Looking for Midgard alliance on Classic server!



We are looking for 3-4 more small guilds for an alliance. We are a small guild that will run a fixed group on Classic. We played on Lamorak before and where in a small alliance there. It is good to have a alliance to fill 1-2 spots in our group if some aren´t online or if we have 1-2 to many online they can get spots in that alliances teams if they are to few. It is also good when we are going to to DR quests etc later on (we have done all of them before on Lamorak).

Send me a message if your guild are interested to start one alliance up with us.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 19, 2005
Broniah from Eudaimonia/lamo?

0.o remember any Tharnthrive?
I was in your /as with the guild Carnage..but ppl started not logging on and we couldnt field 8 nomore so me and Isus (shaman in your guild) rerolled gareth ^^


Hi Tharnthrive!

How you and Isus like Gareth? Most teams moved to Gareth last month so Lamorak died during eurotime. We stopped playing on Lamo 3 weeks back since it could go 30 minutes to find anyone to fight in the frontiers. To many from US only pve all the time. It could be over 1000 online but less then 100 in the frontiers... :mad:


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 19, 2005
heh gareth is still nice :)

me and Isus (Sarusu/bludgeon) where in a 8man some weeks ago and leveled up together/got templated and did some rvr together but the gg fell apart so both of us are guildless now.

kinda looking for a new EU gg on gareth or thinking about starting one with Isus and a few others but havent decided yet ^^

still tons of action every day but problem is that most is during US primetime:(
mostly zergs and tower captures during EU times atm :/

hence thinking about rolling hib EU classic (isus said he was up for it too so he might reroll with me :)


Thrypfir said:
kinda looking for a new EU gg on gareth or thinking about starting one with Isus and a few others but havent decided yet ^^

hence thinking about rolling hib EU classic (isus said he was up for it too so he might reroll with me :)
Hi mate, Danne/Griffo here from Eudaimonia.
We had a few people from our Euro guild joining the Guild "Meatshields" on Gareth wich had alot of Euro people in it. They are naturally focused on RvR.

Give them a call if you like.

Or do like we do, join the Classic server in Europe ;)

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