leggy said:I haven't seen a decent review for this yet. Was looking forward to it after having a bash a the MP demo but I doubt I'll bother now.
Wonk said:but what makes this game different from all the 200 other 3rd person action games?
I have to admit that I enjoyed the first demo very much, however im not sure if it will keep my interest for more than a few levels.
FuzzyLogic said:Only? 85% is a bloody good score.
I never really got the ridiculously high scoring syndrome of many magazines, I remember when GamesMaster gave games scores of 80-odd % that would probably get 95+ in other mags because it was still well, well above average.
Bah, maybe that's why I don't bother with journalistic reviews any more.
FuzzyLogic said:Only? 85% is a bloody good score.
I never really got the ridiculously high scoring syndrome of many magazines, I remember when GamesMaster gave games scores of 80-odd % that would probably get 95+ in other mags because it was still well, well above average.
Bah, maybe that's why I don't bother with journalistic reviews any more.
FuzzyLogic said:Only? 85% is a bloody good score.
I never really got the ridiculously high scoring syndrome of many magazines, I remember when GamesMaster gave games scores of 80-odd % that would probably get 95+ in other mags because it was still well, well above average.
Bah, maybe that's why I don't bother with journalistic reviews any more.
Delket said:Completed it, found the final boss easiest of the lot /shrug (On normal).
Was a good game, very epic feeling at time although sometimes a little too overwhelming. Other grips are a nasty control system and some monsters having too much hp (Hp != fun). Other than that a great game and well worth picking up, mp is a blast.
Yaka said:that was uber quick, either you have shit loadsa time or this games very short
Yaka said:so 15 hours when its on hard then, that will do me fine when i get round to playing it
Delket said:I started on hard, killing monsters wasnt an issue but they drop bugger all T-Energy which can be annoying as buggerly after a few lvls
And ye played it all of FridayWas good.
Took about 7 hours i think, not overly long.