Looking for a good guild?



nice :)

Just the kind of thing i'm looking for..
im a low lvl armsman having a hard time to find a guild. always get the answer: sorry we don't recruit new people..


Eww.. how to kill your guild :) no new blood..

I take it they mean 'don't recruit low level people' or something...

HG usually recruit by me grouping with poeple and seeing they're all right... and then sending them an invite...

This doesn't really offer up much recruiting time really... a bit hard to group with everyone in albion :)

If anyone wants to apply to join the guard, just leave a post on our message board or get in touch with one of our guild members in game. (They'll probably direct you to me or one of my alts :))


Originally posted by fingoniel
Eww.. how to kill your guild :) no new blood..

I take it they mean 'don't recruit low level people' or something...

HG usually recruit by me grouping with poeple and seeing they're all right... and then sending them an invite...

This doesn't really offer up much recruiting time really... a bit hard to group with everyone in albion :)

If anyone wants to apply to join the guard, just leave a post on our message board or get in touch with one of our guild members in game. (They'll probably direct you to me or one of my alts :))

i agree with you mate . most guilds that recruit tend to not invite if asked by other peeps they tend to lvl with you in agroup etc etc and if they think u r good for the guild "by good i dont mean good at your char" i mean a good person in general then they will prolly say summin i guild chat to gm like 2 hey <name of gm> theres a unguilded cleric here i been lvling with him for over an hour now and he seems a very cool guy shall we invite him to guild" . the gm will say ussually "sure" then the peep in ya group will ask you if you interrested in joining and ifyou agree a invite gets sent . only exception really to that rule is at higher lvls when most the high lvl players know all the other players mostly and have lvl'd with them prior . and thus invite them .

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