont worry!

We start today, and by next saturday I pull out the numbers. Dunno the exact time yet, but it will be at the guard tower, near the entrance to camp forest, in salisbury plains.
Price will be 50 g to join, then you choose 3 numbers. PM one of us and we will tell you the limit of numbers (cant remember it atm)
I'f i missed anything, tell me =)


expecting 300 people

3 numbers - what are you /randoming?

6? 10? 100? 49 (like the UK lottery :))

if it's 6 then the chance of someone getting one number right is


so your expected values for it would be:
Three numbers: 9 people
Two numbers: 51 people
One number: 150 people

That's an awful lot.. lets work it backwards. we want one person to win (0.3%) the lottery...

so if we go for
so X is >12 and <13
(12*12*12=1728, 13*13*13=2197)

If you have more or less people you want to change the denomination of the /randoms.

Use the formula
if you /random "picked" times
/random <NUM>

(picked! is picked factorial... so for 3 numbers that's 6)

You want your chance_for_jackpot to be slightly higher than 1/number_of_players

so go for 1.5/number_of_players


for three rolls this is simply



Maybe its just me who havn't read the post good enough, but what number you suggest then ?


Since you havnt replied on my last topic we will stick to 3 numbers then =/ Unless you reply =)

The lottery wont start till qw setteled this


Why don't just give numbers to the contestants from 1 to n="number of contestants" and then do "/random n"?
If you want first, second and third winners, you can do that 3 times (if second winner=first winner, /random again of course :p). It's less lottery-like, but it's easy to do :)

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