Lots of news



Ineresting stuff.

Lets hope thyey can stick to August for 1.49, as in 4 weeks I am pretty sure I will have exhausted all the new stuff that we got in 1.48.

Content Content Content, thast the key to sucess.

Events will be the saviour of EU if they get cracking.


"The ones responsible for this delay are of course chained to their keyboard and flogged regularly"

HAHAHAHA I am in stitches here LOL


the patch 1.49 should come to a server near you on the beginning of August.

This means, what, slightly over a month between patches? Keep them chained to the keyboards I say :)

As a result, the opening of a European PvP server will not happen before the patching to 1.51, which is planned (this could change a lot) for October.

Does this mean we'll be on the same patch as the US servers for a while? If GOA keep this up some US players might move for the events :)

One question though. Why are all GOA's dates in American style on their website?


I asked that a while ago...

Response (CS) - 05/13/2002 10:18 AM

This was done this way to accomodate all the international players who are
generally more used to this kind of date display.


Ummm.... how are europeans used to the US date system? Err...

Oh yeah, this will likely provoke some but... I think the US system is extremely illogical in the sense that the day is the shortest amount of time in dates... then months and then years...
The ONLY sense I see is that there is less months in numbers then days in a month... but otherwise I hate the way americans have to do everything differently (although the mile thing has come from england to there, I'd guess) like fahrenheit aswell...


and inches. and gallons. I could go on you know :p


Oh my god!

So 1.51 for us not until October!

¿And what about my augmentation healer in the meantime? So I'll have to wait the whole 3 months to have my new mend/aug spell lines, too bad...

But the fact is, the thing that really pesters me is that the PvP server won't come before that patch! Aaaaaaargh!

Now the say they can't put a "third patching platform"! Fuck it damn!
Once again GOA you have ruined my day...

If that's true it will be very sad, my subscription ends 16 of September and if I'm not playing PvP before that date...


So 1.51 for us not until October!

followed by...

Now the say they can't put a "third patching platform"! Fuck it damn!

mixed with abit of...

If that's true it will be very sad, my subscription ends 16 of September and if I'm not playing PvP before that date...

Makes me think you're crazy. How are they going to patch that quickly? They need a week to test each and they won't skip 1.49. then you ned to leave at least half a month to play on 1.49. then another week of test. That takes you over your date, even without any problems on the way. Go dream elsewhere buddy


Im pleased to have 1.48 now, we only just got it too. All on time, bang on mid last week, as they said they would.

Just think by christmas this should be looking great, hopefully a pvp server and all sorts of new toys to play with. Thats not bad going, dont forget programming is bloody hard work, yes we pay but they have delievered recently and to my satisfaction. No reason to believe why they won't get things in on time again.

I am disappointed in the recent server crashes tho, thats more worrying than a patch to me.


Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by SFXman
Ummm.... how are europeans used to the US date system? Err...

Oh yeah, this will likely provoke some but... I think the US system is extremely illogical in the sense that the day is the shortest amount of time in dates... then months and then years...
The ONLY sense I see is that there is less months in numbers then days in a month... but otherwise I hate the way americans have to do everything differently (although the mile thing has come from england to there, I'd guess) like fahrenheit aswell...

SFX was too long in the sauna again... ;)

"I hate the way americans have to do everything differently."
Sheesh.. get off that rock again.
Dunno... everyone and their mother starts slagging off on the US lately. Just because Bush is such a fuck up? Can't blame the people for it can you?
"They voted for him"... as all of us can remember- he lost the public vote- so don't even start with me.

Other countries- different customs. What do you call the english for driving on the 'wrong' side of the road?;)

Sorry for getting this thread off topic.

/gets thread on topic again
Yay! 1.49!!!;)




Other countries- different customs. What do you call the english for driving on the 'wrong' side of the road?

but they are..... most people drive on the right side of the road...



For some more OT ;) At least the UK has gone over to the metric scale now. Met some ppl from Ireland on my vacation in Greece last year and they all thought it was horrible ;) And as SFX said, the US datestyle is really fookedup, but ah, it's not so surprising...


The English drive on the right (left) side of the road. Historically because on horseback you wanted to be able to present your sword in your right hand to oncoming traffic to behead them if they stole your turnip. Or something.

So we got it right, its the rest of the world that drives on the wrong side....


Originally posted by old.Vittra
What if you were left-handed? :)

Then obviously you learned to be right-handed instead! ;)

As for the matter of US date style, it's a matter of how you say the date being translated into figures.

It seems that Europeans prefer to say:

The Second of July, 2002

whilst the Americans say:

July the Second, 2002.

Look on the bright side: at least we aren't using that damned stupid machine date system:




In the army we were told to use the format 03-JUL-2002 to avoid that stupid day/month confusion. As a programmer I usually use yyyymmddhhmm especially in filenames so that when you sort 'em alphanumerically they are also sorted by date.




thanks for those links Breydel, looks like we have a lot to look forward to. :)
I'll be happy if GOA get 1.49 out in the first week of august. Especially if they get events going; patches < content in my books.


Yes, well on the positive side for you guys each following patch will have kickass content.

1.49 - darkness falls
1.50 - epic armors and realm abilities
1.51 - tons of spell tweakage

1.5x - see those links

Like I always said before, 1.48 isn't that much of a deal. It includes some fixes and assassin changes, a few battlegrounds and itemized dungeons but fades into nothing with 1.49, 1.50 or 1.51.


I can see the problems, but tbh I would like to see us at least catching up on the US, not fall further behind. Right now we're 3 patches behind, by October the US will be at 1.55/6 so we'll be 4-5 patches behind. People read about all the nice stuff they can have, and want it, so they will leave if they don't get it fast. As far as I am concerned, scrap any events until we're one patch behind the US, and until then get the event writers translating our patches ;)

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