Looking for an unused account

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I used to play on the Prydven server (had a lvl 46 Skald) and about april or so I got real busy at work and had no time to spare for the game So I gave my account away to a guildm8.

Now I have some sparetime on my hands again, and what better way to "waste" it, then to play Daoc. I have the game CD, but I cant get a hold of the guy who got my account (besides, I gave it to him, so its not mine anymore really) So I have the game, but I need an account, I dont want a lvl 50 char or even a lvl 6 char. I would like to experience the fun of grouping and being chased by nasty Mobs again Ahhh, the those were the times, being slaughtered by purple aggro mobs from hell...

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You might be cheaper off buying another copy. Free month's worth subscription and all that jazz.


Hmm.. u may be right.... But here in Dk (from whence I hail) a "new" game costs about 20£ to 30£ or so.. and 1 month costs about 10£ or so (I may be way off).

So if someone does have a friend who is quitting or has quit, It would be easier and cheaper for me to "pick" it up and start a new char on that account.

Thanks for the reply tho, its appriciated.

The Real Redi

try www.play.com as they do some uber cheap Games, DVDs, PS2 games, etc...

OK, i checked, DAoC is £17.99 delivered (inc vat and P&P) + free month...

bargain if you cant find a free one <chuckles>


Please don't advertise to buy/sell/trade accounts here.
It's against the CoC.

Anyway, just buy it from the UK, it'll be huge amounts cheaper than buying it in Denmark, and you won't get import duty slapped on the game if you get it from the www.amazon.co.uk site

Note get it from the UK site not the US .com site or you WIll get charged for Tax..

How do I know this?
Because I buy books and stuff from the amazon.co.uk site and I live in Denmark and I don't get import tax on it.

The Real Redi

I suggested Play.com as its always cheap as beans there (look at the prices for DvDs)...

If you buy it from Amazon, it totals out at £20.98 to have it delivered and everything in the UK

If you get it from Play.com, £17.99 all in... <shrugs> sounds like a bargain...

[edit: i know its petty over £3 odd, but i've got a strange grudge against Amazon, and i have no idea why <shrugs> besides, Plays prices are always Wysiwyg, no tax to be added, no P&P to be added... lovely :clap: ]
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