Looking for a guild.



HI all,

I've been playing MMORPG's for about two and a half years now, and have seen the error of my ways and switched to DAoC about 3 months ago. I am playing in Midguard with a Kobold Hunter at the moment and i'd like to join a player guild on the server (Pryd). I've been in monarchies in AC and guilds in EQ (was in the Glade Knights for quite some time with a wood elf ranger named Kinerwen, in case any of those guys switched games).

While he's only low lvl at the moment I am trying to lvl as fast as I can (hard when you are power gaming :) .

So if there are any guild leaders or officers out there that could use another Hunter (I'm just as happy to be in an RP guild as I am a blood and guts kill the baddies guild, and to h#*l with the RP'ers), either post here or msg me in game.

Happy trails, and remeber I may be small but I have a BIG pointy stick :)

Coawen 6th Lvl (at the moment) Hunter.

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