Losing our religion (or relics and keeps)



So tonight... Mids are running us down all over the place and you just feel like doing a /who emain while we are facing down to the grass..... 45 unanon on emain... my fair guess 60-70 in total in emain.

Emain is fun, sure. But lets see..... rrrrriiiight. Keeps are in the game for the cause of taking and defending them.

Dont wanna sound whiney... but im whining so its hard not to sound whiney :p

Cmon people, start helping out more taking back the keeps and not just farming some RPs on emain... since you prolly just get killed at AMG cause everyone runs around like ants on crack.


Mate, we have Darkness Falls now, keeps are changing hands so fast thats its becoming absolutely meaningless now. Personally I don't even like DF but my point is people have gone keep crazy whilst the rest have been put of them completely.

Personally I just want to go have some fun fights and kill a few enemies, not get dragged around snowdonia for several hours getting keeps back we will lose in an hours time next time the other realm decides they want to go down DF.

Relic raids are one thing, i'll drop whatever im doing to defend excalibur, but im not going to sacrifice exp or fun rvr to go keep claiming just because a few of your are tired of getting your asses kicked attacking the keeps.

Its impossible to take keeps seriously now since DF, the dungeon has ruined them.


If it was 100+ middies/hibbies then fine.. I'll suicide and I'm at excal. 40??? jeez.. I even told my guild to ignore all the alliance chat moaning about leaving emain to defend excal.

So to sum it up... wasn't a raid... don't care...


The less keeps we have the less guards excal will have. Think about that.


Its just Killgordes lameass way of trying to get us to come out to play and feed him RPs. Excal is watched the whole time so really losing keeps means nothing since as soon as they try to scratch Excalibur doors they will find 200+ albs incoming. I watched Killgorde playing with the guards at Excal 2hrs before Herbal screamed "Excal under attack!!!!!" on /as. But I saw it for what is was, a childish cry for attention. Other ppl were watching also, let em play with the guards all they want. Touch the doors and they die.


I didnt say that you should stop exping to defend excalibur. But people in emain should support teh defence more, instead of going for some RPs there


Originally posted by Lusse
I didnt say that you should stop exping to defend excalibur. But people in emain should support teh defence more, instead of going for some RPs there

Exactly!! Instead of trying to find enemies in emain you can find them in your own backyard too! there were about 30 mids continuously moving between renaris and castle sauvage, and everyone moving down that road was ganked.

Even the first 3-4 attempts to set up a force to wipe them failed! Most people would rather hunt in emain than wipe mids from sauvage road.

At one time we had 2 keeps left... and at that point a group of 40-50 mids is enough to take a relic from an undefended relic keep.

Yesterday the mids laughed in the alb face... and they got a LOT of RP's just because we couldn't organise ourselves enough to stop them until the 5th try.


I do agree things in our own backyard need to be taken care of first. And not taken out a large mid force is a bit dumb, as we have seen them do relic takes with about 20 rams... we would not be able to do much in the time they use on the doors..
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by Lusse
... since you prolly just get killed at AMG cause everyone runs around like ants on crack.

That has got to the single most funny line I have read on this forum! CLASSIC!


personally i prefer to see all our keeps controlled by albion not 6-7 owned by hibs/mids for 3 reasons

1, less keeps means less guards if theres a low uber guard spawn chances are even if we are defending theyll own us

2,yes theres some ppl that dont like DF but there are plenty that do if we own DF that denies access to hib/mid = no nice shiny seals for them

3,pride, it would be nice to know that we dont take shit as a realm from hib/mid before DF if our keeps where taken we'ed be out in the froniter like a shot rdy to take em back. if we hold DF that means we got lots of ppl down there, fair enough some will be on prince raid or whatever but some will be in emain and we will be losing keeps, id rather take our keeps back asap so we dont have loads to get a few days l8r and if u are in emain why not go take some keeps youll make loads of rp from defending it but no alot are just happy to camp the amg or mmg


Originally posted by Lusse
I didnt say that you should stop exping to defend excalibur. But people in emain should support teh defence more, instead of going for some RPs there

No because thats exctly what Killgorde wants with his little keep games. We'll come get the keeps when we feel like it and not before. Let the twats sit on there hands for 3-4hrs. Meanwhile our realm is earning solid rps in Emain instead of smashing our heads against a fully defended keep and wasting RvR time.


well lets give killgordes realm a taste of its own medicine lets take 30-40 albs to uppland or yggdra just cause em hassle take all there keeps

ass someone said monkey see monkey do :p


Originally posted by K0nah
I watched Killgorde playing with the guards at Excal 2hrs before Herbal screamed "Excal under attack!!!!!" on /as. But I saw it for what is was, a childish cry for attention.

what we do in our extended frontier is our own business. As long as we are having fun and ganking you albs then thats all that matters.
Playing as an alliance and learning how we work together is hardly a childish cry for attention.


Big word´s m8s try to gank us once in a while to id be more impressed


Originally posted by K0nah

No because thats exctly what Killgorde wants with his little keep games. We'll come get the keeps when we feel like it and not before. Let the twats sit on there hands for 3-4hrs. Meanwhile our realm is earning solid rps in Emain instead of smashing our heads against a fully defended keep and wasting RvR time.
lol sounds like K0nah is upset?
Well please consider what you are saying here m8 you dont chose anything atm in albion midgard has only brought the fight to yer backyard and ur wondering what the hell is going on welcome to put some action into ur words would be nicer :)

And we have only shown you albs what a small force of highly dedicated mids can do so dont think you have seen the best from us yet and yes please bring ur 200 zerg m8s with you next time you decide to visit ur backyard weather is nice there btw :)

But K0nah what is so great about emain if i may ask ? how hard is it for albs i mean ur always twice the amount than the mids or hibs funny sence of fairplay you got ?

So by all means stay in emain with ur almighty zerg probably suits you more then to face some real hard opponant´s .


The ZERG can't handle guerilla wars.... tsk tsk tsk.... gratz to Aesirs, Cutting Edge and all the other guilds that are pestering albs in sauvage.


Originally posted by old.Osy
The ZERG can't handle guerilla wars.... tsk tsk tsk.... gratz to Aesirs, Cutting Edge and all the other guilds that are pestering albs in sauvage.
Grrr Blizzard to if i may ask :p


Have fun dancing with trees, playing with relic guards and ganking greys worth 2rps then :m00:


Just an Idea

Why not divide our home keeps up , get the top 16 (or whatever)
guilds and divide the keeps so that each guild has to take care
of a keep and to keep it in constant ownership.

If that keep falls then the 2 guilds have to take it back asap
they could be responsible for upgrades on their keep doors etc

That way everyone would get pride from holding their own keep
for the longest and / or organising keep retakes straight away.
They wouldent even have to retake on their own , they could call
for alliance backup but it would be up to them to organise it.
Their are more than enough people in each of the top guilds
to take a keep and hold it. And the guild crafters could upgrade the doors.

just seems like an easy solution without over complicating matters
Maybe a little to simple an idea for albion guilds :p


On the initial post, I very much agree with Kagato.
Where it was fun (initially) to take a keep, claim it and try to defend it ... DF has made it some sort of a joke imo. There are some good keep fights but mostly you just meet the zerg. I've been at the 2 end of it (in the zerg and trampled by it :) ) and it just isn't the same anymore. I'll still be at RvR getting mezzed and killed :p but will think twice now before going fot yet another empty keep run.

As for relics, the last relic attack shout was a laugh and upset lots of peeps. We were getting ready for a possible good fight in emain. After the /as shout I think at least 3 to 4 groups (including ours) just suicided to run to excal ... for nothing.

Things like this surely not aid in keeping up the RvR and relic spirit.

As for Killgorde and crew ... we have put his presence on /as a lot without action being taken. Honestly, I think our guild does not have the number of high levels to take him on...yet I surely hope he will still be around and I look forward to some good skirmishes by then. I have been killed many times by his group and do not feel dishonored or ganked or frustrated at all. They are organised and actually I learned a lot by watching their playstyle and tactics (face down usually but hey :p ). I hope someday we can put up a good fight against him.

Many will disagree on all of this. Just my pov on the whole situation.


Originally posted by K0nah
Have fun dancing with trees, playing with relic guards and ganking greys worth 2rps then :m00:
So time to wake up soon ?


Originally posted by starblade
On the initial post, I very much agree with Kagato.
Where it was fun (initially) to take a keep, claim it and try to defend it ... DF has made it some sort of a joke imo. There are some good keep fights but mostly you just meet the zerg. I've been at the 2 end of it (in the zerg and trampled by it :) ) and it just isn't the same anymore. I'll still be at RvR getting mezzed and killed :p but will think twice now before going fot yet another empty keep run.

As for relics, the last relic attack shout was a laugh and upset lots of peeps. We were getting ready for a possible good fight in emain. After the /as shout I think at least 3 to 4 groups (including ours) just suicided to run to excal ... for nothing.

Things like this surely not aid in keeping up the RvR and relic spirit.

As for Killgorde and crew ... we have put his presence on /as a lot without action being taken. Honestly, I think our guild does not have the number of high levels to take him on...yet I surely hope he will still be around and I look forward to some good skirmishes by then. I have been killed many times by his group and do not feel dishonored or ganked or frustrated at all. They are organised and actually I learned a lot by watching their playstyle and tactics (face down usually but hey :p ). I hope someday we can put up a good fight against him.

Many will disagree on all of this. Just my pov on the whole situation.
Thx for that input atleaset you realise that we are doing some good rvring at m:)


Moan less, do action more

all what u care is freaking RP, in keep fights how many times its said " killed recently no RP's given..." so actually we aint feeding RP's to them, u noobs r just freaking lazy asses


so let them idiots kill few greys and get 1 rps. Let them sit on there asses and guard a unsieged keep. I aint gonna play there retard game. Running around all day taking keeps back.
Konah is right, they wont get far if they even try to take excalibur.
Sonner or later they realize that killing a yellow is far more worth than 200 greys.

Bleri McThrust

There not just killing greys there killing anyone that moves and Sauvage is the normal route to Penines (Ellyls) and Hadrians (Epics). So they have a ready supply of lvl 40+ groups to kill.

Cutting Edge and its allies have done a good job of controlling the Alb frontiers and for that they have my utmost respect. They have been doing this for many weeks now and we as a realm have let them :(. My own personal opinion is that we should be standing up to them. Firstly because in theory its our Frontier and we shouldnt let them control it. Secondly because it makes a nice change from the continual march around Emain.

In the past people have moaned about why is RvR always in Emain and tried to get people involved in having a change. Well CE are doing this. They arent playing childish games or anything of the sort. They seem to be having fun and earning RP's along the way. However trying to get Albs to muster up forces to counter this is a thankless task.

Geurilla warfare sounds so much more fun than a continual zerg, hopefully I will see you guys less often with my face flat on the floor and more often with you face down :)


See ... Bleri agrees...somewhat :p

No you'll see. Our group will grow stronger so soon we are going to put up a better fight. Sure some nice hide n seek combined with guerilla tactics will increase both ours and CE-crew's fun --- sure beats being zerged again --- and having fun still is the ONLY reason why anyone should play this game :)

So to CE, till next time ... and well, try to hit for one armor piece please. It is a hell of a job denting out all 6 pieces every time I run into you :p

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