looking for guild



I'm currently looking to join a guild that will help me to enjoy more of the "finer" aspects of DAoC. ie guild hunts, group quests, events etc..

I have currently fallen into the trap of just xping for lvl 50 and am A) getting really bored and B) convinced I'm missing out on the things a decent size guild can offer and me offer them :)

My Main character is a lvl 34 cleric (1 bub off) who I am planning on specing 44 rej 18 enhance and 20 something smite.

I currently play about 4 / 6 hours / night on tuesday and sunday nights with unplanned attendences in addition, usually 10pm to 2am if the missus goes to bed early :) I will change my nights to suit the guild if necessary.

I consider myself a decent healer with enough nonce to save a group when it matters (some may not agree with me but hey we all have off nights!)

Please help me before I allow my subscription to lapse :(

Please reply here or get in touch in game, I should be on late tonite or deffinately all night tuesday.


Feel free to PM in game if you fancy joinng the Angels of Death

We are a small guild but are very much into helping out each other. We have regular guild hunts and drop swaps.

We have a wide range of lvls and the guild masters activly us our alts to help level and train lower chars.

Last night I did my Level 40 Sorcerer Epic and had a full grouip of guild members to help me all the way through.. thats how helpful we are.

Once the epic was done it turned into a guild RVR session.

We have a good range of ages so there is always someone to talk to.

If you fancy a few hunts along with us to get to know us and see if you like us feel free

please pm any of the members listed and say I sent you if I am not on myself

Toecutter - - lvl 42 cleric - - Dark Master
Lotheranidd - - lvl 45 Sorcerer - - Dark Master
Parlain - - Lvl 42 Pali - - -Dark Follower

Come play.... it will be fun


if u realy want a laid back guild then contact me or jiggs or Fingoniel ingame=)

We play for the fun of it, not the "we must rvr because they may take the keep that we probably will have tomorrow anyway" kind of guild=).

We go to dartmoor to have a good time, not only xp or namehunt. And if one team mate need help then u can be sure that the rest will show up to help=)

guild is open for everyone that aint rvr junkies(well u can go rvr but dont demand that entire guild shows up just because some mids r knocking on our doors=)

hope my GM dont fry me for this=)

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