I used to play on the Prydven server (had a lvl 46 Skald) and about april or so I got real busy at work and had no time to spare for the game So I gave my account away to a guildm8.
Now I have some sparetime on my hands again, and what better way to "waste" it, then to play Daoc. I have the game CD, but I cant get a hold of the guy who got my account (besides, I gave it to him, so its not mine anymore really) So I have the game, but I need an account, I dont want a lvl 50 char or even a lvl 6 char. I would like to experience the fun of grouping and being chased by nasty Mobs again Ahhh, the those were the times, being slaughtered by purple aggro mobs from hell...
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Now I have some sparetime on my hands again, and what better way to "waste" it, then to play Daoc. I have the game CD, but I cant get a hold of the guy who got my account (besides, I gave it to him, so its not mine anymore really) So I have the game, but I need an account, I dont want a lvl 50 char or even a lvl 6 char. I would like to experience the fun of grouping and being chased by nasty Mobs again Ahhh, the those were the times, being slaughtered by purple aggro mobs from hell...
Please don't advertise to buy/sell/trade accounts here.
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