


Okay, I know everybody has already talked about this and you're all probably bored of it but I watched it for the first time last night on DVD and I have to say it totally rocks!

It's nearly as good as Fight Club and American Pyscho but not quite. I'm just thinking, wouldn't it be good to have orcs and goblins in DAoC?

Anyway, I had to get that off my chest, is there anybody at all that hated lord of the Rings? If so, why?

- Pathfinder -

The movie? :p I wonder how many people started to read the books after seeing it, and going "OMG where's the action?!" :)


LotR was the first book i ever read <in English> and must say that it was so slowprogressing that i got quite bored.

The movie..... well i thought most action scenes were quite good... scenery and CGD overlays were fitting also, all in all a good adaptation of the book... Thank God they didnt sing in that movie.

old.Ayam Ganbatte

The action scenes were great, especially the huge fight against the cave troll (although when the cave troll starts looking around the pillar for ...Frodo if I recall, seemed pretty lame).

I think it was an epic interpretation, though, very enjoyable. Peter Jackson had great vision, greater than Ralph Bakhshi anyway.


Originally posted by old.Ayam Ganbatte
(although when the cave troll starts looking around the pillar for ...Frodo if I recall, seemed pretty lame)
Well I doubt the cave dude was very smart... usually big = dumb and it certainly looked a little slow. I found it quite amusing how it was searching for Frodo.

old.Ayam Ganbatte

Originally posted by SFXman
I found it quite amusing how it was searching for Frodo.
I assumed it was just a touch put in there for the young kids' enjoyment, no disrespect.


At least fucking Jar Jar Binks didn't come along and hit the troll or something.

We have that at least.


Originally posted by [Cerebus]
At least fucking Jar Jar Binks didn't come along and hit the troll or something.

We have that at least.

there were quite a few discrepancies between the book and the film

mind you it took me a whole year to finish all three books

but on the whole it was a very good film
got my 4Disc special edition on order

- Pathfinder -

A few? I drowned in them. They conveniently cut out anything not relating to action, cough :p


Originally posted by - Pathfinder -
A few? I drowned in them. They conveniently cut out anything not relating to action, cough :p
true but who wants to go and sit through 60 pages of secenery :D (also did not like the way they handled the bilbo getting the ring) but then you know there is a prequal there

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by old.dittytwo

true but who wants to go and sit through 60 pages of secenery :D (also did not like the way they handled the bilbo getting the ring) but then you know there is a prequal there

Indeed, Tolkien's narratives are sleeping pills if there ever were any :)


Originally posted by [Cerebus]
At least fucking Jar Jar Binks didn't come along and hit the troll

or at least an 11 year old boy didnt stick a peice of wood up its nose :)

the film was very good, and cut out quite a few of the ZZzZZzzZzzZZz factors of LotR, such as him having to describe every bloody bush they walk past...

dont get me wrong, i still loved the book :)

- Pathfinder -

I still find it logically inconsistent that hormone frenzied adolescents would find the LotR books stimulating :)


imagine tolkein with scantily clad women waving their tits everywhere.

just doesnt seem RIGHT, does it?

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by old.tRoG
imagine tolkein with scantily clad women waving their tits everywhere.

just doesnt seem RIGHT, does it?

That's what i said; Tolkien is Victorian:)


film was good but noy a patch on the books.
ive read all 3 and i admit i did put 1 down, the beginning bit with tom bombadil is tripe, but get past it and its a great read


Originally posted by old.Mobius
film was good but not a patch on the books.
ive read all 3 and i admit i did put 1 down, the beginning bit with tom bombadil is tripe, but get past it and its a great read

Edit spellings :p



disregard the previous post please i dont know what im doing


Peter Jackson was supposed to have made The Hobbit, but the production company didn't want to pay up, so he took the plan to New line who stumped up the cash for trilogy, and boy did it pay off...

Miramax = :twak:

You never know, the Hobbit might still happen...

from imdb.com

The original plan was to film "The Hobbit" starring Warwick Davis. But when Miramax balked at the $75 million dollar price tag Peter Jackson took it to New Line which gave him nearly $300 million to make the trilogy


The Hobbit would be a nice movie actually... Smaug (however it was spellt) would be nice to see, when created with the same quality effects as in LotR: FotR.
I just can't wait to see the huge spider, whatever its name was again... forgot which book it was in, but I am guessing the last (?), RotK.

IMDB.com is great, you can see upcoming movies... hehe... some shocked me... like X2 which is X-men 2, sigh. :rolleyes:
Then there was even Scary Movie: Episode I: Lord of the Brooms which sounds interesting enough :D

Uncle Sick(tm)

The Hobbit... starring Warwick Davis? He was playing a superb "Willow" and a fun "Leprechaun" (anyone seen those? Love them... never touch a pot o' gold...) but as Bilbo Baggins?

I object, your honor! *bangs shoe on desk*

I love the movie.
One thing that really made me uncomfortable, was Arwen.
They really broke with the story there... and why did they do it?

Equal rights? There had to be at least one female hero?
Can't see no black elves and dwarves in wheelchairs either...

Sean Bean as Boromir was great. Perhaps my favorite char in part one.

- Pathfinder -

They broke with the story at many points. It's not as if the entire movie hangs upon it :)

And I for one don't miss the bit with Bombadill.

Orin Askhammare

Arwen getting a larger role didn't bother me in the slightest. It's not like Glorfindel had a great impact in the book aside from riding Frodo to Rivendel. Also I was pleasantly surprised by Liv Tyler, she did a lot better than I initially expected.

Tom Bombadil... Let's just say I deliberately skipped that part during my second reading of the books :)

There's so much to say about these movies, but I'll mention a few things that I noticed.

The black riders were much more menacing than when reading the books. Great design on them. Also, I like the fact how they stressed the thorough evilness of the ring itself and the way it has a will of it's own. "...it wants to be found". Boromir's death had me very close to shedding a tear, excelent stuff, well acted.

Now the things I didn't like.
Galadriel's "Bitch Queen" transformation. I didn't see the need for this visual "black and white/negative image" effect and the change of her voice. I mean she's powerful yes and has some magical skills, but I thought this was over the top. I remember the scene as much more sorrowful and sad from the books. I wouldn't mind the speech she delivered as such, but please ditch the special effect there :)
Sense of time is lost. The whole journey takes much longer than it seems on screen. Feels like the whole movie takes place over a period of 2 weeks max. Wouldn't know how to fix this though.
Battle scenes are very very fast cut and shaky sometimes. I know this accents the chaos of battle but still. I found this more bearable on DVD than on the big screen though, or maybe it is because this was my 3rd viewing.

Well that's enough rambling.


Well I first read the books when I was about 16, which was quite a few years ago (quickly moves on skipping over how long ago it was) and have read them about 15 times since. Love it all :)

I was pleasantly surprised with the film. Most films usually destroy the story and how you have seen it in your minds eye. Thankfully the films portrayed it very well and even though they missed out some interesting parts, it didn't ruin it.

I agree with Orin though, Galadriel comes across as almost evil in the film, but in the book is much more sad. She has no wish to have the ring as she knows its evil and wants it destroyed, but is sad because she knows with the rings destruction will also come the death of her kingdom as she loses her own power. She seems to me from the books to be more like the 'earth mother goddess' type image you get from other fantasy genres/games who is worshipped by the druids.

Black riders - excellent.
Most of the characters seemed to fit well, although I had expected Sean Bean to be Strider, but is was very good as Boromir.

Moria was great and loved the fight with the orcs/cave troll and then the Balrog.

A good touch I noticed (cos I was looking for it) was when they were attempting to traverse the peaks, but were turned back by the storm and had to go to Moria instead, everyone is struggling to plow through the snow except for Legolas who breezes past them all walking on top of the snow :) Did you notice that ?

Erm, seem to have rambled a bit here, anyway a few of my thoughts on it, now to wait for the extended version DVD to be released - will have to borrow a friends 2 disc version in the mean time to get my fix :)

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