Lord Rooms



Right Albs did very well assembling getting to the keep - knocking down the doors - all good but then failed to not charge the Lord with 5-6 RR7+ pbAoEers and got themselves splendidly pharmed.

...when will people see the value of waiting untill gtAoE can be set up properly, if not enough wizards around to do this wait for Trebs to be set up or better have both (and no, full earth spec wizard ideal but not essential - 2/3 ppl with low level gtAoE wiil do just takes longer). This will have them dead in no time, low-medium AoE damage slowly wear out the mana pools of the healers and also has bonus of interupting them and the pbers --> game over for the Lord Room defenders.

However this simple logic/tactic seems to escape 80% of the people on keep takes leaving a few left in the yard to deal with guard pops and trying to rez people out of the tower or so few attackers are left that guards + the defenders can come out and finish off all who remain.


Question.... how the hell do you ground-target the inside of a lord room from the courtyard or whatever? Is that in fact not what happens - you go inside, groundtarget and hope you can escape before being ganked?


theres a ground target assist command isnt there?

then again some1 still gotta run upstairs and will get owned


Assist on an Infil or a Necromancer shade, or a corpse, plenty of those in the lord room usually.


Right Albs did very well assembling getting to the keep - knocking down the doors - all good but then failed to not charge the Lord with 5-6 RR7+ pbAoEers and got themselves splendidly pharmed.

if your talking about benowyc it was 3 enchanters and it was albs fault taht they got farmed...rushing lord room is just suicide vs that many enchanters when they arn't interupted etc....was trying to tell the albs there but they didn't seem to listen...

think VGN made 15kish out of it wtg albs


It's relatively easy to set up gtAoE even without having someone targeted:

To get a ground target, hold down the F5 key (or whatever key you may have mapped it to on your keyboard). You will see a crosshair appear at your feet. This is your ground target. You can move the ground target forward and back by holding F5 and using your arrow keys. Side-to-side movement is accomplished by turning your character. You can even change the height of the ground target using your look up/look down keys (default S/X keys).

... until you can get a target IN the Lord Room you can move the target crosshairs for the gt to the edge of the tower with F5+arrow keys, then move the vertical pin up to just outside the window of the Lord Room (or if they are on the stairs - by the exterior wall of the stairwell) and blast away. The standard wizard gtAoE will not cover the whole of the Lord Room floor set like this as your only able to penetrate in 1/2 the area total ground of the spell but seems to be reasonably effective as a temporary measure however a Treb with it's much larger radius of fire would have no problems here.

another other useful command to know is:

/groundassist <name> or /groundassist <with that player targeted>

(this will set your gtAoE crosshair to the same co-ords and pin to the same height as theirs)

gtAoE is the way to easily beat "chanters camping the Lord Room" without heavy losses, takes a bit of setting up and PATIANCE! but an easy win if people wait and don’t rush into death.

try it and see...

Madonion Slicer

Sad thing is no one wants an Earth Wizard in their Xping group hence not many lvl50 Earth Wizards, my Earth wizard has no choice but to spec to Ice with 1.62 or he never see passed lvl42.



Couple of points...

1...how do you know the numbers of the chanters up there unless somebody has a look see ??

2...the raids i have been on have mostly been " Doors down...straight to lord"

3...Treniel...would be better to give consructive remarks instead of moaning, that way the next time we will know what to do...and not think "screw him....he only moans at us then flames on BW.

And yes...i was one of the dumb ones who charged the lord room....BEFORE we knew the numbers of the chanters up there and before anybody said to us "Don't charge lord...wait for alternate orders and attack plan"..I for one will know to wait next time..but as usual will ignore any shouts or yells coming from you.


I tried yelling the GT assist thing on shades and stuff but...noone listens of course. I'd be even more irritated if I wasn't able to do GT myself, though I was on my friar at the time. :/

The lesson is - if you want something done, do it yourself.



in zerg keeptakes... if the keep's undefended the zerg goes to the lord and kills him - voila...

that's the sort of keep take you normally get on Dun Crauchon or if the zerg gets bored and goes for Crimm.

A heavily defended keep however is a completely different matter - never charge the lord room on a defended keep...


The problem was also the fact that 30 albs were bunched up together, i'm not blaming the albs i'm often in the middle of the zerg as well but i NEVER go in the middle of the zerg when chanters are about all i saw was 4+ enchanters come out onto the wall and PBAOE like mad until all of those albs were dead then they partially retreated again.

They really do need nerfing though.

Debuff their own magic
3 attack speed debuffs
A caster pet that does DD-snare and other spells

Just screaming our for a nerf i think if nothing else the pet and debuff needs nerfing.

Molten Lava

Originally posted by acei

They really do need nerfing though.

Debuff their own magic
3 attack speed debuffs
A caster pet that does DD-snare and other spells

I just imagine their spastic heads, slime comming out of the corners of their mouth when they hit that big blue paper on the pbaoe-button 22 times per second....then I know they are nerfed....irl


Please dont turn this into a nerf thread:

* Yes I agree Chanters are a problem but whineing NERF wont get them out of the Lord Room in the next siege --> we have to deal with it.
* Yes the Wizard Earth spec line is prity gimped compared to a RC-RM who can debuff his base to gain on non-spec variance on base damage or a Void-Eld who's damage is in the same line in base as spec so no variance on damage + tones of debuffs and utility
* /salute to all earth Wizards for their hard work stucking with this spec option to get high level gtAoE

But as I said even with low level gtAoE the above tactic works but you need more than one doing it and it will take a bit longer:

My Fire Wizard is 50F / 19E / 7I a prity standard FIRE template

(I use my pbAoE at climb points on keeps to uncover stealthers as they come up then switch to nuke when they poke their head into LoS and gtAoE in interupt attackers or defenders in keep defence/takes).

Ice Wizard also popular template is 50I 20E both have L18 gtAoE spell.

My L18 gtAoE will do 15-35 damage + crits on 3 second cast + 6 second delay (1 cast every 9secs)

If 3 people with even the L19 gt spell all attack together that's ~25 damage every 3 seconds - after a minute of this thats 60/9*3*25 = 500 damage; the damage is low but constantly hammering them will bleed them to death over time and no one has had to get owned in the Lord room in the process.

Add and earth spec Wiz to this and you kill them quicker as damage will be more like 180-240 damage ever 9 seconds, add Treb 100-350 additional damage every 10 seconds over a 700 radius (rather than 350 of the gtAoE spell)

- with all the will and RAs in the word Lord campers will not be able to last more than a few minutes with this coming at them.

It can be done - we just need to use out heads

note to Health:

for knowing how many pbers where there I was crafting in beno all day in a vain hope to defend the keep, and got shafted by a shade on the battlemts and I counted numbers of chanter pets on open ground.


I stand corrected.... I'll edit it from 19 to 18

I am trying to get across a tackit which will work against the pbAoE Lord campers I hope more people read and take this in, thankyou all for reading and not turning this into a flame fest -

there is always hope :-]



The problem is that you never get any infils or minstrels with any kind of leadership skills whatsoever. Sure, they can climb walls, but when was the last time you ever saw one of them yell that they were setting up a ground target and to assist them. None of them ever /y to stay back when the doors go down while they set up the /gassist ...


GTAoE is ONLY used to INTERRUPT the other realms casters... Any wizard without the lowest GTAoE should be shot ;)
(you only need 2 or 3 spamming GTAoE for this to be effective due to the nice way interrupts work)

Mids are kings at this, hibs have a few GTAoE tricks of their own (the GTAoE Snare-DD for 15 or 30s RA is one of them, Thornwied field or something)...

That way the caster can only moc, to find out if they do, send a small team (1/4th or so of your 'zerg') up... They'll go down in history as sacrifice cows :m00:

After that, moc is either used, or the chanters/elds should be dead... And the rest can come up to kill whats left...

Mids are able to do this, hibs are able to do this... Albs suck at doing this...


interupt then charge is good for non-pber zerg camps I agree but when the chanter/SM numbers are high then the bleed method works well - it just takes time.

I another wizard and a treb took out 1.5fg mids with 2SM in CRen np in about 5 mins and no one had to enter the Lord room until near the end of the fight to finish off the tanks left alone

with only 2 SM we could have charged with gt interupting but our numbers were small relitive to defenders maybe 3fg / not all 50 but we won that fight with out loosing a man.

Different situations need various tactics but bleed-to-death a must with high RR chanter heavy groups


Originally posted by Xethron

note to Health:

for knowing how many pbers where there I was crafting in beno all day in a vain hope to defend the keep, and got shafted by a shade on the battlemts and I counted numbers of chanter pets on open ground.

Er...names Heath.. (o:

Also,,,unless you plan on dieing at every keep we go for, how else will we know the number...even though you knew them, did you tell anyone ???...if so, why didnt they shout it out to us ??...

Good comment though...
Different situations need various tactics.

All we need is a filter of information and to be able to react to the info to turn a losing battle into a winning battle.


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
The problem is that you never get any infils or minstrels with any kind of leadership skills whatsoever. Sure, they can climb walls, but when was the last time you ever saw one of them yell that they were setting up a ground target and to assist them. None of them ever /y to stay back when the doors go down while they set up the /gassist ...

last night ;) about 4 of them.


I shouted on /as for assistance and ppl did come but as you can imagine it's hard to avoid a well drilled Vengance Shade + ground support for very long while trying to slow down the attackers, I don't know many people outside my alliance so that was kinda my fault

however on Note:

gtAoE worked very well at Bold on the Mid RR force and at Beno on Vengance (a dish best surved cold) afterwards.

I hope that in future Mid attacks (which are sure to come again and again becasue they are so bent on haveing our relics) people are as good as they were last night:

* Mincers/Infs were good at climbing walls and geting gtAoE set up in good spots and shouted on /b to /groundassist them while taking out doors - worked well
* a few ppl charged the Lord Room at Bold - but most stayed down and gtAoE'd them untill they were dead
* The whole Mid force ~9-10fgs died within 5 miniutes of the doors going down with very few losses (bar-the few ppl who went charging up).
* people with a go target on the Lord room that were hitting many also asked for /groundassist in /b

--> very well executed and this was just with Wizard gtAoEs, admitidlty there were probably many there but when less 1 or 2 trebs would easily make up for that

If we do this every time the Mids come we'll defend excelently and earn a nice few realm points to boot - must be good

In time they'll learn the hard way that Albion will no longer let itself be pharmed in Lord Room camps and they might as well stay home

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