Looking for a home (Guild)



Hi guys , just got DAOC about a 1week ago now and im luvin it :clap:.

When i go out hunting monsters and bashing just about everything i can find with my big hammer I've noticed everybody seems to be all doing their own thing and have very little time for other people - unless your the same level as them. I was wondering do any of you guys have a guild that would accept me :D .

Im a lvl 10 Armsman and want to eventually get into RvsR stuff but with the lack of any real consistant groupings etc im finding it really hard to lvl up.

Pls ave meh :p



I play on Excalibur and my name is Solider btw... ;)


Well if people don't want to group with you because you're lower level it's because the game doesn't like that..

If you group with people within 1/5th of your level (so around lvl 8 to 12 for you, but lvl 45+ if you're at lvl 50) you (and your friends) will get a lot more xp than if you grouped with people 10 times higher or lower.

try using the 'looking for group' button on your group panel (the last page on the stats) and 'find group' to see if you can find local groups.

Around level 10 you usually find groups hanging around prydwen bridge or in the salisbury plains.

Hope that Helps.


There are quite a few new lower level guilds that have started up recently, I am sure one of them can find a place for a pleasent guy like yourself :) The best way to find people at your level is to hang around at West Downs or the entrance to Mithria tombs and leave your looking for group flag on. Armsman are a class that can usually always find a group as no one else can take the beatings your class can. Good luck and don't give up trying, once you make friends grouping is much easier till lvl45 but thats another story............ ;)

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