Looking for a new guild



Seeing Phoenix Guard just disapear, I started a new guild with the goal to defend our realm. After a few weeks of trying to organize the defense, I come to the conclusion that I cannot make it on my own.

No fresh blood is playing this game, so it was very hard to get new ppl to join us. Nobody wants to join a small, new guild. I think small guilds are not fun in this game so I think i will join a bigger guild.

One more reason is I feel I'm not the best GM there is, my main goals are RvR and albion frontier defense.

So I'm now looking for a new guild. I would like to join a guild who is in the Fellowship alliance, because I know a lot of nice ppl there and we fought a lot together.

And I like to ask only one more thing, to get /as rights. I'm very used to it, so I would miss it a lot.

I'm waiting for offers, if anybody is interested (I hope somebody will be).

lvl 47 Paladin


Humberton Guard allways wellcome good players. But dunno if we're big enough to cover ur ego:p(no offence hehe)

Ckiller ofDust

Dragon-Fighters always wants new good players and ad to that that we r probably the guild that has most pallys already :)


And Ckiller, dont forget to say that WE pallys r the UBERS of the game


Originally posted by old.FIN
And Ckiller, dont forget to say that WE pallys r the UBERS of the game

Yeah, you can become an endurance bot in 1.53 :D


Originally posted by old.FIN
And Ckiller, dont forget to say that WE pallys r the UBERS of the game

PALLY POWAH 4EVER :clap: :clap: :clap:

babaluna VII

robot ? cool

can we change chape like the Transformers?


we can ye, we press our tincan button and transfor ourselfs to a huge beer cag! oiooi!!!

Ckiller ofDust

And we pallys r uberGIMPS of this game :)

Naah really i like playin my char and i do it quite good :)

Hehe have come up with a new specc im gonna try in 1.52 :)

29 slash for amy
42 chants for last end chant in 1.53
42 shield
38 parry

Pure defense :)

But in 1.53 its clear they dont care bout pallys they never will hehe :
Aaah they want us to give pallys someting, but if we give pallys a class specific thing we have to give the same to the other realms :) Why cant they give us something usefull like good self only dex/quick buff mayby? As it is now i have to lvl a buff bot hehe :) lvl 12 and rising :)


Et Tu

Belthar concidering how much time you don't spend in the frontier, and how few Rps you have, and having been a Guild m8 in PG and DotR, you selling yourself a bit high.

I cannot believe after all that happened with Girigu in PG, you just went and left us without a GM (Until Deli gets back). I'd just like for once a GM who decides to leave to promote a few people up so the whole Guild doesn't just have to die again and again and again.

Sorry for winge, just keep seeing these Guilds die for no reason.


Kalkor OneEye (Wiz) 4x
Drul OneEye (Cleric) 4x
Korashe Bain (Paladin) 2x
Koros (Sorc) 1x

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