Lost Odyssey advert


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Been playing it for a few days now and around 6 hours played and i have barely scratched the main story as i have been exploring everything an area has to offer.

So far though the game is very good the graphics are great the main character is very interesting and i think making him so he has lived a 1000 years is also a good move as you can put alot of past into a character like that.

Combat is traditional JRPG.

You can create rings to give you extra damage/HP/see all treasure/drain enemy hp too many to describe really and in battle if you hold RT a aiming system will form around a enemy and you must get the outer ring into the inner ring if you succeed you will get a PERFECT and do extra damage.

I have sunday/monday/tuesday off so will report back when i have scratched the story more :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
why cant jps make games with none traditional combat. it gets anoyying after a while


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Just finished disc 1 and i can say this game is awsome.

About half way through disc one something happens that just wasn't expected and almost reduced me to tears.

Disc1 lasted me 12 hours and the game has not once become a bore.

The dream sequences are really good the music in each sequence seems to fit it so well.

The music on a whole is really great and you can tell it has a hint of FF before FF10 imo which is a good thing for me anyway.

Overall so far superb game that must be played by any JRPG lover.

All the talent from FF7,8,9 is here in this game you can feel it from the moment you load it up.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2005
I never got into the JRPG combat.. but then again, I've never really given it a chance..

.. But, I don't really have that kind of time on my hands anyways at the moment, so will stick with DMC4 and The Club for a while =] Might give it a go in the summer.

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