Looking for old mates



Hi, I finally got to subscribe, and I'm finally getting into a roleplaying guild here on Excalibur (Valorous Warriors failed).

I'd just like to know if any of these are still playing:

Hienrich, former member of the Order of the Bitter Ashes (I don't see them anymore. Did they disband?)
Kantz, my wizardress' rolemodel (forgot wich guild he was in)
Maiamarci, the red cleric who introduced me to Kantz in Avalon March, and leveled to me until level 6, and helped me with some personal problems.

If any of you are still playing, say hello to Isac or Eola. I rarely play Galadawn anymore, mostly since he's gimped as I put 10 points into Piety (what was I thinking...).


Kantz = amos

try talk to his minstrel-alt :)


Originally posted by Janera

If any of you are still playing, say hello to Isac or Eola. I rarely play Galadawn anymore, mostly since he's gimped as I put 10 points into Piety (what was I thinking...).

If he's a paladin then it's gimpage no longer come the next patch...

that'll give you a few more seconds of endurance regen :)

if he's anything else you've missed out on 2% damage or hp or whatever ;)


Hienrich is still about, lvl 50 pally now.

Think ashes fell on its face cant be sure tho.


Yeah Order of the Bitter Ashes did disband, shame really. I won't go into bitching reasons here :) I've got the gulid on back burner for if I ever want to give it another try :)

I'm now a member of Crack Suicide Squad, as I've got a few mates in the guild :)

I'm still very much around, but playing alts more than RvRing these days, it's been a while since I've enjoyed it ;)

Glad to see you back galadawn matey :) Give me a shout sometime, we can meet up :) Don't worry about the 10 piety points, won't make much of a difference in the long run :)

Cawr, I always was a 50 pally even in bitter ashes ;)

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