looking for TOA Critblade temp


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 10, 2004
I am looking for/need help with a critblade Toa temp that have leg heat/cold 2H sword GsV and SoM (have those artifacts atm som at lvl10 GsV at LvL8

gonna use extra armour bits to swap out for Env want +11 on the other skills

buffbotted kobold so can leave qui/dex a bit under cap. Cap or near cap on the important stats cap or near cap. Want the resists to be capped or near cap

as high +meleespd as possible all the other TOA bonuses is a plus if anyone can cram it in (other than what i get from SoM and GsV).
Appreciate all the help I can get because TBH I am wortless at temp making.
I play on mid/prydwen but "pure" Critblades' seems to be extinct there I hope there is more of u here on Excal that can help me a bit.

Thanks in advance

PS. if anyone tell me there is a better vest than GsV after I've almost finished levelling it I gonna shoot myself IRL,so sick and tired of lava bugs. :puke:

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