Looking for...


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 9, 2004
Looking for a decent scout sc ToA template. Am currently working on various versions of my own, but am looking for inspiration about certain aspects of it and what items to use..

If anyone has a decent sc setup, much appreciated if you could share it :)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
The problem with scout templates is the common artis are a bloody pain to level, GSV and Shark Gloves.

Ive managed to pull some common items off www.critshot.com forums and will have a standard SC template with bragarts bow and krojon dex ring and a few others basicaly a template to increase dex cap and cap it - then some pretty high resists and +11's

Then in 1.71 a template using ToA artifacts, lalready have shark gloves, gsv and winged helm activated and in the vault - but not going to use them till they are easier to level.

anyway check www.critshot.com many templates there

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