Hi there, not been playing DAoC for over a year due to several boring RL reasons and am just starting to play again and would like to know if there is a guild out there willing to put up with a player who can only play for a couple of hours during the week and pretty much all Sundays. The reason I am asking is when I have been online the last week or so it is very quiet out there unless I am in a group and to be honest a MMPORG is only fun if there is some human contact otherwise I may aswell just replay NWN or something..
so again casual player looking for friendly patient guild who will make me feel welcome the few hours I get to play the game.
oh yeah I am Alb on the Prydwen Server
so again casual player looking for friendly patient guild who will make me feel welcome the few hours I get to play the game.
oh yeah I am Alb on the Prydwen Server