looking for BB template


One of Freddy's beloved
Jul 14, 2004
As title, but with a twist :p

I would like a fewer artis as i can guys, as i hate the farming for scrolls... its annoys me lol. and tbh if it's only going to be a BB, i wont need many artis. I will take it to rvr for a little while, but i wont expect to stand much damage.

anyway.. if ther are artis i MUST have... slap me down.. call me a noob and tell me to get them :p

cheers guys


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
How about epic armour, a couple of high +buff% rogs to get you to +25% buff, some +heal% rogs to get you to +25% heal if you plan to heal occasionally in PvE, and just round out the rest with whatever you have ?

If you're not planning to do anything other than buff, enough +enhance to get the bot to 50 modified enhance, and 25% buff will get you everything you need.

Depends whether you're planning on the sort of buffbot who stands around and does nothing other than buff, or the sort that duos with pet classes and heals a lot on epic encounters (which might want dex/pie/power%/heal%/cast speed% etc).



Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
Darzil said:
How about epic armour, a couple of high +buff% rogs to get you to +25% buff, some +heal% rogs to get you to +25% heal if you plan to heal occasionally in PvE, and just round out the rest with whatever you have ?

If you're not planning to do anything other than buff, enough +enhance to get the bot to 50 modified enhance, and 25% buff will get you everything you need.

Depends whether you're planning on the sort of buffbot who stands around and does nothing other than buff, or the sort that duos with pet classes and heals a lot on epic encounters (which might want dex/pie/power%/heal%/cast speed% etc).


have to agree with Darzil here, if u want to get any artifacts at all, maybe go with Egg of youth, and if you want a real easy mode artifact with good utility go with Kalares necklace, which have a use same as shaman rr5, self only tho


One of Freddy's beloved
Jul 14, 2004
wel.. acutally to think about it.. i will be taking bb to dragon runs and maybe farming

ignroe teh no artis.. just chuck any temps at me :p




Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
a template our aug healer made for his bb to play it in rvr

Config Report


Str: 15 Int: 0 Hits: 220
Con: 62 Pie: 102 Power: 0
Dex: 100 Cha: 0
Qui: 0 Emp: 0


Body: 26 Energy: 3 Crush: 21
Cold: 24 Matter: 10 Thrust: 22
Heat: 24 Spirit: 11 Slash: 28



Cap Increases

10 Piety

25 Dexterity

120 Hits

5 Constitution

22 Power

Other Bonuses

18 Healing Effectiveness

9 Spell Range

34 % Power Pool

28 AF

26 Stat Buff Effectiveness

5 Fatigue

11 Duration of Spells

9 Casting Speed

Piece Listing

Imbue Points: 33.5 of 28 (99 Qual) Overcharge: 30%
Gem 1: 4 Dexterity - 99 Uncut Vapor Essence
Gem 2: 9 Body - 99 Polished Dusty Shielding
Gem 3: 9 Cold - 99 Polished Icy Shielding
Gem 4: 9 Heat - 99 Polished Heated Shielding
Utility: 56.67

Name: Earthen Entranced Sleeves
Level: 51 Quality: 100
AF: 102 Bonus: 35
Effect 1: 15 Constitution
Effect 2: 7 Slash
Effect 3: 5 Constitution Cap Increase
Effect 4: 5 Dexterity Cap Increase
Effect 5: 6 Power Cap Increase
Effect 6: 6 % Power Pool
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 24.00

Name: The Winged Helm
Level: 51 Quality: 100
AF: 102 Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 15 Strength
Effect 2: 15 Dexterity
Effect 3: 5 Matter
Effect 4: 5 Spirit
Effect 5: 40 Hits
Effect 6: 10 AF
Effect 7: 5 Fatigue
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 50.00

Name: Earthen Entranced Leggings
Level: 51 Quality: 100
AF: 102 Bonus: 35
Effect 1: 15 Dexterity
Effect 2: 7 Thrust
Effect 3: 5 Dexterity Cap Increase
Effect 4: 5 Piety Cap Increase
Effect 5: 6 Power Cap Increase
Effect 6: 6 % Power Pool
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 24.00

Imbue Points: 33.0 of 28 (99 Qual) Overcharge: 30%
Gem 1: 22 Constitution - 99 Precious Earthen Essence
Gem 2: 7 Body - 99 Imperfect Dusty Shielding
Gem 3: 7 Heat - 99 Imperfect Heated Shielding
Gem 4: 7 Cold - 99 Imperfect Icy Shielding
Utility: 56.67

Name: Earthen Entranced Boots
Level: 51 Quality: 100
AF: 102 Bonus: 35
Effect 1: 18 Piety
Effect 2: 6 Cold
Effect 3: 6 Heat
Effect 4: 40 Hits
Effect 5: 5 Dexterity Cap Increase
Effect 6: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 46.00

Right Hand
Name: club of the breeze
Level: 51 Quality: 94
DPS: Bonus:
Effect 1: 1 Energy
Effect 2: 1 Spirit
Effect 3: 15 Acuity
Effect 4: 5 Duration of Spells
Effect 5: 10 Healing Effectiveness
Effect 6: 10 Stat Buff Effectiveness
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 14.00

Left Hand
Imbue Points: 33.5 of 28 (99 Qual) Overcharge: 30%
Gem 1: 25 Constitution - 99 Flawless Earthen Essence
Gem 2: 68 Hits - 99 Flawless Blood Essence
Gem 3: 5 Crush - 99 Flawed Fiery Shielding
Gem 4: 5 Body - 99 Flawed Dusty Shielding
Utility: 53.67

Two Handed
Imbue Points: 0.0 of 10 (94 Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: Empty -
Gem 2: Empty -
Gem 3: Empty -
Gem 4: Empty -
Utility: 0.00

Imbue Points: 0.0 of 10 (94 Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1: Empty -
Gem 2: Empty -
Gem 3: Empty -
Gem 4: Empty -
Utility: 0.00

Name: Nimbus Strand
Level: 51 Quality: 89
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 27 Dexterity
Effect 2: 5 Stat Buff Effectiveness
Effect 3: 2 Casting Speed
Effect 4: 6 % Power Pool
Effect 5: 27 Acuity
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 36.00

Name: Cloudsong
Level: 51 Quality: 100
Bonus: 35
Effect 1: 8 AF
Effect 2: 5 Stat Buff Effectiveness
Effect 3: 5 Acuity Cap Increase
Effect 4: 5 Casting Speed
Effect 5: 5 Power Cap Increase
Effect 6: 5 % Power Pool
Effect 7: 12 Acuity
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 8.00

Name: Egg of Youth
Level: 49 Quality: 100
Bonus: 35
Effect 1: 5 Crush
Effect 2: 5 Thrust
Effect 3: 5 Slash
Effect 4: 32 Hits
Effect 5: 8 Healing Effectiveness
Effect 6: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Effect 7: 12 Acuity
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 46.00

Name: Jacina's Sash
Level: 45 Quality: 100
Bonus: 35
Effect 1: 6 Stat Buff Effectiveness
Effect 2: 5 Power Cap Increase
Effect 3: 5 % Power Pool
Effect 4: 5 Spell Range
Effect 5: 6 Duration of Spells
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 0.00

Right Ring
Name: Krojer's Dexterity Ring
Level: 50 Quality: 100
Bonus: 35
Effect 1: 21 Dexterity
Effect 2: 2 Cold
Effect 3: 2 Heat
Effect 4: 2 Energy
Effect 5: 6 Dexterity Cap Increase
Effect 6: 10 AF
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 26.00

Left Ring
Name: Ring of the Torrent
Level: 50 Quality: 89
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 11 Crush
Effect 2: 10 Thrust
Effect 3: 10 Slash
Effect 4: 2 Casting Speed
Effect 5: Empty
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 62.00

Right Wrist
Name: Bracelet of Zo'arkat
Level: 45 Quality: 100
Bonus: 35
Effect 1: 5 Body
Effect 2: 5 Matter
Effect 3: 5 Spirit
Effect 4: 6 % Power Pool
Effect 5: 18 Acuity
Effect 6: 4 Spell Range
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 42.00

Left Wrist
Name: Ceremonial Bracers (DEX)
Level: 51 Quality: 89
Bonus: 0
Effect 1: 18 Dexterity
Effect 2: 6 Slash
Effect 3: 40 Hits
Effect 4: 5 Dexterity Cap Increase
Effect 5: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Effect 6: Empty
Effect 7: Empty
Effect 8: Empty
Effect 9: Empty
Effect 10: Empty
Utility: 34.00

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