Losing house


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Just a friendly warning to all not be as stupid as I was since this much be the most well documented thing goa has. I dont mind losing the house because my stupidity to not have enough money but this much nicer really.

Lost my house on 14th apparently and noticed it on 18th when my friend told me it was gone. It was a guild house from ages ago so first thing what I though was buy it back get new house and make it guild one so easyer for us to put it back the way it was and carry vault stuff back. The error I made was when I pressed accept on the guild deed thingie and it whiped everything I had in my vaults and merchants including guite alot of ml9 and 10 stuff 20+ full and ra stoned, 10+ moirai belts, rings and other moirai items. Several band of shadows and numerous other items we had. :) The trophys we had would be gone most likely anyway but if not there went the phoenix one because of this too.

So empty the vaults from caerwent merchant area before buying new house!

"However I see in the logs that on the 18th you created a new guild house. At this point your guild gets a new vault id which overwrites the old id. The items in your old vault are now lost I'm afraid"
"This is a technical limitation which we have raised with Mythic and untill they change the way this works we can not help you"


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 18, 2004
Hmm, kind of on topic - if you lose your personal house, if everything lost, or are yer merchant items put..somewhere?


Aug 23, 2005
been there, donne that :( had my CM full of ML9 items(the sellable ones) and poof went my house, then on my way to caerwent market to pickup stuff from CM, i found a almost perfect slot so i bought it, when i came to the npc at market, he had no etams for me :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
What is especially fun is when someone places a house over your old house and then gets all your items.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Deepflame said:
What is especially fun is when someone places a house over your old house and then gets all your items.

Won't work that way.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2005
I lost my Villa recently and all trophies,and stuff,luckily got my stuff back so was'nt too bad,was sad to wave goodbye to 40p house tho,but I don't miss the 800gold/bps a week :)


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 5, 2004
CuddleBunny! said:
been there, donne that :( had my CM full of ML9 items(the sellable ones) and poof went my house, then on my way to caerwent market to pickup stuff from CM, i found a almost perfect slot so i bought it, when i came to the npc at market, he had no etams for me :(

the items from your CM won't be on those NPC's - only vault items. the items from your CM will appear on the new CM when you buy one.


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
There's a bit of misinformation in some of the posts so I'll just clarify what happens when you lose your house.
When your house goes, all the items that were in your house vaults and on your CM are moved to the house bankers. There are 8 house bankers in each marketplace (4 each for guild and personal houses) and each will hold the contents of one vault. In the main house market for each realm (Meath, Erikstaad and Caerwent) there are two additional merchants who will hold items from the CM - one merchant for personal houses and one for guild houses. As long as you don't have a new house, the original house owner or a rank 0 character can reclaim all their items from these NPCs. We have an FAQ about it.

If you get a new personal house then you won't be able to use the merchants anymore, however, as long as the owner of the new house is the same as the owner of the old house, when you replace your house vaults and CM, your old items will reappear within them. When you get a new guild house however, the guild's old vault IDs get overwritten with new ones and so everything you haven't already reclaimed from the bankers will be lost.

Vault IDs are linked to a character or guild, not a house lot or a particular house or vault. No-one can get your items by buying your old lot, you can't lose your items by selling your vaults or CM.

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