Jordheim peoples front (Mid/Pyd) is looking for new members of any kind be you level 1 or level 50 , dont matter if you have played hibs/albs before or not . over the last months i have seen the rise of Hibs and the fall of Mids we hardly ever have DF (my fav hunting ground) not only that we seem to be lacking guilds which can put together large raids or hunts , i would very much like to kill the dragon , i would also like not to be farmed by NP every nite , though i love you guys coz i was just starting to get bored with RvR untill you started making me mad every time i go anywhere and meet you lot if i can just get some Mids to stop running when ever they see you i`m gonna give you guys a run for your money .
so i want friendly members , people who like to chat have some fun , i also have postions for officers , these people would have to happy to spend some of their time helping guild mates with questions advice and even sort some hunts for them to get them going . i am also looking for some officers to help me with the RvR side of things and even a bit of recuitment .
if you are intrested then PM me in game or any member of Jordheim peoples front and ask to speak to Hoden or any other officer .
bit of info the guild was started by me and a real life mate (though i not seen his face since daoc) and a couple of in games friends , we been going about 3 months and have been building slowly ever since . so give us a shout ingame or post here
cheers Hoden
so i want friendly members , people who like to chat have some fun , i also have postions for officers , these people would have to happy to spend some of their time helping guild mates with questions advice and even sort some hunts for them to get them going . i am also looking for some officers to help me with the RvR side of things and even a bit of recuitment .
if you are intrested then PM me in game or any member of Jordheim peoples front and ask to speak to Hoden or any other officer .
bit of info the guild was started by me and a real life mate (though i not seen his face since daoc) and a couple of in games friends , we been going about 3 months and have been building slowly ever since . so give us a shout ingame or post here
cheers Hoden