Looking for a guild to join...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Hello mid/excal, I've recently chosen to concentrate on mid instead of my usual realm alb, as I need a little change in the game... But since I've only just started on mid excal I am looking for a good guild to join with my 25 shammy.

If any guild would be interested in letting me join, please post here :)

I'm a serious player with a sence of humour and I've played since open beta so I know my game...

Hope to hear from a guild soon :)


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Your welcome to join Mjollners Fury, we are a small guild atm but seem to do ok in pve and rvr. Are in the White Rose Alliance atm

If you want an invite there is usually a senior/gm online, pm chronictank/Goldplated (me) or Hellsfists, Hellsraiser, Hellsminion (co-gm)

usual rules 1-2 week probation, then a promote to a guild rank :)

gl whatever guild you choose to join :)

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