Looking for casual player friendly guild - Prydwen Albion


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 24, 2004
Hi there, not been playing DAoC for over a year due to several boring RL reasons and am just starting to play again and would like to know if there is a guild out there willing to put up with a player who can only play for a couple of hours during the week and pretty much all Sundays. The reason I am asking is when I have been online the last week or so it is very quiet out there unless I am in a group and to be honest a MMPORG is only fun if there is some human contact otherwise I may aswell just replay NWN or something..

so again casual player looking for friendly patient guild who will make me feel welcome the few hours I get to play the game.

oh yeah I am Alb on the Prydwen Server


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
haya supremacy are still recruting folks bud, nice bunch of folk and no pressure see if you can catch one of them ingame and ask for talsar he's GM if your interested, hope you find a good guild mate :D

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