Loot from ML8 raid


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Ok well due to lack of people and the raid failing people left quickly at the end and the loot was forgotten.

So here is the list of drops 99% and above armour/weapons and all jewelry

If you were on either of the raids then I will have a bg up on Esk in Aerus haven at 17:45 GMT Lotto at 18:00 GMT, tonight 10/12 for those wishing to lotto for anything.

[duskwood Storm Struck Staff]
staff for Friar 16.5 DPS 4.4 speed 100% qual 100% con (Crush) (Two Handed). Bonuses: 32 Hits, 7 Piety cap, 7 Strength cap, 6% buff bonus, 5% heal bonus, 32 hits cap, endurance heal Value: 20 (Proc) (Level 49) Tradeable.

[duskwood Storm Struck Staff]
staff for Theurgist, Wizard, Sorcerer, Necromancer, Cabalist, Spiritmaster, Runemaster, Bonedancer, Eldritch, Enchanter, Mentalist, Animist, 16.5 DPS 3.5 speed 100% qual 100% con (Crush) (Two Handed). Bonuses: 8% Power, 19 Intelligence, 50 lvls ALL focus 8 power cap, 7 Intelligence cap, 2% spell haste, (10/10 charges) endurance heal Value: 20 (Usable) (Level 49) Tradeable.

[duskwood Storm Struck Staff]
staff for Theurgist, Wizard, Sorcerer, Necromancer, Cabalist, Spiritmaster, Runemaster, Bonedancer, Eldritch, Enchanter, Mentalist, Animist, 16.5 DPS 3.5 speed 100% qual 100% con (Crush) (Two Handed). Bonuses: 8% Power, 19 Intelligence, 50 lvls ALL focus 8 power cap, 7 Intelligence cap, 2% spell haste, (10/10 charges) endurance heal Value: 20 (Usable) (Level 49) Tradeable.

[arcanium Cinquedea of the Storm's Eye]
sword 16.5 DPS 3.4 speed 100% qual 100% con (Slash) (Offhand). Bonuses: 15 Constitution, 40 Hits, 1% Spirit, 1% Energy, 20 bonus AF, 10 Constitution cap, lifedrain Damage: 65 Health returned: 100% (Proc) (Level 49) Tradeable.

[Sash of the Calm]
sash 15 Dexterity, 6% Spirit, 2% spell damage (vs Humanoid, Animal & Elemental), 16 bonus AF, 10% debuff bonus, (10/10 charges) power regen Value: 4 (Usable) (Level 49) Tradeable.

[arcanium Lightning Etched Studded Sleeves]
sleeves (Studded) 102 AF 100% qual 100% con. Bonuses: 15 Quickness, 7% Energy, 7% Body, 8 Quickness cap, 14 bonus AF, 2% melee damage (vs Magical, Elemental and Undead), heal Value: 80 (Reverse Proc) (Level 49) Tradeable.

[Belt of Lightning]
belt 18 Constitution, 5 All Dual Wield, 48 Hits, 7% Matter, 2% melee damage (vs Humanoid, Animal & Elemental), (10/10 charges) melee health buffer (Usable) (Level 49) Tradeable.

[Cloudsong, 1 of 3]
scroll (Usable) (Level 35) No Sell.

[Adroit Wind wrought Belt]
belt 3% Energy, 4% Spirit, 15 Dexterity, 10 Strength cap, Tradeable.

[Mighty Wind wrought Parrying Dagger]
dagger 16.5 DPS 3.2 speed 99% qual 100% con (Thrust) (Offhand). Bonuses: 15 Hits, 18 Strength, 12 Constitution, 15 Quickness, 5% Energy, Tradeable.

[Shield of Khaos, 3 of 3]
scroll (Usable) (Level 35) No Sell.

[Crackling Belt of Power]
girdle 12% Power, 12 Acuity, 10 Dexterity, 10 Constitution, 5 power cap,(10/10 charges) power regen Value: 3 (Usable) (Level 49) Tradeable.

[Bodybender Wind wrought Gem]
gem 13 Piety, 6% Body, 29 Hits, 9 Dexterity, Tradeable.

[Gem of Fantastical Alacrity]
gem 18 Quickness, 15 Dexterity, 15 Strength, 2% melee haste, 6 Quickness cap, (10/10 charges) haste Value: 17% (Usable) (Level 49) Tradeable.

[Bladeblocker Choker]
necklace 3% Energy, 5% Thrust, 2% Spirit, 5 Parry, Tradeable.

[Thrustbender Wind wrought Gem]
gem 9% Thrust, 10 Strength, 4% Cold, 30 Hits, Tradeable.

[Gem of Fantastical Alacrity]
gem 18 Quickness, 15 Dexterity, 15 Strength, 2% melee haste, 6 Quickness cap, (10/10 charges) haste Value: 17% (Usable) (Level 49) Tradeable.

[Sash of the Calm]
sash 15 Dexterity, 6% Spirit, 2% spell damage (vs Humanoid, Animal & Elemental), 16 bonus AF, 10% debuff bonus, (10/10 charges) power regen Value: 4 (Usable) (Level 49) Tradeable.

[shimmeringSpeedy Wind wrought Claymore]
sword 16.5 DPS 5.9 speed 99% qual 100% con (Slash) (Two Handed). Bonuses: 3 Parry, 21 Quickness, 19 Constitution, 15 bonus AF, 3 Dexterity cap, Tradeable.

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