Looking for a AC




As i played Prydwen/Midgard before i don't know any high
Armorcrafter at all here in Albion

I'm in real need of a Armorcrafter who can make me some
Asterit Flute Plate and an Asterit Crown

If you are an AC who can help me with this or you know anyone who can help me please put a note here so i can contact you ingame or try to msg me

I play my Paladin Mamsell and are on every evning/night



To find an armourcrafter your best bet is to go to Caer Diogel and ask on /br for one. Also doing /who armor will bring up all the people set to show their trade in /who. I'm a reasonably high level ACer so if those two methods don't work then feel free to contact me. I'd also suggest that you don't want Asterite Fluted Plate at all. Regular Netherium plate will have a slightly better AF and will be nearly half the cost. Choose either regular plate or scaled until you get to about 44 and start putting together your Full Plate suit (af102).


Oh you'll tend to get more ACers willing to make your armour if you include the words "I'm not fussy about quality" right now I think a lot of crafters are fed up doing 99/MP orders :)

I know it works for me ;)

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