Looking for smart people!!



I've been concidering on starting a Shadowzerking Shadowblade.
Been rolling different specs, asking questions from various players/forums... Just cant decide the Spec-that-pwnz...

Theres quite a few different specs Ive been thinking off...

Stealth 36
Envenom 29
LA 39
Axe 50

Nice styles, good damage, decent venom, cap stealth basically.

Stealth 36
Envenom 40
LA 39
Axe 44

Bit more envenom for Lifebane, decent damage, cap stealth.

Is Lifebane worth it? Reading few posts around the damage difference isnt that much with poisons.

Or is there a point I havent noticed? I get Evade based stun-chain, Snowsquall as opener (High damage, behind), Doublefrost...


Who cares, ask Azal, he does my head in every time with that 2 hander, why bother dual wielding :rolleyes:
And i think Sticky is the only one around ive seen running around with lifebane :clap:
But on the other hand what does Albs biggest gimp know ;)


The 2nd one, but with 44laxe and whatever in axe.

Most SZs i have heard from spec 10 cs for BS2, breaks bt and gives a stun that they swear by :eek:. Quice nice dmg too !

Left axe the main skill you should max early on btw, not axe.

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