Lots of action !



Just startin a thread for discussion about the last couple of nights in Thid lots to talk about :)

21st / 22nd was really cool lots of action in Thid . Top Stuff!!

Mids were ever present but the HIBS came out to play YAY !

Hope it continues:)

Vodac : Scout 2x
Plutaris : Minstrel 4x
Onari : Infil 1x

DOA: Albion Prydwen


Nice to see a load of you hibbies out tonight... at least until the uber-twinked mids turned up <sigh>


Bleeh who you calling a twinkie aka cookie huh huh huh

We will have to kill you so much it hurts for saying that ;)


Aye, those hibs were the most happy surprise last night, and what a surprise...

Someone goes "HIBS HIBS HIBS" in the chatgroup.
A couple of times :p

Since hibs hibs hibs usually means "cheers, almost a full group of hibs" in Thidranki I thought no further, but still returned to Thidranki Faste, only to see a zerg horde of hibs, rushed inside, up to the battlements, looked out, no hibs left, jumped out, slit a few casterthroats since they decided to stand there with 10% hp near the wall... lots of dead hibs around.

But... they came back... another happy surprise.

That attack was the most fun thing that happened last night I believe, grats to hib! Do it more often!

And even the attacks post the first one were really fun even though smaller.

Got a chance to practice my stunning/mezzing with Shaya ;> geez.. quickbars.. screw'em :)

More hibs to the BGs!


Yup great fun last night in Thidranki.
Made 67RP last day. I am sorry for the ones i shoot from the roof.
''In Love and War all is alowed''
But dmn some of your Sb's have to high stealth.
Still got 4RP from Zagreb and some other.:clap::clap:

And for the Treehuggers.:eek6::touch::twak::flame:
Great come more becausse of you i have to think a new tactics to kill yea all. But still i think Thidranki will be more fun now with you guys around.
P.S Who where does 2 Elf Nightshades who got me at your PK.
I have some arrows with there names on ready.

Hope to cya all tonight again. /kiss:whip:

Pwyiw TwoFace

Originally posted by anin
P.S Who where does 2 Elf Nightshades who got me at your PK.
I have some arrows with there names on ready.
That would probably be Luon and Inyoureyes. <waves>

Nothing nicer than waving to an enemy assassin and they can't see you. Must be rather annoying. <winks>


Yeah thid was fun last night..

I was logged with my main char doing a dragonraid, and had my 2nd account logged in thid at keep.

When i/we got wiped at dragon(150 peeps is NOT enuf to kill that "thing") i was looking at my other screen just to see an attack on the keep(saw both mids and hibs there together?) so i quickly logged my wiz to thid and had a blast there.

To the hibs at brigde(alb or hib brigde) dont just stand there waiting for me to AOE you :) RUN dammit..lol.

Hibs do come back, would be nice to kill hibs for a change instead of mids :)



Originally posted by anin
P.S Who where does 2 Elf Nightshades who got me at your PK.
I have some arrows with there names on ready.

Inyoureyes almost certainly was one. The other might have been Luon, or it might have been myself (Tremayne) - I turned up quite late but was happy to help with a skirmish at our PK and some random slayings thereafter. Can't remember if I got you - there were a number of scouts there who felt the kiss of my envenomed rapier :D


That would probably be Luon and Inyoureyes. <waves>

Just wanted to log for dinner. When i walked over the MB when Inyoureyes atacked me. A good tip m8ty buy better poison.
That stuff doing nothing to me.:m00:
He got away but every1 was tracking him down. Poor guy died faster than a brownie.:clap:
Me got the last blow.:)

Inyoureyes /kiss:whip:


Inyoureyes have lousy stealth yes, think Luon doesn't, or he's just bullshitting me bout seeing me all the time, as i have 28 stealth :p


Aye that envenom rules!, u got me, i think it was u anyway!
But the stealth on some of u guys is bad inyaeyes has bad stealth :( i good see u well before u were in pa reach :) anyway tis fun and Balrog lvl 24 ranger top duelin we had goin on, i killed u 2-3 odd times now i think it is sort of even between us, we have the same sort of tatics:) anyway hibs rule i love u guys, better than some fat mid patrol runnin around which was also fun btw but brilliant stuff !! hope to see more !!

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