Looking for a site with info on statistic-caps per leve



Does anyone know of any such information?

I already found out that at level 41, my emp caps at 177, while my strength isn't capped yet (240).

I assume there must be someone who did research on the subject and put it up somewhere...........

Thanks for reading :D


Caps from items are:
Stats: 1.5xlvl
Resistances: lvl/2+1
Skills: lvl/5+1
Hp: 4xlvl
Power: lvl/4 (or lvl/2 not sure)

Baseline buffs cap at 1xlvl, spec buffs 1.5xlvl
Resistance buffs cap at lvl/2+1
Hardcap for stats is 300 now i think.



First a thank you to Anpu (bit late).

I posted about attribute-caps on druid-specific boards and got quite some nice info, of which I'll try to post an excerpt:

The exact split . if you care, is

1 X level for Blues
1.5 X level for Yellows
1.5 X level for Items.

So for a level 42 Druid the item cap is 63 over base.

Taken from the Camelot Herald:

Q: How exactly do the attribute caps work?

A: Three factors here, separate caps that stack with each other. Here’s how to calculate your caps:

1) Item bonuses = 1.5 times your level, rounded down.
2) Combo buffs (that buff two stats) = 1.5 times your level, rounded down.
3) Single buffs = your level

Add those three things, and that’s your stat cap. At level fifty, your cap is whatever your stat is plus 200. I am not entirely clear at this time how realm ability buffs calculate into this formula, and I’ll try to get that for next week, but the above is the basic formula.

At level 42 my base empathy is 117

As there are no buffs (at all) that raise empathy, only items come into play....

1.5 * 42 = 63 + 117 = 180

Ionait Artio, the druid TL, if I am not mistaken, posted this:
There is no hard cap, it's a soft cap at 350. You can go above it, but the stats won't do anything more for you.

Palos99 of the Druid Testing Team, posted the following:
As a few of the previous posts said, you have 3 different types of caps, and no "hard" cap.

Here are the caps for items:
Attributes: Level x 1.5
Resists: (Level / 2) + 1
Skills: (Level / 5) + 1
Hit points: Level x 4
Power: (Level / 2) + 1

Upon which I wondered about the amount of power I have, and posted this:

Power caps at level/2 +1 above your base-power.

What IS your base-power?

Is your base-power:
1. the power you derive from your base-empathy, or
2. the power you derive from your empathy after your empathy has been raised by items?

(assuming that power IS derived from empathy)

What is the empathy/power-rate (or in other words: how much power do you gain per point of empathy)?

LancelotOCT kindly answered that question:

2 pts per Emp point.

And the hit point equation is refering to how many hit points you can get above and beyond Constitution HP's .

So lets say you have 1000 hitpoints , to that total you can add , at level 50, another 200 from + hitpoint items.

Now all that is left for me to wonder about, are my constitution/hitpoint-ratio.
I'll do sometests on that, because I wonder if hitpoints are class-related.


Originally posted by HargloweHyfryd
I'll do sometests on that, because I wonder if hitpoints are class-related.

Yep. Some classes share hitpoint-tables, can't remember which classes with which tho :p

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